The Last Doughboy


On Veteran’s day, Frank Buckles holds one distinction from the rest of the doughboys: he outlived them.  He is the last known living World War  IVeteran. As he approaches his 110th birthday, his daughter isfacing the reality that he won’t be around much longer. When he goes,the nation will be without a survivor of the Great War.

His daughter, Susanhah Buckles-Flannigan, and representatives of the family are concerned that they have not heard enough in the way ofconcrete plans to recognize the important chapter in history that willclose when Mr. Buckles time on Earth is over. Daughter SuzannaBuckles-Flanagan says he is only interested in drawing attention to ageneration of Americans who gave their all in a war that many haveforgotten.  “He doesn’t want any recognition for himself,” saysBuckles-Flanagan.

The family has heard many encouraging comments.  The late Senator Robert Byrd and current Senator Richard Burr penned a letter advocatingthat Buckles remains “Lie in Honor” in the Capitol Rotunda. However, aspokesman for Senator Burr says no plans can be guaranteed while Bucklesis still alive. A great many factors could contribute to weather hecould lay in the Rotunda, including whether Congress is in session.

An Army spokesman tells Fox News Mr. Buckles has a guaranteed spot in Arlington National Cemetery.  As an ambulance driver, he did not seemuch combat in WWI. He was not decorated for valor but exceptions arebeing made. Buckles will be buried with full military honors. Thosehonors will include a horse drawn caisson, a full escort platoon ofsoldiers, a firing line and a band.

Foreign dignitaries, particularly the French, have expressed interest in paying respects. If the outpouring of respect is anything like theBritish experienced when their last WWI survivor, Harry Patsch passedaway, hundreds of thousands will show up.  The Family of Mr. Buckleswants some guarantees that the logistics will be handled.

In response to our inquiry, A White House spokesman said, the Secretary of Defense is aware of the extraordinary life and circumstanceof Mr. Buckles and is working on a recommendation.

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  • BO will probably send flowers. OOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
    BO will have Biteme send flowers!
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