Actions Not Words: Thank A Veteran


Actions Not Words / Blog of Dakota Meyer



Advocating for veteran support has long been a passion of mine.  I grew up learning of the struggles veterans face when returning to civilian life from my grandfather, a veteran Marine. Now, a veteran myself, I know all to well the difficulties our service members deal with, in their attempts to find a new reality once they return from combat.

I wanted to write this blog today because I think it's hard for civilians to understand the position veterans are in, and why they face some of the issues that plague them after their military service is over.  I'm sure you've all read news articles highlighting the most common issues; homelessness, unemployment, the mental and physical conditions effecting many of our veterans.  But before you can begin trying to understand the cause of these issues, I think it's important to consider the biggest struggle our veterans face and that's the mental transition from active duty to civilian life.

The strength of our nation's military is based on a team mentality; everyone does everything the same way at the same time.  While serving, there are very few opportunities to make a decision on your own; most decisions are made for you by your leaders.  Regardless of what branch you serve, all members dress the same, walk the same, eat the same, operate on the same rigid schedule.  Now imagine the challenges one might face when trying to transition from that type of existence, back to a normal civilian existence.  No one is there to tell you what to do and how to do it, anymore.

Many of our service members, and especially those returning from combat, have been living their life in situations where every decision could mean life or death.  Upon returning home from war, it's difficult to find meaning in what most Americans know as everyday living.  There's a scene in the movie The Hurt Locker, that I think really sums up the point I'm making.


Read the rest here.




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  • Myself and others will support those that have followed us, from now and into the future... For we stand together and will not fall to what they are doing to America...

  • I really worry about our young people comming home after 3 and 4 years in combat.  Unless you have been there, you can never understand what they are going through.

  • Its hard alright. I came home from Nam in 1971 middle of febuary big time snow storm. So i understand what he is talking about.

    • RRRRoger,,over  &  out  10-4...Nam  10  yrs. 7   of 10  TeT  offences,  picking  up  So. Vietnam  citizens  wanting  OUT   at  the  end,  communist's   got  their  take-over. We  made  it  partner~~Congrats~~God  speed.~~Ron 

  • Semper Fi to all the service men and Marines.  I'm retired from the US Army, 65 years old and 

    still my Oath I take very seriously.  As We used to say, "No Guts, No Glory".

    Molon Labe.

    • When I was in combat none of the team were hurt and makes it easyer for me but every now an then I still get the 1000 yard stare as to what happened in my time and like you its been over 50 yrs ago..

    • Stingray SFO (3% Oath Keeper) you hit the nail on the head about the emotional weight existing on all the combat men and women. It becomes much easier to survive in combat than it does when you return back to the real world and your day to day routine. To some it's easier to become homeless and not have to worry about the real issues that come with being placed back in society after any war. I think every person who served in combat never forgets the hostile environment and horrid experiences. I also served in Vietnam 1968-69 with the USMC and I served in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Thunder I & II with the US Army. I can see to this day the small children that were brainwashed by the Viet Cong into being combatants. They would run along the side of the road and throw grenards at the convoys forcing Marines and Soldiers to defend themselves. This is no different than the Jihad terroists teaching children to become human bombs.  These kind of actions aren't pretty in any type of war. I don't condone killing of any child but when they are being used as a instrument of war this is when it become horrific and total unexceptable. 100% Oathkeeper!



  • The thing is that when we came home from West Pac  we could go and find work to take our minds off of what we had been thru, Not like today when our guys and gals come home- they cant find jobs- and to take their minds off the hardships they have gone thru..

  • Sir, I want to thank you for YOUR service!

    I enlisted in the Air Force in 1972. Though I never was sent to any combat theater, I knew guys who were and did not come home. There are NO words to describe how it felt for me when I had to tell a buddy's parents that their son was not coming home.

    And then there was the time in San Francisco when I was in uniform and a city cop SPAT on me. I will say no more....

  • They must be made to understand that we stand with them and look to them to share their problems with us.  We honor them for what they have done in defense of our freedom.  Their training will be most valuable if we are forced into a physical revolution because of voter fraud that is now being put into action by obozo and his band of thieves and thugs.  Our military personnel will never realize their full value to this country.  Once again they will be called upon to defend their country from the entrenched enemy from within.  May God grant them wisdom, guidance and peace.

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