Here is a list of all the movie theater locations showing this film at this time. There are many many theaters showing this.


The Call to Action is............


We should all go to see this. But step it up and take new voters with you. I am taking nieces and nephews that (we) filled out their voter registrations because they have become of age to vote.

(Now their cousins and friends are wanting to go too - even better).


For the last several years as we've spent time together I've talked with them about the importance of being an informed voter compared to the voter thrown about by the wind, meaning, voters who vet no one and only vote by a candidate and their supporters rhetoric. They've watched and even participated in helping me find information to verify if some rhetoric was true or false. They get annoyed at misinformation when they find it such.


Kids are considered bots, these days. However, I've learned if time is spent with them and their questions answered and/or put them on the path to find the truthful answer to their question....they are open to truth and not dead weight in the propaganda they have had shoveled in their minds from the indoctrination camps we call school.


I never hush their questions nor belittle them nor the question. These questions from these young minds are valid especially in light of the constant misinformation they get a daily dose of in schools. Most at that age are not pushing agendas..........they just want the truth and if treated with respect they will continue to be open to your guidance in leading them to the truths.



P.S. I know many of you do not believe the election is going to matter and are not even sure if we are going to make it to the election. I understand these thoughts because I possess them too, however, this is important work to do.

I have every intention on doing all I can to make sure our Constitutional Republic is restored. When that happens I hope for these kids (who survive) to know how to do the right thing in the structure set up by our Founding Fathers. So, It is not a waste of time, it's just another important work we must do. A necessary work in preparing for our futures.


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  • EXCELLENT Wake up America! I saw a stack of bumper stickers in a little deli Friday  'Take our Country Back!' Gives me hope that people are waking up


  • Yes, we need to take our country back.  VOTE...VOTE.  You may consider you are only one person, but everyone's vote counts.  If you don't vote...that means You want Obama in office.  That means another 4 years of dictation by a person who HATES the USA and wants to DESTROY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY financially, physically, mentally and wants to change our children into mindless zombies.  IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT???

  • Been Awake Since Barry Goldberg!

  • Been awake since Clinton


                  TWANA ---- I AM with you all the way. I HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE  and I took a Demorcat with me and he almost

                 went in his pants.. But now he has change his vote... We need more of this.....

                        How can any young person voting beleave Obama --- 

    • Double  Time  Jim;;  The  true  voting  must  prevail ,  I've  put  all  the  data   in  all  my  childrens   face,  `You  can't  Fix  4  yrs.  of   stupid..!!   I'm  praying  our  whole  military  get  to ``Vote,  We  know  how  the  Mexican  Vote  falls,,  they  have  their  Free  E-ticket  ride  in  California..!!  All  DemoRat's..!! 

  • Americans are aware and watching...This movie should be required viewing for every American, regardless of party! The sad part is,...some Americans believe this is the correct way to take our great country... Euro-trash...( sorry )...I'm very passionate about our great nation, its founders and our Constitution!

  • My wife and I went to see it last night.  Hope the whole country sees it even Obama!  II would like nothing better than to be a fly on the wall and watching him the whole while he is watching the movie.

  • As best as I can determine, most of what is in the short film has been public knowledge for years, problem is we have a nation of folks who choose not to become educated on the facts which will have strong effects on their lives & families. A lot of people are going to be way out of their comfort zones regardless who is President simply because they are too busy with reality shows, texting trash, twittering cultural garbage and just basically unconcerned. Unlike older generations which have seen drastic events that altered how they lived, the past few have had everything they wanted or thought they needed and kept pushing the debt aside as though some magic money fairy is going to make it all disappear. Too many have worked too little for too much for too long and that train is approaching a rapid derailment. Been awake since Harry Truman!

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