Confessions of an Obama Blogger

The article below was posted at the end of the campaigning season. I found it interesting because all this person writes - I was experiencing on my blogs and on online social networks. I post this here and now so everyone can recognize when/if this happens to you, what is happening and why.The reason these infiltrators do this now is to distract us from important issues that we need to spend our time on. Their goal is to keep us busy in "going nowhere" conversations which keep us from the important works we need to be engaged in. Now they join networks, blogs, etc., to leave "trigger droppings."So much has happened at an intensely fast pace in this first month of Obama's illegal reign in our White House. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by these chaos creators. We have too much to loose - Our Country - Our Constitution!TwanaConfessions of an Obama BloggerOctober 27, 2008 at 5:04 amOk, I want to clear my conscious a little. Hopefully you could make a blog post to help some fellow Clinton supporters out.I work for a campaign and can’t wait for this week to be over.I was doing it for a job. I was not a fan of any candidate but over time grew to love HRC.The internal campaign idea is to twist, distort, humiliate and finally dispirit you.We pay people and organize people to go to all the online sites and “play the part of a Clinton or McCain supporter who just switched our support for Obama”We do this to stifle your motivation and to destroy your confidence.We did this the whole primary and it worked.Sprinkle in mass vote confusion and it becomes bewildering. Most people lose patience and just give up on their support of a candidate and decide to just block out tv, news, websites, etc.This surprisingly has had a huge suppressing movement and vote turnout issues.Next, we infiltrate all the blogs and all the youtube videos and overwhelm the voting, the comments, etc. All to continue this appearance of overwhelming world support.People makes posts to the effect that the world has “gone mad”That's the intention. To make you feel stressed and crazy and feel like the world is ending.We have also had quite a hand in skewing many many polls, some we couldn’t control as much as we would have liked. But many we have spoiled over. Just enough to make real clear politics look scary to a McCain supporter. Its worked, although the goal was to appear 13-15 points ahead.See, the results have been working. People tend to support a winner, go with the flow, become “sheeple”The polls are roughly 3-5 points in favor of Barack. That's due to our inflation of the polls and pulling in the sheeple.Our donors, are the same people who finance the MSM. Their interests are tied, Barack then tends to come across as teflon. Nothing sticks. And trust, there were meetings with Fox news. The goal was to blunt them as much as possible. Watch Bill Oreilly he has become much more diplomatic and “fair and balanced” and soft. Its because he wants to retain the #1 spot on cable news and to do that he has to have access to the Obama campaign and we worked hard at stringing him a long and keeping him soft for an interview swap. It worked and now he is anticipating more access. So he is playing it still soft.This is why nothing sticks.The operation is massive, the goal is to paint a picture that is that of a winner, regardless of the results.There is no true inauguration draft or true grant park construction going on. There will be a party, but we are boasting beyond the truth to make it seem like the election is wrapped up.Our goal is to continue to make you lose your moral. We worked hard at persuasion and paying off and timing and playing the right political numbers to get key republican endorsements to make it seem even more like it was over and the world was coming to an end for you all.There is a huge staff of people working around the clock, watching every site, blogs, etc. We flood these sites. We have had a goal to overwhelm.The truth is here. I could go on and on, but you get the picture.I am saying this because I know HRC was better for the country, and now realize this. I was too late by the time I connected to her. To me Barack was just a cool young dude that seemed like a star. I didn’t know him or his policies, but now I understand more than I care to and I realize his interests are more for him, and the DNC and all working like puppets with dean. I always thought a president wanted the better good for the country. The end result I see is everyone dependent on the government, this means more and more people voting for the DNC. This means the future is forever altered. I don’t see this as America, so I am now supporting John McCain.Sarah Palin is a huge threat, and our campaign has feared her like you can’t imagine. If it seems unfair how she has been treated, well its because she has had a team working round the clock to make her look like a fool.This is a big conspiracy and I am so shocked that its not realized.We released a little blurb the other day that the Obama campaign was already working on reelection and now putting our efforts towards 2012. This was to make it seem like it was above us to continue caring about 2008. Trust me, its a lie. David is very smart, but its a sticky ugly not very truthful kind of intelligence.Its not over yet, but I think the machine is working. And its a hill to climb.I will be quitting my post on Nov 5th and my vote will be for John McCain. Fortunately, my position has been a marketing position and I don’t feel I had any part of anything I would feel guilty for. But I look forward to getting out of this as the negativity and environment upsets me.I wish you all well, and good luck.PS my name is not really Sarah. but I am a female and I understand your plight.

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  • Yep and it is all legal.. So much for all that transparency
  • Hindsight being 20-20, I see it now and how it worked...DAMN!!!
  • Well my Friends, This is the sad truth, of course, I have been a "rabble-rouser" for many years; you know a integral part of that "vast right-wing conspiracy" and on that level we are all to well aware of this B.S. going on. The failing both the regular Republican Party and the hard-core Conservatives have, and I'll admit to not having a serious solution, is our lack of our communicating abilities when it comes to working with sheep. Perhaps Woody Allen (ref. to a movie w/Gene Wilder) has a better grip on this sheep thing, but as most all conservatives have, myself included, depended a might too heavily on our faith in the American People and an educated population, we were referencing an ideal rather than the reality confronting us. While we placed our Faith in God and humanity the Godless left was dumbing down the populous and working on all the vile schemes to control the country that are available from the Devils own basket of foul tricks. I see little to no difference between the Devil and his worshipers and Osama Obama and his worshipers! They are most certainly "cut from the same cloth". Well the battle has begun and my suggestion is to give the liberals back all of their rightful territory. " Did that hic just say what I think I heard, Marge" Oh yes I did, I truly think that we should give them Hell back, it's their rightful territory!!
    Peace through Superior Firepower,
  • I disagree,it is not "all legal",far from it.Barry-boy is an illegitimate usurper of the White House,
    and every bill he signs,every order he gives,is just as illegitimate.
    We'll just see,soon enough,how the "Bubba Factor" fits in with the preservation of American ideals,
    and the security of the legacy left behind by countless People in Uniform who died for them.


  • I disagree,this whole thing is far from "legal"-Barry-Boy is a usurper in the White House,placed there by
    mass deception,and the "useful"(?)idiots that put him there.What the campaign worker did may have been
    "legal",but then,so was pelosi leaving an island in tonga or some-such free from taxes so her husband could
    pocket an extra 100 mil.
    She should be stretching at the end of a rope,but no,she didn't do nothing "illegal",just reprehensible.

    Every bill that barry signs,every order he gives,is illegitimate.This according to article II,sectionI of the
    United States Constititution.
    It saddens Me to see that 60 million or so American voters are so ignorant as to not know this,but
    the movement that Beck named the "Bubba Factor" is going to be such that even washington cannot
    possibly ignore Us.He will be run out of DC on a rail,much as Napoleon was,he may as well keep that
    there indonesian passport,he's gonna need it.Some folks will be "sheeple" all their lives,but the spike
    in gun sales tells Me that "Bubbas"are the true driving force in America,and washington best beware.
  • I read this shortly before the election last year. As factual as it is, it had little to do with the outcome on 4 Nov 08 as I see it.

    Unfortunately with American politicks the realities are simple:
    During any presidential election cycle an economic down turn the incumbent party Loose.
    The new comers win.

    The tragedy with the last election, the winner is a socialist muslim living in denial and has an unadulterated hatred for America.

    He is a mental midget regarding financial and military leadership issues.
    However he is a master at political deception, half-truths and in your face blatant lies.

    For this nation to allow deception, half-truths and in your face blatant lies to determine the outcome of any election, speaks volumes to the complete failure of our educational system.

    Conservatives (otherwise known as American Patriots) are making a monumental effort towards fighting the effects.

    In the end no matter the outcome the cause will remain in effect still breeding, alive and well.

    Our country has to completely dismantle our current schooling system. Rebuilding from scratch and including private schooling as an alternative as well, we will be revisiting this issue until hell freezes over.

    Unless of course president hussein bankrupts this nation first.

    hussein president of all 57 states


    “Not God Bless America..God Damn America” Rev. Jeremiah Wright
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  • Thank you again Twana. This is important for people to realize. It is agonizing to think though, that the election, the public perceptions and the TRUTH are just commodities to be sold or bartered for upward mobility. I wish many more Americans would educate themselves about the media's control of polls, popularity and of the vote. This is very crucial to counter the lies and propaganda aimed at "softening" as the blogger said, the people's stance towards politics and morals. I am dissapointed in O'Reilly. I noticed his shifting, and I wondered why. I guess even O'Reilly thinks he can be too "fair and balanced". Shame on him and any pundit who compromises their true creed for popularity among viewers.
  • This person may think that they swayed me by undermining my morale, it may have worked for other, but not for me. What caused them to win the election was getting the Republicans to betray us by nominating John "I hate the Constitution" McCain. His Desperate attempt to get us to vote for him by choosing Sarah Palin for a running mate only showed the abject stupidity of the Republican party. Though I did like Sarah, she wasn't running for President, McUnconstitutional was so I was forced to vote 3rd party.

    I am proud of how I voted, my conscience is clear, so Mr. or Ms. Blogger, eat my shorts!
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