Restore Oklahoma Public Education

"Well, I have started looking into America's Choice - the curriculum used by the OKCPS. Social Justice is stamped all over it and the trail leading up to it. We MUST be more vigilant as parents AND taxpayers."

Jenni White



Big Government


NY Schools’ ‘Human Rights’ Curriculum Features Van Jones

by Kyle Olson

A new human rights curriculum that was recently introduced to middle schools and high schools all across New York is a disservice to students because it wastes precious instruction time which would be more wisely spent on academic fundamentals.


Last Friday, December 10, over 1,000 New York students took part in the inaugural webcast of the “Speak Truth to Power” curriculum distributed by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights and New York State United Teachers.
The web event originated from a classroom at Chestnut Ridge Middle School, a school with a student population that recently scored below-average on statewide tests, according to the New York Times.  It is extremely difficult to see how lessons focusing on corporate “greed,” landmine awareness, Chinese labor camps and abolishing the death penalty will do anything to raise student test scores in math, reading and science.
According to a NYSUT blog, the curriculum “introduces general human rights issues” and “urges students to become personally involved in the protection of human rights.”
New York parents and taxpayers ought to be very concerned that their public schools think this curriculum is an appropriate use of time.  Students may end up with an increased awareness of global problems, but if they don’t graduate with basic academic skills, what can they possibly do about such issues?
This is another case of public schools using class time to indoctrinate students with a radical, leftist political agenda. No curriculum that promotes the views of Van Jones should be allowed to pollute the minds of school kids.
New York schools need to focus on the rights of their students to an education that prepares them for life. Teaching social awareness to students who are lacking basic academic skills is a luxury that New York schools, families and taxpayers cannot afford.

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  • Home school you children and grandchildren.

  • North Korea, Cuba many many countries for these wannabe communist to go to,what i have to say to these people is  (love it or leave it ).

  • The left and all the socialist coutries hate the U.S. because we excelled where they didnt now they are trying to destroy our children and grandchildren.

  • Parents should all ban together and march on the school board.  Van Jones is a certified communist and freely admits it.  He is backed by George Soros.  When Glen Beck exposed him as a communist, the white house had to get him out!  These are the friends of Nobama, communists, socialists and America haters.  Every parent should pull their kid out of school and protest every day!  They won't stop, not ever, as long as they are allowed to get away with this kind of crap!!!

  • Being a New Yorker, this article so upsets me. I am so truly tired of this BS. It's time we take our pitchforks to the schools. "Speak Truth to Power"... I have gone crazy trying to find statements online that connect this phrase to the Progressive Movement (socialism, marxism, communism). But I've been unable to find a distinct link. I intend on contacting the schools in my town because enough is enough. If anyone knows where a connection can be made, please let me know. I've already printed out a number of different articles about Van Jones etc. and I intend on mailing the packet to each board member and principal of the schools.

  • This particular individual, Van Jones, advocates exactly what should happen to him. But it shouldn't stop there. It should also happen to everyone in the chain that put him in the door of any school.

    Enough said.


    Jim Cannon

    • Jim Cannon

      Great last name by the way that is what should be used on van jones a cannon. So like I said great last name.

  • Home schooling isn't practical for most people and our public schools should be used to teach the 3 R's, not political correctness. Christine Ulferts has a good idea about marching on the school board. At least it would draw attention to the problem. There have to be other answers too and I would like to get some input from teachers who don't agree with what they are forced to teach.

  • Social Justice is seeing the left dangling from lamp posts because the people finally woke the hell on up!

    • We need to get these UN bozos out of this country before they start a war or do something worse. none of them can be trusted at this time (the un workers that is)

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