Congress, a Failure to Communicate

I have spent a lot of time speaking with and listening to the Republican candidates for Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District seat being vacated by Dan Boren.  Most of them have grand plans for what they are going to do if elected.  While I admire them for the time they have put into forming their plans I don’t think they really understand the situation we face as a nation.  Our nation isn’t facing political problems first and foremost.  Our nation is facing moral and ethical problems of monumental proportions.  Our candidates have this and that planned but how will they get anything implemented?  I have watched Washington D. C. long enough to know what happens when freshmen legislators get there.  Trent Lott said it very succinctly after the 2010 mid-term elections.  When asked about the TEA Party candidates elected his response was, “we will co-opt them as soon as they get here”. 

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