My Thoughts................On ISIS

The folly of a bomb here, a bomb there, dealing with a barbaric, blood-thirsty bunch of Islamic State (ISIS) cave dwellers that have overtaken large portions of Syria and Iraq? Nothing short of massive, widespread, destruction and elimination of ISIS forces is acceptable. Can it be that America still does not see through the empty suit in the White House?

Barack Obama has no personal appreciation of the threat the blood-thirsty ISIS butchers represent(or does he?), he is surrounded with civilian advisers that could care less about human life or stability “over there”, is oblivious to the threat posed to the entire Middle East, and military advisers that are sold out to the political security of “yes” regardless of the impact on reality, to include the threat to the United States of America.

The ISIS distraction should be the straw that breaks the back of the Obama Administration.  Obama has been able to survive Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS scandals, attacks on first amendment rights of conservative groups, NSA treachery reading every piece of personal communication, economic debt, lawlessness against the US Constitution, Ukrainian debacle, vacationing and golf during major crisis conditions, on and on. 

However, ISIS reflects the savagery of animalistic carnage which will cause the world, even though the U.S. Congress won’t, to rise up against the Obama Administration “pin pricks”, and call for drastic changes in the United States behavior.  Nearly every success attained during in the Iraqi War, through the blood, lives, body parts, family destruction's of American men and women and now lost, should be enough to clearly confirm the incompetence of the Obama Administration and result in Obama’s removal from office.

The drastic change, because U.S constitutional government oversight by “three equal branches of government “has broken down, may come in the form of a military coup to force the Obama Administration to pursue drastic, massive action against the ISIS threat…or force Obama’s resignation to regain some measure of credibility and stability in the US government, a call which is not new, and is supported by low performance poll numbers based on a continual string of failures.

It’s beyond discussion, the puppet strings of Obama must be cut now, before America destructs.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

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  • I like Obama leaving office, how I do not care.

    • Only gonna' happen by military coup or civil war.  

      • Yep!

        • You might enjoy this description of a technical coup d'etat, or a "quasi-constitutional" approach, which could be taken by the Joints Chiefs.  Start with Chapter 3, page 10, it's a quick read.  - -  - - "America at the Tipping Point".

          • I read 18 pages... starting at Chapter 3, Page 10 as instructed, and still do not understand the point you were trying to make. BTW... It's not exactly a quick read.

          • I read the whole book. I agree with it except with the part of Hillary Clinton being appointed as the interim President.

            • Well, yes, exactly.  Hillary is used in the story as an "anybody-else-but-Obama" place holder.  Hillary is also the absolute perfect joke within a joke within the parody...   She describes everything that is wrong with lying, deceitful, duplicitous, evil, and self-important politicians.   And, consider the hypocrisy...  Consider the way that the story describes Hillary...  She is willing to do whatever the button-pushers and puppet masters tell her to do...  Sure enough real politics.  Thanks for reading it.

              • The thing that is still amazing to me is how much a consummate lawyer/con-artist she is.  Everything she says has to do with the written word (legal).  She'll lie about something and know that it is written down.  Then, so long as she makes a statement refuting that she is lying, then, that legally nullifies it!   :(

    • Debrajoe,

      as long as it is done in accordance with the law, I agree.  If we want to remain on the side of good, we must adhere to the law at all times. Otherwise, we are no different than those who are destroying our country, which I know is not your intention as your cause is just.

      • Mike;

        The stakes are our country, its economy, our stature in the planet our allies, our borders and We The People.

        The Declaration of Independence which is the Preamble for the Constitution itself states - ""...But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."" 

        This section of this document does not mention law - it requires that we exercise both our right and duties to throw off this government AND, AND to provide new guards for our future security.

        I am willing to run this by others across the nation to get their feedback but we very well may have to take law into our own hands to save our country. One thing I know for sure is that We The People will never again allow Muslim slime into our lands, allow self avowed Communists and Socialists into our government, illegals into our military and to open the borders to every tom dick and harry  and Law Enforcement to heavily arm itself against the very people they vow to protect and serve.

        We are very different from those destroying our country and I take offense that you preach sitting and doing nothing as our nation implodes. The side of good is the side that strongly opposes Obscumbo and his regime.

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