Pete for Senate 2012

This honorable man that works in integrity, with courage, loyalty to/for our beloved republic has been serving this country in many ways….here’s a great example of some of his works.

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  • PRAY he gets in.

  • Don't Forget:



    Man I like the sound of that....Bellavia for Congress. Allan West could use a wing man and I can't think of anyone better than my good friend and compatriot, David Bellavia.He will be running, God-willing and the creek don't rise. Go to the link and check out his video and support the man if you can.

    David enlisted in the United States Army in July 1999, served for six years and earned the rank of Staff Sergeant. He led a squad of men in combat.

    David is a highly decorated veteran of the Iraq War and one of the most decorated veterans of his generation. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during the Second Battle of Fallujah and received the Bronze Star and the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross.

  • to capt pete hegseth,god bless you sir we the people are with you,you have my vote,and many many just like me.who love are country dearly.and will fight the good fight.capt sir,we stand with you in honor and country.semper fi.god bless all american veterans and all american patriots.

  • Why is it that He dosn't show or say which Party he is running in???  By the colors used I would say he is a DEM. I will vote for no Dem after they created this meltdown. Want proof just send your address and I will send you facts supporting how the Dem Party planned this meltdown starting with Carter, than Clinton.

  • Thank you Twana. Than I would like to find out more about him. I live in MN.


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