Yes, you read that right.....the REPUBLICANS are about to destroy the Constitution, and all Patriotic Conservatives will be the method to do it!

Jeb Bush, a staunch Conservative Republican is pushing for Marco Rubio to be selected as Romney's running mate, just as I expected!

So what, you might ask? So he is no more eligible to be named on the November ballot than obozo was to be named as a candidate in the first place, HE IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! He may just be the best person for that office, but to place his name on the ballot is tantamount to acknowledgment of obozo as being legitimate, which we all know he is not!

If his name is just placed on the ballot, it becomes a critical violation that will destroy any validity that the Constitution is the law of the land, opening the door to rampant subversion in any manner the politico powers choose, with no possibility of recourse from anyone!

Read all about it from the Newsmax article here then inundate every Republican with the demand that the Constitution be upheld and that Rubio does not meet the 'Natural Born Citizen' requirement of Article 2, and must not be named as a top level candidate for the Executive branch!

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  • On top of all that Stingray has said here, I've been advising folks for more than a year now to check Rubio out before buying into the Republican establishment hogwash that he is the new "golden boy" of the Party.  In addition to not meeting the "natural born Citizen" requirement in the Constitution Rubio is a RINO and always has been.  He just recently became so emboldened by the liberal progressive wing of the Republican Party (is there any other wing of the Party?) endorsing him that he shamelessly voiced his approval of amnesty for illegal aliens and that's just the tip of the iceberg with this guy.   Do your homework, check Rubio the RINO out and pass the word on this double-talker the Party bosses are trying to cram down your throat! 

  • If Romney selects Rubio for his VP candidate, then we - the conservatives must scream load and clear and instantly the exact same message that we have been talking about with Obama for three years. He is NOT elligable, and he will not be on the ballots. PERIOD. We'll find out just how much of a true Constitutionalist conservative both of them really are.



  • The RINO's and the base of the Conservative Party, known as Republicans DON'T want to hear this, they are just as Complicit as the DEMORATS, both PARTIES have gotten us to this point and the quicker the masses and those of us who recognize the danger by both parties to our Constitutional Authority, then the quicker the TRUE protectors of the Constitution will execute the duty we must all DO, the sooner the better for this country. I believe we must NOT wait for the elections, but have the brass ones to take action in defense of the original Constitutional Values by the Framers. That is our destiny. Good Luck to us all, and my the Lord protect his solders on the battlefield.

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