8142490300?profile=originalJust so you know not all Teachers are bowing to the altar of Gates! He may have funneled billions into the Common Core Standards to try and influence the whole business world and it seems he has been successful in that area. However parents and teachers all over the country are aware of the dangers in the method of teaching which goes along with the "Common Core Standards".

It is correctly called 'outcome-based' education or better still indoctrination. I am first going to introduce you to the "Teachers of this web site and then follow up with background on Bill Gates, NGA, CCSSO and Achieve along with Rex Tillerson, CEO and President of ExxonMobil who is threatening state governors as to 'stay behind the CCS' or we just might stop hiring people fro your state or move our business out.

Nice guy!

Dear Bill and Melinda,

I would like to explore the cause and effect of your Microsoft system of stack ranking on the lives of children and teachers.  What happens when your actual policies don’t match your “advertised” ideology?  What brings you both to speak so moralistically and yet act so immorally?   Do your “invisible hands” lead to your invisible morals? How has public education evolved to become so impersonal while you label your reforms as “personalized learning”? Intent is very hard to prove,  but what can explain this paradox?

Why do you force an impersonal, punitive system of stack ranking and what you call “personalized learning” onto “other people’s children“ and teachers in America’s public schools, but not onto your own children?  (Note:  As Pasi Sahlberg explains in Global Education Reform Movement, I realize it is important not to nationalize corporate education reform, but for the purposes of this letter, I will focus on US public schools and society).



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