Making local connections

Maybe y'all are already familiar with this network, but I just stumbled upon it so in case someone else is in the dark like I was...I found local prepper groups through  I believe they have meetups all over.  I joined some in Tucson and even in Phoenix, and they are having ongoing lots of great presentations, classes, groups, etc. on all types of preparedness skills from tactical stuff to food storage to cooking with it to survival stuff.  I think this might be a much more useful way to build our network with the new mission statement focus than the usual Tea Party, political groups.  Who knows.  Just a thought.

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  • I'm almost laughing too hard to type, Mercy...but not at you or your post which I thought was really interesting.  So I went to the page for my area and had a hard time deciding between the Pioneer Valley LGBTQ Women's Meetup Group, The Point of Light Crystal Healing Meditation Group, the Towards Affordable Co-Housing in Western MA group, the Dharma Ocean Group, or the Ancient Art of Belly Dancing Group.  I'm thinking Belly Dancing will be a good addition to the American Burka shop that I think we could use around here!  LOL!  Check it out for zip code 01376...take a quick peek and you'll see what I am dealing with here in western Mass.  It is an absolute libtard heaven!  Guess I'll just keep on looking for likeminded souls elsewhere!

  • Not sure I trust the Oathkeepers around here, Mercy.  As Denise Baran can tell you, a lot of our small town police departments are in bed having wild times with the feds.  They have sold their souls for grant funding.  I have a few friends in LE and they are disgusted with the lot, but afraid of repercussions on them and their jobs if they speak up.  The obamots have Massachusetts all sewn up...or so they think.  I refuse to think that they are the majority, but they apparently hold the upper hand until people around here grow some balls.

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