Father God, today I prayed and asked you what you wanted me to know, learn and share today. I trust your wisdom and guidance in all matters and this was sent to me to share:

Every American should call this number and call for Barack Obama's arrest for Treason. I just did, it is your right and duty as an American citizen. (202) 224-2341.

Daniel 2:30

As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind.

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  • I my case, they took my name, phone number, and request.

    • Maria, same here, the lady I spoke to was very nice. 

  • Jean, sorry you had that experience, the lady that took my call was very nice and took my message. It was my understanding that the Senate Sgt of Arms has the power to arrest the president.

    • I just wrote to Senator Lindsey Graham requesting the arrest for treason. This is the letter he submitted yesterday - I hope it pastes:  

      Graham Requests Hearing on Exchange of Taliban Leaders for Sergeant Bergdahl

      WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today wrote Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin and Ranking Member Jim Inhofe to request an immediate hearing on the exchange of five high-ranking Taliban leaders for the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl.

      Graham's letter is below.

      Dear Chairman Levin and Ranking Member Inhofe:

      I write today requesting an immediate hearing on the exchange of five high-ranking Taliban leaders for the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. While I appreciate an American was released from captivity, this decision by the Obama Administration has serious implications for our future national security.

      The five terrorists released were the hardest of the hard-core. They held positions of great importance within the hard-core anti-American Taliban, including the Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army and the Taliban Deputy Minister of Intelligence. They have American blood on their hands and surely as night follows day they will return to the fight. In effect, we released the "Taliban Dream Team." The United States is less safe because of these actions.

      I fear President Obama's decision will inevitably lead to more Americans being kidnapped and held hostage throughout the world.

      There are also questions about why the Administration failed to comply with the law. We need a thorough review of this decision and I urge you to hold a hearing on this matter as it has profound implications for our national security.

      With President Obama's announcement of a total withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2016 - basically canceling an insurance policy to protect our homeland - and now releasing five Taliban leaders, it's safe to say last week was a great week for the Taliban.

      Thank you for your consideration on this most important matter.

      • Maria, I am  very impressed and I know that  Senator Graham has that on his agenda. Thank you for your decisive action in writhing to your representatives. ~ Denise

  • Keep that pressure on, way to go :) I hope to plan a meeting with Graham when I go to DC next - met him Sunday before Memorial Day at church. He was visiting. Probably campaign presence stuff - many running against him. He needs to look good for the campaign - can be a great advantage for us.

  • God is amazing - He is so faithful to give us the wisdom we need to navigate this world and honor Him :)

    • Maria, I noticed when I posted this elsewhere, some didn't believe that God gives us discernment to understand his will.  You and I both know that only those that belong to him have this gift. Some have other very important gifts as well but only those who diligently seek him hear his word. One said I was off my meds. LOL didn't bother me, I hear better without them :)

      • They just don't understand. They haven't lived the experience with Jesus Christ. I have watched God work. I have prayed for wisdom and He has given me understanding and direction that I know there is no way it came from my brain. Perhaps one day they will allow themselves the joy of the relationship with God :)

  • Jean, I understand that they are being deluged with calls. Thank you for stepping up and taking action. ~ Denise

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