To all:

With the help of thousands of caring and unselfish souls, patriots throughout the state, gathering and networking and believing in a common thread......the organic groups, comradery , and friendships that were forged over the past 18 months have been an incredible event to watch and moved together toward a common goal.
Now the over 50+ groups in the state of Maine need to continue the ''bridging'', and ''communicating'' in order to table ideas and share direction with each other.
New groups should reach out to larger hubs to share ideas, events, and notification of the new groups existence to spread the word. We can't afford to work in a bubble, in isolation.
Group creators and passionate patriots working tirelessly in the movement should be aware of and provide additional insight into how we move forward together in UNISON. There are many tasks that we all can be doing throughout the year, and I put together a list to table with area and site patriots:
I am so proud of the American Citizens that have heard the call and ANSWERED. We've got much to do, we've got to take the blueprint here in Maine and build on it, AS IT WORKS!!!
We have a laundry list of ways to continue the push in what I call the N.W.T.P.O. (New ''We The People'' Order):
1. Replace ''tea-bagger(s)'', ''tea-partiers'' from the vocabulary in blogs as comments, rebuttals, or posts. ''TEA PARTY'' IS: Community, Humanity, and Participation. TEA-PARTY is ALL, EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, we need to avoid sucking the conversation into personal attacks of character.
2. Stay en mass ACTIVE on all blog centers throughout the state to counteract the systematic smearing of the progressive machine which started furiously again after the results came in last night.
3. Continue to introduce 1 person a week into your life, a person you would normally ignore or pass by in your life travels.
4. More involvement in Town Halls, continue to fill the empty seats and question decisions that before were just passed with ease. Make them uncomfortable digging into the office affairs, as this is YOUR BUDGET LINE ITEM in the family budget. Run for local positions.
5. Money-B0M_B from national networks, we all need to help create pages to write into national networks for fund-raising (See Library and Links for national networks).
6. Continue with fliers, business cards and reach out to networks in Maine to continue to strengthen communication and pull in new residents into the discussion and education and events.
7. Continue events throughout the state and advertise to raise awareness and funding.
8. Contact companies that advertise in liberal biased media outlets (complacent passive consent to behavior by funding them) and ask them for trial runs in areas or the state to pull out of these newspapers. Give them alternative papers and support these companies statewide when they confirm support. Ask national companies to block out the state for one month to ''test'' if revenue will suffer or if bonds of friendship and loyalty will be formed with thousands of thousands of hard-working Mainers (in turn word-of-mouth and brush-fires of support for these companies will ensue). I've started an analysis here on Maine Re-Founder and Maine Patriots and will continue throughout the summer with other newspaper companies.
9. Join social networks unassociated with politics and inject the ''state of the state'' into the discussions.
10. Join social networks of the ''old-guard'' two-party, us vs. them mentality and re-frame the conversation to invoke independent thought and re-framing of the conversation.
11. Re-frame our own communication style to understand that Democrats ARE NOT bad people. The left fringe Progressive ideology and the wide-spread contamination of it within the Democratic Party (and GOP to some extent) is the problem as well as a broken 2-party system that is power corrupt and has legislated us away.
12. Counter Progressive bloggers and smearing by reinforcing TEA-PARTY is a spot on slice of America's demographic, not angry old rich white men. Deflect lies of bigotry and racism, the movement has no ''twinge'' of this behavior, the government WANTS IT TO to induce artificial STRIFE in order to keep the broken system intact.
13. Continue to organically grow local groups to meet face-to-face and commune, discuss, support, and ACT.
14. Remove ''GRASSROOTS'' from the vocabulary, it was sullied and slathered with evil intentions by the Organize for America movement and Nancy Pelosi. Use ORGANIC.
15. Continue to share articles, and post in ''groups'' on the site for collection and re-distribution and study (i.e. articles BEFORE the election and AFTER the election) to see discontinuities in candidates, bloggers, and Progressive candidates.
16. Digest, interpret, and share the Democratic Platform and Democratic and Eliot Cutler platforms for the WORLD TO SEE - SHOW THEM THE INTENTIONS WITHOUT THE HAZE OF SALESMENSHIP.
17. Replace GOP/Republican with the word ''citizen(s) in the Platform and distribute unassumingly on sites with varying ideologies to raise awareness.
18. Seek to identify ''shoulder-devils'', Progressive Marxists in hiding, amongst GOP and Democratic Party networking groups. CALL THEM OUT FOR WHAT THEY ARE. The compromising, hesitation, and in-action they induce paralyzes The People from firming their commitment to Principles and Values.
19. Continue to research new legislation and call-fax-write to combat unconstitutional initiatives and bloated spending efforts of a gone-wild government.
20. Research candidates and their behavior-habits, support local candidates to improve their networks and share among the 50+ groups to strengthen the organic support behind them.
21. State militia groups need to join the conversation and be open to adjusting image and perceptions - they need to take a more proactive approach on teaching and outward reaching communication and tailor sites from the ''objects'' that are coveted or protected, to the ''protection and coveting of THE RIGHTS themselves''.
I can't say enough about the people I have met over the past year and how hard they have worked to make things right. We are not us vs. them, left vs. right, GOP vs. dem, old vs. young, black vs.. white, female vs. male.
United We Stand. God Bless America
I ask that this be included with the hundreds of other ideas from Patriotic Americans in Maine as we strategize our direction and how we behave going forward.


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