In my opinion, any good journalist is a bit of a conspiracy theorist at heart. Every story has a bottom, some are deeper to dig through than others and I believe Benghazi to be one of those stories.

Sen. Rand Paul seems to be one person working to get to the bottom of the story and keeping his eye on the bigger picture. Make no mistake, the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi wasn’t just about a protest gone awry or the anniversary of September 11. There’s a larger story that has yet to unfold in all of this, another shoe to drop.

As we reported here, Paul suspects it involves under-the-table arms deals:

I really think part of the cause may have been there was a gun running operation going on in Benghazi, leaving Libya and going to Turkey and distributing arms to the rebels… They’ve interviewed the captain of the ship. A ship from Libya sailed for Turkey a week before the ambassador was killed. It was full of arms and they interviewed the captain and he actually specifically talks about the distribution of the arms to Syrian rebels… And I think the administration needs to answer, “Are they running guns through Turkey to Syria?”

If true, this scenario might help explain why Ambassador Stevens was meeting with Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin just before he was killed.  Through shipping records, Fox News has confirmed that the Libyan vessel Al Entisar arrived in the Turkish port of Iskenderun — located just 35 miles from the Syrian border — on Sept. 6, just five days before the attack.  The cargo reportedly included surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, rocket-propelled grenades and shoulder-launched missiles.

Although what was discussed at the meeting is not public, a source told Fox News that Stevens was in Benghazi to negotiate a weapons transfer, an effort to get SA-7 missiles out of the hands of Libya-based extremists. And although the negotiation said to have taken place may have had nothing to do with the attack on the consulate later that night or the Libyan mystery ship, it could explain why Stevens was travelling in such a volatile region on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Following their meeting, Stevens reportedly escorted Akin out the compound’s main gate at 8:35 p.m. local time.  But residents in the neighborhood surrounding the consulate reported that bearded Al Qaeda jihadis in pickup trucks mounted with machine guns were setting up checkpoints at about 8:00 p.m.   Because of the checkpoints, “it felt like our neighborhood was occupied, no one could get out or in,” one witness told the Associated Press.  But somehow, Akin managed to slip out of the area with no problem before the attack commenced at 9:35 p.m.  And even if he passed through the terrorists’ checkpoints, there was obviously no attempt on his part to warn the Americans at the consulate of an impending attack.

Obviously there are a lot of questions that remain.  One of the biggest questions I have in all of this is where are the survivors?  While four Americans were killed in the attack at the consulate and safe house, many others managed to escape.  From early reports, we know that there were at least five State Department diplomatic security agents in Benghazi during the attack who were evacuated to Germany and received medical treatment for smoke inhalation; one was seriously wounded.

Further, Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde has confirmed that Air Force personnel evacuated 32 Americans from Libya to Ramstein AFB in a noncombatant evacuation operation following the attack.

The State Department’s own Accountability Review Board later reported that one of the surviving diplomatic security officers at the Benghazi mission actually saw the attack begin on a security video monitor as dozens of armed terrorists entered the compound’s main gate.  At that point, he sounded the alarm and phoned the CIA annex and the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to alert them that they were under siege.  (What? No protest over a YouTube video?)

During her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed that she had spoken to just one of the American survivors evacuated from Libya after the attack.  The FBI has likely debriefed the eyewitnesses, but who knows?  While the names of the four Americans killed in the attack were released almost immediately, the Obama administration has not publicly named a single one of these survivors.


We need to keep digging…

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  • This has yet to play outWere the survivors Department of State or more likely CIA Assets?  Many believe we are not getting the answers needed ...  because the REAL and Appropriate Questions and not being asked

    Why was Ambassador Stevens Meeting with the Turkish Consulate?  If it was a Gun Running Scheme to arm the Syrian Rebels......  by what authority and using whose finances?   Have we not seen enough of elements or our Rogue Government meddling in Foreign Wars in our name but without our knowledge or approval?

    Is the Real reason we are being kept from the Benghazi Survivors because we will learn more than this Administration wants us to know?  MUCH Much more...  about an out of control Administration intent on spending resources we do not have in pursuing an Islamic Dominated World at our own expense?

    Had enough yet?  Where are the Survivors and the answers we demand?



  • Fast and Furious and TREASON on steroids! is how I spell Benghazi.,and Obama

  • We The People demand answers and then Obama and thugs can face the music.

  • Here is one of the comments on the Blaze site below the story:

    Posted on February 9, 2013 at 8:03pm
    There is someone very close to me who is in the USMC. He was on a ship in that area during the Attacks, and said everyone on the ship knew it was going on, and were ready to respond, ready to assist. All they needed was the word “Go” and they would have been on their way to help. He said the word NEVER came. And they were never told why they weren’t called (or allowed?) to go help…. they couldn’t understand why they were never sent to help! :(

    • Obama was awol - he was preparing for his Las Vegas trip early the next day. Obama is delerect in his duties.

      • This derelection is consistent with someone who has no management or leadership training or ability.  He knows nothing about duty, honor, or country and he cannot function under pressure.  He should never have been placed in the position of a Commander-in-Chief who makes the final decision in respect to the lives, welfare, and status of our Honored Military Men and Woman.   

  • kinda makes you go - hmmmm!

    my husband and I were talking about this very same thing the other day.

    why haven't we heard anything about the survivors or did we just miss it?

  • Sharing survivors names would make it too easy to uncover his cover-up.  I believe that Rand Paul is on the right track.  Our POTUS gets angry and makes stupid decisions when things do not go his way.  I also believe that the so-called hired security is linked to the attackers.  I find the audacity of POTUS to feign his concern over those who are seeking the truth about Benghazi, and calling it a disrespect to our four deceased Americans, to be the ultimate insult.  Then again, he is also a master deceiver who excels at cover-ups and deceptions so his attempts to change the focus should be expected.

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