This is part of the left vs. right war. The leftist left go around to sites like PFA and report them or some of their posts as spam. This is part of their warfare tactics.


(This is also a tactic that some who claim to be conservative, or at least for liberty,  use against any group who has a majority not for their POTUS candidate for 2012 and they will report all posts against their candidate as spam.)


Expect it to get even more ugly than this. They are now planning on going after folks on the front lines by calling 911 reporting some horrid crime and give our addresses... thus swat teams raid our homes etc. This is called swatting. It's gonna get ugly. Here is a report:



I've been watching for years as leftist are online everywhere brow-beating/berating/demoralizing and demonizing folks. Some come in and pretend to be one of us and many believe they are one of us because we play the numbers game for elections.


Youtube was the worse of all places that I observed this happen. I watched it on military videos. In comments it appeared there were so many anti-troops folks that they outnumbered conservatives and those who truly understood what was going on. Well, the tactic there was and still is (I didn't figure it out, others did and pointed it out to me - then I was able to see what was being done) one person has many many many shadow profiles. So what may appear like 6 -12 or more commenting/-e-beating folks up was no more than one or two people. I've seen the same thing here on PFA and other conservative sites. What is interesting is at youtube many of the shadowers were hadjis - not all of them, some were just useful idiots for hadjis or marxists.


I do have a suggestion for what to do to possibly have your and those in your communities you link arms with backs. Take the swatting info to your local authorities so they will have a heads up on this. Let them know your a conservative that is concerned something like this might happen to you or other innocent people. If this ever comes up, they will be mindful of this info and it will be better for you and them and maybe they will turn the tables on the leftist for falsely reporting a serious crime with criminal sabotaging intent.


To be fair, I am willing to say some folks have just reported PFA for spam because I send out email. However, I would expect those folks to adjust their settings so they don't receive PFA email instead of reporting us as spam. Either we are on the same team or not. Time will tell and then we will know who really is standing shoulder to shoulder with us.


Please keep comments to productive and helpful content only. Lets make this a working and productive post.



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  • Thanks you for the information.

  • Another control ploy, part of the round up man "step out of line and the man come and take you away, stop children whats that sound everybody look whats goin down" We have to be smarter, quicker, we have to stay a step ahead of the osteridges who have their heads in the sand becausethey fear the man, FEAR iswhat they want, we wont give it up so, they promote it and enforce it,  can you say NAZI

    • "there's a man with a gun over there a tellin me I got to beware" - Buffalo Springfield's greatest song ever called "For What it's Worth".  As applicable now as it was in the 60s.  Or more so now.

  • It's high time to tie this in to the constructive COUNTER Initiatives that Must be started to prevent this and similar tactics being used against us.  I'll have an e-mail going out that deals with a First Line Defense tactic, one that should be employed ASAP.  It requires meeting space, teachers, students and media people to appropriately publicize such events. "Advertising" such gatherings is a critical key to getting such a thing off the ground. Here's an example of such:  .  We must predicate our arguements on PROOF that will stir the mind of the average American. Also we that read this must engage in recruiting the people in "our Next Door World". who will "Man The Mission" .  The founding documents must be taught and we must be able to provide Point and Counter Point video that shows where enslaved societys slipped and fell.  I have some Vets and Legionaires to contact about their facilities.  We have, ( And YOU Have),  locally several folks who are superbly knowledgeable civic teachers, all within the Tea Party, Oath Keepers etc. This relates almost directly to another discussion we have had here recently about this.  We can only conclude that we the Conservative Patriots Shall be Shut Down and Shut Up if we do NOT Collectively Raise Our Voices NOW, so everything that goes into NOVEMBER and Beyond goes toward Reviving Our Dying Republic.            

  • PFA.  I've  never  installed  McAffe,  Have  started  with  2.0 ,  Have  been  with  Norton  anti-virus  for   12  years;;``It  alerts  me  to  Phishing  sites and  `Potential  risks   these  sites  will  damage  your  computer.. And  Net  Guard  is  good  too..!!  Passing  it  on  Thank  You

  • Bring it on!! This is WAR!
  • This works!!

  • I knew it, I knew there was a bigger reason I couldn't get on many conservative sites. It's happening to this day and even when I get on such sites I can't post. I can't even get on my own facebook page and group page alot of times. It is so very frustrating and it's probably going to get worse. Damn them all anyway!

  • Just hang in there guys, It's going to be a long summer.  I can hold my walker up with one hand while I wave the Flag with the other.

    • A flag in one hand and your 2nd Amendment hardware in the other!

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