
  • Seems we have public schools working hard to produce just such children.Even our Military Academies have been reported as having dropped courses now deemed offensive to our enemies. A good question is asked where are our Military and our Veterans?

  • First, let's get one thing straight.  It's not a "broken leadership who could care less",  it's about a  broken leaderhsip who COULDN'T care less.

    • more a broken leaderships "who doesn't care" as an agenda

    • Leadership????????  Where?  There's no there there........

      If what I see is leadership, then I'm Marilyn Monroe!

      What we have is a KAKISTOCRACY.... look that one up!lol

  •  The Unity of our Military ,Military Retirees and Veterans (if possible) would stop this runaway Tyranny by our Federal Government.Our Voices have been split for way too  many years  .Divide & Conquer is making our voices just a wisper in the  corrupt political world. A veteran friend told me , trying to organize Veterans is like trying to herd cats.. 

    • Meow, but watch out for growl, snarl and hiss!

  • Who would not rally for "freedom, liberty, and constitutional restoration"?  That's what OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING is about.  Are there any veterans/military retirees out there that think our freedom, liberty, and constitution is not in jeopardy?

    If there are veterans/military retirees/patriots out there that think our nation is on the right track and our so-called leaders are competent, loyal to the US Constitution, God help us because I'm lost in space if this is the case.

    We must take action next spring or sooner.

  • here is another one we may have forgotten:

  • We have a treasonous, Marxist, Muslim, lying, coward, bastard, acting as Commander-in-Chief, leading a cabal of like ilk!!!!  Until that is changed there will be nothing but heart ache and disaster for America and her citizens!!!!

    • I have asked over and over when will the American people wake up. There are people who won't do

      anything because of the freebees that this administration is handing out. I served 27 years and I

      will not sit back and watch the country I served and love go down the drain because of that Muslim

      Communist who is illegally residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We are heading for a second American

      Revolution and I am ready. I believe we need to wipe the slate clean and take our country back.

      For God and Country,

      Sgt Robert A. DeMitry, USA, Ret

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