Accuracy in Academia

Allie Winegar Duzett, October 4, 2010

A recent study by Steve Farkas and Ann Duffett should strike fear into the parents of students across America.

This new study, entitled “Cracks in the Ivory Tower?: The Views of Education Professors Circa 2010,” takes an in-depth look at how today’s education professors view their role in society and in preparing the future teachers of our nation’s children.  The results are distressing.  Observe this nugget from the study’s key findings:

Asked to choose between two competing philosophies of the role of teacher educator, 68 percent believe preparing students “to be change agents who will reshape education by bringing new ideas and approaches to the public schools” is most important; just 26 percent advocate preparing students “to work effectively within the realities of today’s public schools.”

It would appear as though the people teaching tomorrow’s teachers believe that it is more important for future teachers to be “agents of change” than to be “effective” teachers within “the realities of today’s
public schools.”  As if that isn’t enough, the study also found the

The vast majority of education professors (83 percent) believe it is absolutely essential for public school teachers to teach 21st century skills, but just 36 percent say the same about teaching math facts, and 44 percent about teaching phonics in the younger grades. You read that correctly: only about a third of the professors teaching our children’s future teachers think teaching math facts isessential.  And less than half view teaching phonics to younger children as essential.  Meanwhile, 83% view “21st century skills” as essential.  Those skills are defined in the study as “critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and global awareness.”

Yes: “global awareness” and “collaboration” are apparently viewed as being more important than math and reading.

Meanwhile, the study points out that “Just 37 percent say it is ‘absolutely essential’ to focus on developing ‘teachers who maintain discipline and order in the classroom.’”  This is despite the fact that discipline in the classroom and student management is, as Jay Mathews at the Washington Post calls it, “the hottest topic among young teachers.”


In case we were wondering why our public schools so often perform so dismally, we may have found our answer.

Allie Duzett is the Director of Strategic Operations for Accuracy in Media, Accuracy in Academia’s big sister group.

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  • I submit that much of the reason America is in the mess it is in today is due to the indoctrination now occurring in our public schools and institutions of "higher learning". No longer is teaching truth and real knowledge the goal. It is about changing our culture.

    Paul Haubner, a specialist for the N.E.A, stated: "The schools cannot allow parents to influence the kind of values-education their children receive in school; that is what is wrong with those who say there is a universal system of values. Our (humanistic) goals are incompatible with theirs. We must change their values."

    Listen to Professor Chester M. Pierce, M.D., Professor of Education and Psychiatry at Harvard: "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well - by creating the international child of the future."

    William Z. Foster, National Chairman of the American Communist Party (1933-44, 1945-57), in Toward Soviet America, in 1932, said: “Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are...[a] National Department of Education...the studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic, and other features of the bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, internationalism, and the general ethics of the new Socialist society.”

    Karl Marx said: “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.”

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

    Joseph Stalin said: “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

    Follks, the majority of what is wrong with America is fomented in the public education monster. We simply HAVE to take back education if we are to Restore Liberty.
  • Lock,manny things being taught to our students are running parralell to 1938 Germany.Ceck out the land of the sound of music.Posted by Peggy Gilliam on 1/18/2010.See if you find somthing familiar.
  • They battle for change now but it is only a distraction. They want to indoctrinate the children so the can warp the future.
  • And this is the reason that places like Japan and even China are ahead of us in EDUCATION these days.... Well now we know our teachers of today are of the "Progressive" side of that isle and we are in deep POOP with our schools. I didn't see anything about HISTORY in this study either. If we don't learn about history we are destined to repeat it I would think but then what do I know? I still think we need to teach math and english and and and Oh well hu?
    • Their kids spend something like 9-10 hours a day at least 6 days a week in school too, and then have HOMEWORK to do as well. Kids there don't even get home from school 'til something like 7 PM or later, according to information I've seen about their schooling, especially in China.
  • And if all that's not quite dismal enough for you; it was in the news today that the "education czar" wants to require ALL universities to be "licensed" and have a sanctioned curriculum, according, of course, to his own warped notion of what's appropriate to teach all the kids, or to NOT teach them! So you can imagine what he'll be doing with the lower levels... Not all universities are STATE funded even!
  • Makes me even more glad that I choose to homeschool. As a single parent it's hard, but it's well worth my children's future. I urge more people to get out of public indoctrination, er schools, and learn in freedom! Your children and grandchildren will be thankful! You do not have to re-create a "school" atmosphere at home, but make home a place where curiosity comes natural and learning will follow. It doesn't take a whole lot of money to homeschool. You can homeschool on a shoestring. If anyone is going to do the indoctrination, you ought to have full control of it! Pass along your values and passions to your kids instead of letting others do it in your stead. Don't give them over to someone else who doesn't have their best interests at heart!
  • I know, all manner of programs from AD to PhD levels in all kinds of subjects and the fees are even worse than attending a regular campus to get those same degrees, without the benefits of contact with the professors and other students as well. Is this Kahn Academy just up through high school or is it higher education too? And is it LIBERAL tainted or is it REAL education?
  • Many of the sciences I could pass, for all I've forgotten much of what I learned in them, over 40 years ago that I don't use regularly, but math was never my forte and I've forgotten even more of that. However, the only history is of a period in France from about 1789 to the mid 1800s which seems odd. Granted the French Revolution and subsequent Napoleonic era were significant, but that's a pretty narrow view of history overall. And while the math does go into college level as does some of the organic chemistry, it's mostly college prep or even remedial. That doesn't make it not "real" just not the same level as the on-line universities.
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