This is final announcement and request to know who will be going to the PFA National Face to Face in Arkansas.

I need to know if you are going. There are several reasons.

1. Food supplies

2. Port-a-pottys plus supplies

Please tell us here in comment section if you are attending. Plus it is very important to contact Marvin Green and let him know you are coming and if any others are coming with you. He is making ID's for folks who let us know you are coming. It is very important for you to know - without ID from Marvin, there will be no access. We would hate to see someone drive hundreds of miles to get there and then have to turn them away.

Thanks so much ........ I must say, I'm so excited about this get together. I really look forward to getting to meet you all that are coming. I can tell you I've met Marvin and his wife, I truly enjoy their fellowship and you all will too.

Imagine this, evening time sitting around the campfire with like-minded friends and patriots who share your love for the American Dream and the love of liberty and enjoy having a blessed and fruitful time together.


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Please don't assume that I or other administrators agree with or endorse any particular comment just because we let it stand.

Twana Blevins

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Email me when people reply –


  • Wish I could but just not to be this time around.

  • I would like to add my encouragement to what Twana has said.  My wife and I would love to see this little place of ours filled to overflowing and be able to spend as much time as possible conversing with like minded individuals.  We all know what the country is facing and we need to encourage and support each other for the coming hard times.  Please be sure to contact me for your ID.  I will send it to you via email.  It will be an image file and all you have to do is print it off.  I would suggest that you laminate it.  Also, if any of those who are attending would like to do presentations on skills and/or information which you think would be useful let us know.  I will be doing a very brief presentation on oven canning.  I have scoured the internet for old books on housekeeping/cooking/food preservation skills from 100 or more years ago.  I will have CDs available with these books in pdf format.  We really do look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

  • I will not be able to attend.

  • I will be there, and Marvin has sent me my nametag.

  • I won't be there. Hubby has  been sick for a while, so mainly I take care of him. Hoping you have a great turnout and a wonderful meeting.

    Donna Thrasher

  • Well, I had every intention of going, but several financial setbacks in the past few months have forced a change of plans.  I can't tell you how sorry I am...but this is a $1500 trip for my husband and I, no matter what mode of transportation we use.  Unfortunately, the budget just does not support this at this time, and unlike the government, we can't just print more...although my husband IS a printer!  LOL!   

    Sure wish you all were closer.  I can't think of any place that I would rather be.  This is an amazing opportunity to meet everyone and communicate with some likeminded souls....and living here in the land of libtards makes that even more of an attractive scenario.  Hopefully, someone from New England can make it down there, and perhaps in the fall, we could arrange a fall meet up here for those of us who can't make it all the way to Arkansas. 

    Jager, I would love to see your presentation on bugout bags.  One of the reasons we are choosing to stay home is that the money we do have needs to be spent on the ammo and prepping supplies that we need.  Would you think about making a video of your presentation?  Then perhaps we could all share it....and it would be a great thing to have if we are able to coordinate a Northeast meetup.

    I wish everyone a great, safe trip and meeting and sure wish I could be there with you all....perhaps if I win the lottery between now and May 15th!  Have a great time!

  • I  want  to  hear  about  this  survival  meeting  and  presentations,  stand  up  and be  proud..!! Salute

  • I will not be able to attend. Wish I could it sounds great!

  • As it stands rite now, ill be there thurs and sat. Already have my ID and room reserved
  • Twana, I wish I could be there, but it is not in the cards, but you can bet somewhere along the way, WE will meet.  My heart and mind go out to the group. Thanks for being a friend in Liberty and say a little prayer for the rest of us.

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