It was apparent in Obama's campaign for the presidency that something was wrong. He appeared detached, enigmatic – he seemed to have another frame of reference, to come from another culture. Nonetheless, he had a mesmerizing effect on his followers. Hundreds of them broke down in tears at his public appearances and many behaved as if they were experiencing a religious awakening. Maybe they were. Some news anchors behaved the same way.

Beyond that, Obama was secretive. He wouldn't release his birth certificate and when he finally did release it in the form of a pdf file on the internet, a number of forensic experts declared it a forgery.

He spoke of hope and promised to effect a profound change in American life. That promise was not an empty one. His first important act of office (apart from sending the bust of Winston Churchill back to the British government from its display in the White House) was to mount a blitzkrieg campaign to pass his signature legislation, Obamacare. The promise was that it would save every family $2500that everyone could keep their doctors, everyone could keep their health plans "Period," and 30 million uninsured would get insurance.

Of course, none of that was true. What was true was that the entire scheme was impossible simply by way of the fact that adding 30 million people to an existing medical insurance structure cannot result in cost savings or the same quality service for the insured. And it has not. The scheme was a lie intended to obscure the fact that Obamacare is a socialized medicine scheme that is resulting in rationed care, death panels, and reduced service.

On top of that, for those interested in the sustainability of government, Obama orchestrated the passage of this bill with unprecedented arm-twisting and deal-making with insurance companies, hospitals and drug companies, and he did this under cover of the urgent need to act quickly. Just as in making his illegal and unconstitutional interim presidential appointmentsbypassing the requirement of the advice and consent of the Senate, in pushing Obamacare through, he was saying "I refuse to take no for an answer."

Obama was right about the need to act quickly. If anyone had paused to think about this bill – a bill that not a single republican voted for – it would have failed because of its obvious shortcomings, not the least of which was that those who voted for it did so without knowing what was in it. Nancy Pelosi, Obama's chief legislative spokesman famously said that we all would find out what was in the bill after it was passed.

This is not the behavior of a president. It is the behavior of an ideologue run amok. It is precipitous, wrongheaded, dangerous, and, as it has worked out, damaging to the economy and to the people.

Even after Obamacare was rammed through, Obama seemed to be from another place, to have an unfamiliar sense of things, to have little or no respect for American values and traditions. He seemed remote, detached.

He seemed that way because he is that way. Dinesh D'Souza, who is Obama's age, who grew up in India as Obama was growing up in Indonesia, who is non-white as Obama is non-white, who attended American ivy league schools, as did Obama, graduating the same year, and who even was married the same year as Obama, sees him as a person profoundly affected by his Indonesian experience and his Kenyan father:

"[I]t is the anti-colonial ideology of his African father that Barack Obama took to heart. From a very young age and throughout his formative years, Obama learned to see America as a force for global domination and destruction. He came to view America's Military as an instrument of neocolonial occupation. He adopted his father's position that the free market is a code word for economic plunder. Obama grew to perceive the rich as an oppressive class, a kind of neocolonial power within America. He began to detest corporations as institutional mechanisms for economic control and exploitation. In Obama's worldview, profits are a measure of how effectively you have ripped off the rest of society, and America's power in the world is a measure of how selfishly it consumes the globe's resources and how ruthlessly it bullies and dominates the rest of the planet."

D'Souza, The Roots of Obama's Rage
(Washington, D.C, 2011), 34.

The strength of D'Souza's analysis is that it explains more about Obama than any other theory I have seen. Obama hates the Core Values of the United States because he sees the United States as a neocolonial power, like Britain (remember returning the statue of the infamous neocolonialist Winston Churchill). He views the United States as a plunderer of third world nations and an exploiter of their resources, cheating them and keeping them from realizing their rightful place in the world. Having been taught to hate Western neocolonialism, Obama's mission is to destroy the United States and the Core Values that make it work. His ultimate goal is to destroy Western Civilization itself, for it is the West that is the shameless and evil colonizer.

The Core Values of the United States and the other nations, mostly European, that make up Western Civilization have been well described by Samuel Huntington:

ChristianityChristian teachings are a "core value" of the United States and a major contribution of Western civilization to the world. Obama belongs to Jerimiah Wright's brand of Christianity, the "God damn America" brand because he can simultaneously present himself to white folks as a Christian and to blacks as a militant. However, he has claimed to foreign leaders that his entire family is Muslim.

His affinity for Islam is also apparent in his artful bumbling in Syria and Iran, the result of which will be that these two Muslim nations will soon have nuclear weapons. Beyond that, other nations in the region will purchase their own nuclear arsenal, probably from Iran, creating a situation where the United States, which Obama is now unilaterally disarming, may well be unable to defend itself from nuclear destruction by a combination of rogue Muslim states. Alireza Forghani, a strategy specialist in the camp of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has said "the Islamic world should rise up and shout that a nuclear bomb is our right, and disrupt the dreams of America and Israel." Apparently Obama agrees.

Obama's pro-Islamic posture is also evident in his insistence on abandoning the GITMO facility, which houses Islamic terrorists who pose a threat to the United States, his bizarre proposal to try war criminals in civilian courts in New York City, his unprecedented recent release of five key Taliban fighters in the midst of a war with Taliban-related groups, his directive that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will now have the primary mission of reaching out to Muslims, and his insistence that the Islamic Fort Hood shooter who killed thirteen fellow soldiers and wounded thirty-two while shouting "Allahu Akbar," was engaged in workplace violence and not Islamic terrorism.

The significance of Obama's friendliness to Islam is that Islam is poised to do battle with the West and reduce it to third world status or worse:Christianity is useful to Obama only as a political tool, but Islam is a kindred spirit in its hatred of the West.

Pluralism. Although one of Obama's major goals is diversity, what he means by that is black, Hispanic and Islamic favoritism.

The founders of our country, as Huntington points out, feared diversity. They created the national motto "e Pluribus Unum," (one out of many) because of their concern that racial, sectional, ethnic, economic and cultural diversity would lead to civil war. Id., 305-306. The founders saw diversity as a threat to the stability of the country.

Before "diversity" made its appearance in the United States, many of us grew up thinking of America as a melting pot, a place where people from many backgrounds came together and blended into one people. Obama appears to prefer the view that Americans are diverse and insular, at each other's throats, divided and hateful, not one people united and strong. Pluralism is not a value for Obama.

Individualism. All of the traditional individual rights guaranteed Americans are an anathema to Obama, for they thwart his socialist mentality, which seeks to impose uniform and centralized plans like Obamacare on the entire country.

Thus, it is no surprise that Obama's NSA eavesdrops on individual Americans without reason or leave of court; that Obama and Holder have worked tirelessly to eliminate individual gun ownership; that Obama's IRS has targeted groups who have individual political views different from Obama's, or that individuals are pilloried if they utter words reflecting their individual beliefs but not acceptable to Obama. One might say that individualism is not an Obama priority.

The rule of law. Even Obama's supporters will admit that Obama has not been long on obeying the law. Although Obama personally controls the State Department (responsible for the Benghazi scandal), the NSA (responsible for the snooping scandal) the IRS (responsible for the suppression of contrary views scandal), and the BATF (responsible for the Fast and Furious scandal), he has refused to order any agency to turn over to congressional investigators critical papers from any of these agencies that they have subpoenaed.

On at least thirty-eight occasions, he has ignored and altered statutory mandates in the Obamacare law. He has allowed his Attorney General to be held in contempt of congress. He has made public statements in local criminal matters in favor of blacks which have the effect of biasing juries; he has flooded the United States with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, he and his attorney general have refused to prosecute blacks who intimidate whites at voting places; and he has sponsored a health care act which has wrecked the existing system affecting nearly 18% of the economy, without constitutional authority. These lawless acts are so egregious that the Speaker of the House of Representatives has announced that he will sue Obama for his lawlessness.

In sum, Obama has acted and will continue to act to destroy the seminal values of our culture and our civilization, what Huntington calls the "Core Values." He has done this because he believes Western nations like the United States are neocolonial powers which have plundered and exploited third world nations like Indonesia and Kenya, dominating their economies and occupying their land. He correctly believes he can destroy our nation by renouncing our Core Values and substituting the values of "diversity," Islam, collectivism, and extra-legal conduct in the service of a higher morality. If he is successful at substituting his values for those of the West and the United States, he will, indeed, be successful in his determination to destroy our culture and, thus, our country.

The advent of having a president determined to destroy his own country is bad enough, but it also comes at a time when Western Civilization and its leading proponent, the United States, is entering a period of decline. This decline is illustrated not only by the difficulty we have had winning a war with a third world nation like Iraq but also by our declining control of the world's resources:

The shock of gradually losing our place of primacy in the world has produced confusion, both cultural, economic and military, which Obama has been able to exploit. Novel ideas, like going into debt a trillion dollars a yearunilaterally reducing our military forceand flooding the nation with illegal immigrants ("By the Obama administration's own estimation, 230,000 unaccompanied alien minors are expected to cross through the Rio Grande Sector by the end of next year") float by unnoticed in this time of crisis and are tools of destruction. The realization of any of these ideas -- Driving the nation into insolvency, reducing our military defenses to inadequacy, or flooding the nation with illegal immigrants – would be sufficient to destroy the nation.

No other president in our history, no matter what his politics, has posed this level of threat to our Core Values, to the culture, to the country and to Western civilization. And we haven't even touched on Obama's willingness to squander 100 million dollars on one Roman-emperor vacation to Africa.

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  • Thank you Jean!     So much anger, talking, threats and demonstrations etc. I feel that so many are taking the wrong approach to combat the issues of government. In stead of a "Defensive" approach we must take an "Offensive" approach and attack within in as well. We must hold our elected leaders accountable and to elect "Constitution Leadership"! The issues we face today started a long time ago in our history, not just under Obama! 

    For example, "Social Entitlements" (Social Security) was initiated under President FDR 1938 after the great depression. We have allowed the Government to control what our children learn in schools, which was started back in the 19th Century. Churches and organizations who have filed under a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit status has volunteerally fallen under Government Control with mandates, regulations and requirements.

    YES - Everyone is mad as Hell... because we have ALL allowed this to happen through out our history.

    (The boiling frog theory!)

  • Obama could do nothing with out congress, I believe if Obama was gone today nothing would change,
    • That is precisely WHY every politician in Washington DC must go by force, a complete purging of all houses of Congress, then have the states send brand new electives to washington with 10 goals:

      1.   Get rid of Lobbying, period.

      2.   Pass and send to states, two items for amendments:

                   a.   Term-Limits for all offices

                    b.   No Appointed jobs, all jobs are elected by the people.

      3.   Permanently add to the 2nd Amendment, Constitutional OPEN Carry, no more concealed permits allowed anywhere in the United States.

      4.   Remove the Feds, who are foreign bankers anyway, Move the money back to the U.S.Treasury, under the auditing power of the House of Representatives who control the origination of all Spending bills. Put us back on the Gold Standard, no more fiat currencies.

      5.   Take 5 cents from every dollar and appy to retiring the debts in this country that Congress has built for the last 100 years.

      6.   Submit a balanced-budget amendment to the States for approval. Set the maximum at no more than 65% of GDP.

      7.   Abolish or reduce the IRS, implement a Fair or Flat tax, set at a reasonable amount, that everybody pays.

      8.   Set starting and ending salary caps on Congress's pay. No more free rides, no more retirement funds for Congress, it was a part-time job, not a permanent full-time job.

      9.   All in Government must pass a "Military style-Top Secret" security clearance in order to be confirmed to office, no communist, no progressives, only Conservatives, whose loyalties are confirmed by the past actions at the state level. No Foreign Government agents allowed.

      10.  Stop all money, other than charitable funds to foreign governments.

      This listing can go on forever, with all the over-regulation in this country, we should put a committee of Citizens in Washington, to weed through, remove un-necessary or out dated regulations that don't make sense. Etc.Etc.Etc.

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