We the people who love Freedom and honor our Constitution must ban together to insure these Islamic sympathizers disguised as Democrats get booted out of our Government. PLEASE LET'S GET-R-DONE !!!!!!
Rep. Lois Capps
(D-CA 23rd District)
7th term
1440 1110 Longworth House Office Building, District of Columbia 20515-0523Phone: (202) 225-3601Fax: (202) 225-5632

Congresswoman Lois Capps has signed onto Minnesota Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison's (CAIR and Hamas' supporter and radical anti-Israel activist) "Free Gaza" movement, a Hamas propaganda project that allows it to demand that Israel open its borders, without actually using the P word, since Hamas doesn't even believe in phony peace negotiations.

Congresswoman Capps is also a CAIR supporter from whom she receives generous donations, according to Muslim Mafia - list of Senate and House CAIR supporters and the donations they get.

Congresswoman Lois Capps at Stop Stupak Rally 12/2/09
Capps Speaks for Gay Rule Reform
Gold Coast to receive $3.1 million in DOT funding from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant from the Department of Transportation (DOT) totaling nearly $3.2 million
Economic Recovery
Census 2010
Taxing Wall Street Bonuses
Health Reform & the Economy
Health Reform and Abortion
Reforming Wall Street
Opposing Stupak Anti-Choice Amendment
Prop. 8 and LGBT
More on her issues

Congresswoman Capps has only one Active Opponent: An underdog that is going to need all the help we can muster.

Dave Stockdale (R)
Insurance Agent
The TRUE ROLE of Federal Government
The Federal government has three critical roles:
1. Protecting us from enemies foreign and domestic;
2. Preventing infringement of our liberties as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights; and
3. Facilitating commerce.



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The Spread of Radical
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