We have to keep this going - it has to hit national news on TV for those who don't read these forums. Notice the last sentence in the article below:

Ms. Boxer’s office said she remains proud of the VFW PAC’sendorsement. “California veterans know that no one fights harder for them,” said Rose Kapolczynski, Ms. Boxer’s campaign manager

We cannot allow the marxist Boxer to use our veterans in this fashion!


Wall Street Journal

VFW Shuts Off Campaign Arm

The political arm of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has largely shut down operations amid a member
backlash after it endorsed a slew of Democratic incumbents, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Sen. Barbara Boxer and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Effective last Friday, VFW Commander-in-Chief Richard Eubank removed all 11 board directors of the group’s political action committee, after they refused a request by him and other VFW leaders to
rescind this year’s congressional endorsements following complaints from veterans who view many of the incumbents as anti-military.

In a memo Thursday, Mr. Eubank said he would also move to dissolve the PAC altogether at the group’s annual convention next August, saying that “the recent endorsement decisions have, in fact, harmed the VFW’s reputation and future ability to fulfill our mission.”

Mr. Eubank was traveling overseas and not available for comment Monday.

Tyrone Benson, chairman of the now-defunct PAC board, said that in the wake of his board’s ouster, all fund-raising for the 31-year-old PAC had been terminated nationally and that the committee had just one staff member working in its Washington office. 

Mr. Benson added that while he still stands by the endorsements, he doesn’t question the VFW commander’s authority to disband his board. The directors are appointed by the commander of the veterans group, based in Kansas City, Mo.

“I can understand the feelings of the people who didn’t like their congressmen,” said Mr. Benson, who lives in Alamogordo, N.M. “We just endorsed them based on the bills that they supported for veterans.”

In an Oct. 13 statement defending its endorsements, the PAC said it used a rigid methodology under which it would only endorse incumbents on Capitol Hill who sided with the VFW’s position on seven of nine bills in the Senate and 10 of 13 in the House. Those included measures such as authorization for defense spending and to improve job opportunities for veterans.

But many veterans were furious when they learned of some of the endorsements. Ms. Boxer, for instance, has drawn widespread scorn from veterans after she upbraided a brigadier general for calling her “ma’am” in a 2009 Senate committee hearing.

Support for the military has become an issue in the California Senate race. Ms. Boxer trumpeted her VFW endorsement at an Oct. 10 event in Pasadena, Calif., with a veteran, Democratic Den. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. Her Republican opponent, Carly Fiorina, appeared Saturday at a veterans rally in San Diego with another veteran, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, to attack Ms. Boxer’s record on veteran’s issues.

Ms. Boxer’s office said she remains proud of the VFW PAC’s endorsement. “California veterans know that no one fights harder for them,” said Rose Kapolczynski, Ms. Boxer’s campaign manager.

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  • Not matter what the trade off is among the rats and the VFW can bet it is only to line one of thems pockets with gold or silver mabe a condo. I removed my self from the vfw membership am taking no chances what so ever with the vfw to support any Rats now or ever. Boxer to mention has been supporting the enemy's in our troops opposition so what sort of sense would there be to keep her and her alikes around if not for a personal payoff for the management. Just curoious....
  • What an OLD B*TCH!!!
    Some people live too damned long.
  • Communist have infiltrated EVERY aspect of our society & we have let them. It is wonderful to witness this "gotcha" movement. Pray that it grows & becomes a tsunami across the Nation.
  • I sent this info to Carly about a month ago, and can NOT understand why she hasn't used this. This is treason. And the new polls show Boxer in the lead. I'm sick about this.
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