What I see based on the following, will be a blood-bath in this country if this does not get VETOED and QUICKLY!!!


HR 4174 - Foundations in Evidence Based Policymaking Act (FEPA) Just Eliminated Or Severely Gutted 9 Constitutional Amendments

I’m not ready to have my freedoms taken away, and I imagine you aren’t either.

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I was recently a guest of the Exceptional Conservative Network’s TV show. During that broadcast, audio technical difficulties prevented my message from being heard, or so I’m told.

****This article is a written summary my notes for the interview.**

If you’d like to learn more about the EC Network, visit here.

take our poll - story continues below


I’d like to thank all of you who contacted the President to Veto HR 4174 (Foundations in Evidence Based Policymaking Act). For whatever reasons, our voices, though many, were ignored.


Below is a screen shot of consequences we now face, due to the signing into law HR 4174 (FEPA) has in store for We the People:

HOW will FEPA immediately or chillingly effect us as Americans?

1) This might shock you, but all our civil rights (how we are treated) are assigned by our government. All our civil liberties (our freedoms) are also assigned by the government.

In the Declaration of Independence, we were guaranteed the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as WE chose. FEPA removes OUR guarantee to live our lives as WE choose. It certainly removes all liberty, as well as freedom. It certainly will impact how we are treated. (Source)

1a) How does FEPA cause this? Life-long tracking of your life, your attitudes, values, beliefs, how much income your family makes, where you live, do you own a gun, do you beat your family, do you drink or smoke? Do you go to church?

Think of it this way Warriors, whatever data snooping the Patriot Act created on every American (thus helping gut FERPA, Family Education Rights to Privacy Act, as well as the SLDS and WQDI (Student Longitudinal Data System/Workforce Quality Initiative, respectively); FEPA makes it look like sissy stuff.

Why? The goal in the shift to erode America as the ‘land of the free/home of the brave’, has long been in place. It’s not been about our choice in life, especially for our students of all ages, for quite some time. The reason FEPA is SO evil is in the systematic destruction of America, education is the choice weapon and data mining (aka: student data rape) has been the key trigger.

FEPA, along with 2 others (HR 2434 College Transparency ActHR 3157 Student Privacy Protection Act)were introduced during the 115th Congress. Each of these could work together or stand alone all have life-long data tracking (aka: open data) built in. The Big Biz, Big Tech, and Big Government have long been after our information of ALL kinds, FEPA now allows that…nationally, via a single, unified system.

**The Bigs (as I call them) all feel we have NO right to our privacy and that it all belongs to them. Is it because they care about us? No, it’s for control and money.

Helping set up the FEPA for passage? Look below:


2) The Bill of Rights in our Constitution (1-10) find the most negative impact from FEPA.

The First Amendment is centered on freedom of speech. However, only the speech is protected. Expression isn’t. So, with FEPA’s constant tracking our every move, our every word, HOW we express ourselves will be closely monitored. That removes OUR choice of expression.

2a) The Second Amendment has been the most targeted, in my opinion, in recent history.

I’ve shared with you in the past how the CCSS (Common Core State Standards, rebranded as CCR, College/Career Readiness) have used anti-gun control as a key point in curriculum used. Add to that the ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act’s mandate for ‘safe schools’ where not only anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric is attached, but every student must be mentally evaluated. FEPA will tie to the gutted FERPA and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in these mental evaluations, thus taking personal private data from your students with or without consent. (*Remember, since FEPA creates a data track for every one, student or not, you too, will be mentally evaluated and labeled accordingly.)

3) Our 4th Amendment states no unreasonable arrest or search can happen. FEPA guts this off the bat. How? By having our lives and homes constantly monitored, the government is already inside, so no searching will be needed. As far as arrest, with our other rights muted or removed, we could be found guilty of any number of activities. These by, default, plays right into the 5th and 6th Amendments concerning self-incrimination and our rights if we are accused. FEPA will assault these, too.

4) Amendments 9 and 10 stand to cause the most havoc in State level government. Nine assures us any right NOT listed in the Constitution is safe. Ten, of course assigns State’s rights concerning their citizens. State’s rights have already been eroded by federal laws, programs, funding, etc. FEPA will remove any State power and assign it to the federal level. How? That single, unified system of control.

5) Amendments 14 and 16 lay out citizenship rights and federal income tax. Since FEPA will use personal data (expanding it to non-census data, too) from the Public Private Partnerships (P3s) such as the FBI and Amazon. The IRS has now been included in that expansion. So have the HHS, ED, and others.

Federal agency or funds you have used their services or received money from automatically will be used to tag you in the FEPA system. The more tags, the more compartmentalized you are until you are pigeon-holed into a certain sector where the appropriate entitlements and government programs will best suit you. Somewhat tied to the taxation is the 24th and 26th Amendments.

Those Pesky, “Unintended” Consequences of FEPA:

  1. Whom you associate with will be watched and monitored.
  2. Your privacy is of no concern, even in your home and especially via all the “Smart Devices” you use. Big Tech is rejoicing FEPA is law, the data is all theirs, anyway (or so they believe)
  3. If you find yourself in need of a jury, who determines those who make up the jury?
  4. The freedom to travel where you wish, as you wish may become restricted, due to association, taxes, tolls, or for any arbitrary reason the government designs.
  5. The freedom to religious worship, is at stake, too.
  6. “Evidence Based” is code for collection of data.
  7. FEPA bastardizes the weakened Net Neutrality, so everything on-line is open for collection. It also feeds off of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and will use AI to align and confine us.
  8. FEPA will use the 5G technology against Americans, not in favor of them. Don’t believe the hype that 5G will be a faster internet connection. A Trojan awaits in ANYTHING 5G. (BitCoins, Social Impact Investing, Community Partnerships, included those between cities and churches are a few of what is tied to 5G and a weakened State.)
  9. FEPA (a supposedly education minded bill) sat in the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee longer than anywhere else in Congress. Why? FEPA alters the infrastructure of America!
  10. Since FEPA attacks both the Declaration of Independence (based on natural rights and justice) and the Constitution (rules enforced by the government), every citizen should be up in arms and alarmed at what freedoms and rights are at stake!

Citizen Recourse:

Warriors, I’m sure by now, you are wondering what in the world we CAN do to fight back. I believe I have found something we can use to seriously land a blow to Congress and FEPA.

Consider the HR 4174’s track record, it’s full of broken procedures and rules used to ram it through BOTH Chambers. Congress claims there was no negative feedback (which would have given us a hearing). There was enough negative feedback to call for two hearings, but we were ignored. No debate, once HR 4174 came up for a vote on the Senate floor mere days before Christmas 2018. The vote? A voice one, again, no way for the citizens to hold Congress accountable.

Recourse #1: Since we have no record of how our Senators voted on HR 4174, we CAN find out how they voted on the Motion to Suspend Rules and Concur in the Senate! More than likely, if they voted to suspend, they voted for passage.

Recourse #2: FEPA is our enemy. If you need a better grasp on how Social Impact Bonds and BitCoins play into FEPA, visit Wrench In the Gears blog. Alison has done a superb job of explaining how both attach not only data to your profile, but will rank and file you like the Chinese Sesame Credit System. If you want a scathingly accurate account of how badly Congress dropped the ball with FEPA, read Dr. Young’s latest article on the subject. Of course, we have Jane Robbins’ “What is FEPA?” video and Christel Swasey’s video.

Recourse #3: Warriors, have you ever heard of the Unconstitutional Official Acts? I stumbled upon this while looking for quotes on liberty and its cost. Known simply as “-16 Am Jur. Sec. 177 late 2d, Sec 256” this Statute lays out how our U.S. Constitution beats out EVERYTHING.

It states that ANY act of any government official which violates our U.S. Constitution should be removed from office. No exceptions, no excuses.

Warriors, isn’t it time we shake up DC?! FEPA, along with ESSA, has GOT to GO!

“Draining” DC hasn’t gotten us nowhere, especially in education.

I’m not ready to have my freedoms taken away, and I imagine you aren’t either.

Article posted with permission from Lynne Taylor

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  • H.R. 4174 Summery text.

    H.R. 4174 addresses several recommendations from the final report issued by the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking. Specifically, the bill

    • Requires federal agencies to create evidence-building plans for identifying and addressing policy questions relevant to the programs, policies, and regulations of the agency;
    • Establishes Chief Evaluation Officers to continually assess the coverage, quality, methods, consistency, effectiveness, independence, and balance of the portfolio of evaluations, policy research, and ongoing evaluation activities of the agency; and
    • Creates an advisory committee to study the Commission’s recommendation to create a National Secure Data Service.

    The bill also incorporates the text of H.R. 1770, the OPEN Government Data Act, which requires open government data assets made available by federal agencies to be published as machine-readable data.

    H.R. 4174 (115th): Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2017

    Full text is available on

    Summary of H.R. 4174 (115th): Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 -
    Summary of H.R. 4174 (115th): Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018
  • Rooster, I think you may have missed the point. See this section below:

    Well here is the holy grail of GOVERNMENT, BY AND FOR GOVERNMENT !!!


    What I see based on the following, will be a blood-bath in this country if this does not get VETOED and QUICKLY!!!


    HR 4174 - Foundations in Evidence Based Policymaking Act (FEPA) Just Eliminated Or Severely Gutted 9 Constitutional Amendments

    I’m not ready to have my freedoms taken away, and I imagine you aren’t either.

    Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I was recently a guest of the Exceptional Conservative Network’s TV show. During that broadcast, audio technical difficulties prevented my message from being heard, or so I’m told.

    ****This article is a written summary my notes for the interview.**

    If you’d like to learn more about the EC Network, visit here.

    take our poll - story continues below


    I’d like to thank all of you who contacted the President to Veto HR 4174 (Foundations in Evidence Based Policymaking Act). For whatever reasons, our voices, though many, were ignored.


    Below is a screen shot of consequences we now face, due to the signing into law HR 4174 (FEPA) has in store for We the People:

    HOW will FEPA immediately or chillingly effect us as Americans?

    Clois Beckwith's Page
    Clois Beckwith's Page on Constitutional Emergency
This reply was deleted.


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