Now is the time, today, for all moral Scout leaders and scouts to leave the BSA!! If you don't attend a real Bible believing church (i.e., Orthodox/conservative) do so as you should be attending anyway. Then, join their scouting type program....most of those churches do have such a group. If such a church with a program can't be found, then simply find something else to do instead. It's better to not be involved at all than to belong to a fast becoming liberal organization. Among the many phrases Scouts are supposed to live by are words like “morally straight,” “trustworthy,” “loyal,” “brave,” “clean” and “reverent.” What a shame it is that today’s Scout leaders didn’t live up to those moral guidelines when they voted yesterday!


I’m sure the Boy Scouts board of directors and the delegates to the national meeting, which has been stacked with homosexual activists, thought they were being clever by creating a compromise. Or maybe it didn’t, and it really intends what will be the obvious result of this cluster screw up.

The moment some Eagle Scout, urged by his parents, teachers or whoever to be proud and loud about his homosexuality turns 18, the first lawsuit will arrive via uniformed courier at the BSA’s front office.

The Supreme Court back at the turn of the century ruled the Boy Scouts had the right to keep their policy of not allowing “gays” into their ranks. And it was a good policy.

Naturally, the homosexual activist groups have hounded them mercilessly ever since, with the intention of forcing the Boy Scouts into their version of the Muslim compromise: Convert or die.

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