NewState Constitution <---- Know your enemy


Important info to know. We must know our enemy and Ima Iggymom dug this up for us.




Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America, more than two decades in writing by characters such as Cass Sunstein and John Podesta, Obama cronies and current Czars in the Obama WHite House.....

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  • my lord!!!  may God help us and keep us safe.

  • It all reads like Sheria Law under the table... Which means the people have no rights and have to follow what the Imon says or die...

    • NH should really start living up to their state should we all.  live free or die.

  • All without a shot fired!

    • Don't bet your last dollar on that Don!

  • We already have a Constitution, it does not matter what these

    "dreamers" want, the one we have right now is the one we have

    sworn to uphold and defend.

    Meanwhile, let them continue to make up all these proposed

    changes so that in the very near future, the will hang for treason.

  • If one's knowledge of history serves,a revolution was fought to instill the current US Constitution as the Law of This Land.

    If the nutjobs that be believe they can instill this piece of communist crap as US law,without a fight,they're nuttier than I thought.

  • I took my oath in 57 and still stand with it ..... So unless DC follows they can all fall. For they took the oath to stand for what America is and not what the MB want. Since 9/11 I read that the terrorist have made small attacks or raids on the US that total over 250 times...Our commie gov. is keep ing the attacks undercover so the people dont know...

    • Threr are a lot of cherry trees on the Mall to be filled with the traitors

  • Do -We The People- have to march to D.C. with guns in hand to arrest every last senator, congressperson and all the members of the regime, to stop this outrageous silliness to reset this country back to it's intended government?

    We need to put every last one into prison until we can sort out the crimes committed.

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