
  • Great, a future TEA PARTY candidate.

  • The wrong person is being forced to retire! Ought to be the Great Imposter.

  • Can't speak out against Barry if you are military, can't speak out against Barry if you are a Democrat, can't speak out against Barry if you are a businessman.... without being targeted for destruction.  Welcome to the USSA.  Hey!  Let's give him another 4 years, because he hasn't polished us all off yet.

    • Well Frankly, maybe he will trip in the bathtub and pull the radio in with him and Electrocute himself, while he is at it. That would be Justice...

    • Can't speak out if you're Republican, because that would be "racist."

      Can't speak out if you're a RINO, because you agree with them anyway.

      Can't speak out if you're MSM, since they are sworn to support the Marxist usurper.

  • That SEAL is of more value to the United States and the world than millions of the worthless Obama!

    • If the Leadership in the Military had any guts they would stand up for the Seal.  What would Eisenhower, Patten, or Admiral Nimitz or any of the other world war ll heroes have done?  Where is the Senate and The Congress, is there not one of them with enough guts to stand against this gutless wonder named Obama.  If one of them had the guts of a she-goat they would file impeachment papers against this jackass it may not do any good as there are very few Washington who would be worth to shine the shoes of thIs SEAL, but I am going to write letters of protest to both my Senators and my Congressman.  If you don't know the addresses are below.

                                                                                                  - Richard C. Wagener

                                                                                                    U.S; Navy Vet

         Senator----------                              Congressman----------


        United States Senate                     U. S. House of Representatives

         Washington, D. C. 20510               Washington, D. C. 20515

      If you want to be nice and formal you can put, "The Honorable" in front of name.  There are very few I respect enough to do that to however.  Our one Senator Charles Grassley I believe deserves that honor however.                                

      • Richard, I lived in Sioux City from 1972 until 2007.  Grassley was my Senator for a long time too.  He has managed to maintain his integrity through his tenure, even if I don't always agree with his votes.  Sen Grassley sponsored the Iowa Student Leadership Conference when my daughter was in high school.  She met him and really admired him.

        Steve King is another one I admire.

        • Same here I don't always agree with what Grassley does but he is honorable.  He never fails to answer my letter and each issue.  I am also a fan of King.  If the whole Congress was like him we wouldn't be in the mess we are. he is and A-1 Standup Guy, whom I trust.  He is a very very honorable man.

    • Right on Brother !!

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