Corruption and fraud in our political system: A primer of what's to come.

This year, 2012, political corruption and fraud will be more prevalent than in any other year in the history of America. This corruption will come in many different ways and forms. It will not only be rampant and massive voter fraud, but it will also come in the forms of campaign disruption, fraudulent reporting of political connections, candidate and party associations by groups and candidates, (guilt by association). There will be more coercion of state and local government ballot officials than has ever been seen before.
The idea that Mitt Romney was directly responsible for the death of a steel workers wife nearly nine years after Romney left Bain Capital, or that Paul Ryan’s budget plan would “throw Granny off a cliff” will become mild and mundane compared to what lays ahead.

Richard Trumka, president of the AFL/CIO unions, elected in 2009;
From 1974 to 1979, Trumka was a staff attorney with the United Mine Workers at their headquarters in Washington, D.C.[1] He was elected to the board of directors of UMWA District 4 in 1981 and became President of the United Mine Workers in 1982 with the assistance of the Cosa Nostra Family.[1]

Note the links to the Cosa Nostra family, Yes – That’s the family known for its brutal control of the Chicago mobs.

Another name some people may be familiar with is the Sicilian Mafia.
And in case we forget there’s always Jimmy Hoffa Jr. President of the Teamsters Union.
You may remember him by his comment about "Lets takes these bastards out".

Andy Stern, Now there’s a name we all recognize. Stern is the X-head of the SEIU.

The second largest union in America. These people run and operate many of the large hotels and convention centers. They also operate many city services around the country.
Remember what I said about campaign disruption and false reporting of events, information, and campaign workers behavior. False reports about someone that “paid a visit” to a campaign workers room after midnight.... There will be more lies and claims of gross misbehavior than anyone could imagine.

These people will do anything and everything to destroy any possibility of a Republican, Tea Party, or Conservative success in November.


Individually these unions and people and groups are bad enough, but when they have joined forces together in a united common cause and goal they can become positively lethal. These are NOT friendly people when it comes to politics or too much government interference into their businesses. Just ask Jack and Bobby Kennedy, and even Jimmy Hoffa Senior.
And right now their business is the "Fundamental Transformation of America".
And you will notice that I haven’t even mentioned the Communist Party or the Muslim Brotherhood.


What I am suggesting here is that if we intend to have any chance at all of defeating Obama, then we had all better get behind the idea of combating the fraud and corruption whenever and where ever we find it. I know, this assumes that the November elections even take place at all. Which in itself is questionable. Get involved at any level you can and be aware of what is happening. And know who to report it to.


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