As far as my understanding goes the United States Government is comprised of three branches of Government. The Legislative branch, The Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. These three branches of Government are separate but equal in power.


Over the past few years Congress has held several hearings on various subjects where members of the Obama administration have been called to answer important questions.

Attorney General Eric Holder for example was called to testify about his role in the ‘Fast-and-Furious’ gun running scheme. Holder however refused to appear and refused to testify. A few years ago the head of the Federal Reserve bank, Ken Bernanki, was asked several important questions regarding the deficit and how the Fed was planning to handle the excessive printing of money. Mr. Bernanki flat out refused to answer. He told Congress that he did not have to answer and that he did not have to tell them anything about the operations of the Federal Reserve.

The results in both of these cases was that Congress did nothing. Their refusals to answer questions went unchallenged and that was basically the end of it.


Now the White House and the President are once again in trouble. This time over several items. Benghazi, The IRS targeting individuals and conservative groups, Now the incident of the DOJ gathering phone data of associated Press reporters. And these are just the latest problems facing the White House.


Congress has the power to impeach the President. Impeachment must be done first in the House of Representatives. And then the Senate must confirm the impeachment and order the removal from office of the President. (I’m paraphrasing here, but you can look it up.)


Here is my question; What would happen if both houses of Congress impeached the President and he then refused to go? What if the President then simply told Congress to go screw them selves and refused to leave?


What if Congress then called on the Justice Department to remove the President? Would Eric Holder tell Congress to go to hell? Or would he remove the President from office?

What if Holder refused the orders from Congress, would Congress then call on the DHS? How about the Military? What about the Supreme Court, would they join in with Congress? And what if Obama still refused to vacate the office? What then?

The White House has already set up the DHS as their own private army, remember, “A Civilian force Equally equipped and funded, and just as powerful as the US Military”.


Under the laws and rules enacted under the NDAA legislation if the people then actually did march on Washington The White House has granted itself power and authority to arrest and detain (indefinitely) anyone who posses a threat to the administration or to the Government.


This President has already set himself up as a dictator and evidence of that is slowly being revealed as more and more of these agency and department heads refuse to answer questions or to present documents that Congress has requested or demanded.


I think somebody had better start asking some real serious questions.


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