"I will NOT be joining the crowd to ask Cristian Bale to dress up like Batman in order to give comfort to children wounded in the "Dark Knight Premiere Massacre" to prove there are real heroes out there, bullshit ... I firmly believe they need to be told EXACTLY what happened and educated on how to protect themselves ... no more babying, our kids are growing up with this idea that someone will come to their aid if something bad happens ... your a red blooded American, arm yourself and protect your right to live as one by exercising our their right to carry a weapon in self defense ... lie to them now, and you may just have given birth to a psycho delusional prick that opens up at a movie premiere to act out those fantasies ... grow up people, seriously!"


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  • A comment worth its weight in gold.



  • Short  and  to  the  Point..!!  AMEN


  • I don't understand why the young actor is being prevailed upon in this way. If he wishes to visit the injured, as a gesture of his own humanity and compassion, fair enough.

    To me, the real heroes of the night are whomever it was tackled this gunman to stop him, and the first responders who arrived speedily and fully able to address the situation.

    But--as I wrote elsewhere in this site--what the hell were little children doing at the midnight showing of a PG-13 film? When do parents begin doing their jobs and stop leaving their dirty work to celebrities and strangers?!

  • Anyone trained to believe somebody else can save us from the bad guys  --or that a shrink-- or some dude in a costume can comfort the wounded is nothing but a useful idiot. When they took me to Court on false charges--- the Judge insisted I needed an attorney to "represent " me. I amazed the Judge and the attorney hired to represent the other people.... I was honest and said I could not afford an attorney. And I told them WHY I  decided to give the enemy what they said they said they wanted of me. And I said if I believe it is Gods hands now  --then it must be in Gods hands --and not something given because my hired attorney could beguile better than their hired attorney.What I had to say I had said--and needed No attorney to muck it up. and I surprised them.Took it out of their hands entirely. the Judge asked Why I didn't even let him give his opinion. The attorney for the other side  did what he  had been paid to do --but his voice suggested he was ashamed of it. Cops have said they wished I had let them speak that day. But I honored my word-and I walked out a free man. Nobody in a Batman suit--nor any other costume can comfort me--Nor save me from the bad guys.And I am just No different than any other citizen--am I?Just older-- and I hope wiser for the roads I've been down.

  • If you want to understand the difference between these immoral, unknowing, and uncaring idiots listen to the comments by the s***head in the White House and Romney.  Say what you will about Romney (and I'm not a Romney fan) I believe his comments were from the heart and truly expressed his sadness concerning this event.  It was not some drivel concocted by some so called White House communications expert.

  • TY,  There  could  have  been  more  killed  at  his  apartment,  Mentally  unstable~possible.  Then  that  dark-side  want's  a  hero  reward   is  beyond  Unbelievable..!!1

  • Truth to Power Twana... excellent!

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