The Supreme Court Case of Minor vs Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875) stands as precedent of the Natural Born Citizen requirement of Article 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution which states a natural-born citizen as a person born in the US to (both) parents who are citizens. The 14th amendment is not applicable in any manner to that precedent.

We know, by his own admission, and subsequent release of a fraudulent birth certificate, that Obama A.K.A. Soetoro is of Kenyan citizenship by virtue of his father being Kenyan. We know that American citizenship could not be conveyed by his mother as she did not meet age and residency requirements at the time of his birth as outlined in the Constitution.

We know that every Congressman and Congresswoman, every Senator, every Supreme Court Justice, every Department of Justice attorney, every person that has been involved in the litany of cases addressing his eligibility, governors, Attorney Generals, and lower court judges have been informed and know of these and other facts of felonious crimes against America and our citizens. Yet every one of them has failed to act. There is verified records of legal process service of the findings of The American Grand Jury sessions and others addressing these matters that have been served on most of those mentioned.

We know that there have been numerous cases filed, attempting to bring to light the true identity of this usurper, in various courts across the nation that have failed to come to conclusion, or even heard for various reasons, some which have been outrageous.

We know that the broadcast media has failed to fully inform and disclose these many crimes and attempts to address them.

We know that in knowing those facts and felony crimes, yet failing to take action is in itself the crime of Misprision of Felonies.

Any person, and that means you and me, have the duty under the law to report these misprision of felonies and other misdemeanors to competent civil and or military authority. To do so in a manner that cannot be rebuked, evidence of that knowledge must be presented. No amount of emailing, phone calls, faxes, or regular letters will be proof. Establishing proof of knowledge is easily done through the use of the US Postal Service with the help of a Certified Notary Public.

Using the form letter I have shown here available to copy from this post, complete it with your required information, then take it with an exact copy before a Notary for your signature and notary seal, place the letter in an addressed envelope and seal it asking for the notary seal to also be placed over the sealed flap. Keep the notarized copy for your proof. Then take it to your post office and ask for it to be mailed as certified mail, restricted delivery addressee only, signature required. You will need to fill out the Certified Mail card that will be attached to the envelope. The address must be that of the recipient, and the envelop marked as ‘Confidential’. Once the addressee receives and signs for the letter, the Certified Mail Return Receipt will be sent back to you with that person’s signature, date and place of receipt. You now have PROOF OF KNOWLEDGE that will stand up in any court of law!

Many of you have been asking ‘what can be done about it?’ Carl Swensson says "Try thinking in terms of what must now occur..."! Right! We all know what the end result must be, but what can any of us do to bring about that end?

Think about what a charge of Misprision of Felonies and Other Misdemeanors means. I've read a number of the court rulings by my great uncle, Baron of Whitchurch, Lord Alfred Thomas Denning, the most revered and respected British jurist of the 20th century. He cited Misprision of Felony in several of his published rulings, going against the prevailing ideology of the House of Lords, for which Parliment passed legislation upholding those rulings.

HERE’S YOUR ANSWER! If every one of you sends just ONE of the following letter, to your State Representative, or your State Senator, or your State Governor, your Secretary of State, State Attorney General, your local sheriff or chief of police, your National Guard Commander, US Representative, US Senator, the Chief Judge of your local court, or even your local District Attorney, JUST ONE LETTER, I will guarantee that nearly every person of authority will have received it throughout the country. Sure, it will cost a few bucks, last time I did it back in 1992 it cost about $3.50. It could be double that now. The end result was that every one of the letters I sent using that method resulted in another court case won. There was no defense possible by the time I sent them out, just as there is no defense possible for Obama now. All that needs to happen is for just ONE recipient with authority to take notice and step forward to initiate charges. Then watch the ball start rolling! With a thousand letters sent, and a thousand persons of authority furnished the factual evidence, odds say that only 1% might act on it. THAT’S 100 PEOPLE!!! Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio is already investigating obozo's legitimacy, and I read that two other sheriffs will be initiating investigations as well. It's time, RIGHT NOW, to hit 'em with both barrels!

So, you decide. Is it worth six or seven dollars to you, or maybe as much as ten, and a little of your time and work? You’ve been throwing money at all those solicitations for donations, and pounding your keyboards endlessly, and still nothing happened. Put your money, time, and work into something that will get action!

If you get a positive reply back, GET ON IT! If you don’t know what to do then, ask for help from your website admins! Remember one important fact; this is not about politics, nor is it about either political party. It’s about upholding the law! Don’t make it political.

Here’s the form letter to copy below: Highlight the letter and copy it to your PC word processing program to edit, redact the parentheses and replace with your info as shown.



From: (your name and title if any)

Address: (your mailing address)

TO: (title and name of addressee-if a politician or judge use Honorable + name)

Address: (recipient’ address)


(Honorable - Mr. - Mrs/Ms. - Sheriff - or appropriate title + name)

I am (your printed name), a citizen of the United States of America, (your age) years of age, and of sound mind. I must address a matter of grave concern to me, and to our nation.

As it is now, and has been for some time widely known in America, as well as in many foreign countries that President Obama has submitted a form of his Certificate of Live Birth that has been proven by numerous well qualified official sources to be fraudulent and forged. It is a matter of concern that I write to you in the hopes that you will take action to investigate or initiate proceedings leading to prosecution of President Barack Hussein Obama, A.K.A. Barry Soetoro for the commission of this outrageous fraud perpetrated against the people of America, and the Constitution of the Republic of the United States.

The very fabric of our great nation has become a laughing stock at best, and many know of the validity of criminal charges that can and must be brought. By his own admission, in published book form, as well as upon releasing the forgery and claiming it as his real birth certificate, he has shown himself to be unquestionably ineligible to hold the office he now subverts by virtue of the US Supreme Court Precedence established with Minor vs Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1875) which specifically defines an Article 2 Section 1 natural-born citizen as a person born in the US to parents who are citizens.

Therefore, Obama –– according to US Supreme Court precedent –– is not eligible to be President, and his attempt to overcome that requirement, being other than natural born, constitutes criminal charges, subject to Impeachment and immediate removal from office. As he was facilitated by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Notary Public certifying the candidacy nomination forms, and others in the Democratic National Committee charged with the duty to provide affirmation of his eligibility, they too must be investigated and brought to face charges of Fraud and Misprision of Felonies and other misdemeanors as outlined in U.S.C. 18 Ch 1, § 4.

In the interest of preservation of our great nation, I would strongly encourage your immediate action in moving forward to end this fraud. I have listed links to on-line sources for reference below to facilitate your ease of access. Thank you for standing up for law and order.

With all due respect,

( your signature in the presence of notary on original and copy)

CC: file

Sources: (Misprision explained in the house of Lords)

U.S.C 18 Ch1, § 4 Misprision of Felony and other Misdemeanors

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Email me when people reply –


  • Our elected officials will not do anything.  What can we, the legal citizens of America, do to take our country back.  Elections are rigged, millions of illegal criminals vote.  Most voters are to dumb and ill informed to make an intelligent decision as to whom to vote for. 
    • Steven, we all know that our elected officials have been unwilling to do anything about this. And indeed SCOTUS has also been unwilling even in spite of the dressing down of them by the USURPER POTUS in his State of the Union Address. The Chief Justice even commented that he lied...but SCOTUS still will not hear any of the actions brought before them on this issue. But when you ask "What can we, the legal citizens of America, do to take our country back...." well, that is just wrong.  We can keep trying at every turn. For those that refuse to do anything as my Congressman reponded to me when I wrote asking him to convene an effort to impeach him, they need to know that they too can be charged with MISPRISON OF A FELONY for their actions or lack thereof when they knew of and failed to do anything about it.  Someone somewhere will take action even if it is someone we elect to office in 2012. And Steven make no mistake about it, it will not be too late to charge Pelosi, Reid and everyone involved with Misprison of a Felony in 2012. 


      My only concern at this juncture and only because I am not a lawyer is that the information on this subject is provided based upon English Law.  And although much of our existing laws have been patterned in many cases after English as well as Roman Law, Misprison of a Felony is indeed a valid law in our own legal system. So whether it is based on English law or our own it surely must be valid....But again what do I know, I am not a lawyer.


      I am indeed as frustrated by the lack of action and the "dumb and ill informed" voters that made it possible for this clown to become POTUS and especially disappointed in the Young some of whom are educated but still dumb and ill informed (make that most of them) for they are more interested in their IPODS, Cell Phones and Facebook than they are in being responsible adults.  Too, those so called future leaders are being taught in the Nations leading halls of education by communists, socialists and others who could not themselves run a government or any other organization and because of that decided to teach.  The totally blind leading our young who graduate with blinders on at an amazing rate.  Need proof?  Look at POTUS should be obvious.


      Do not lose heart, I happen to personally agree with Stingray that if enough of us do this, someone somewhere will make it happen.  If that fails, well it is less than a year and a half until we have our last chance to legally and peacefully take our country back. All bets are off if that effort fails...I do not believe it will fail. 

      •   He is CORRECT Steven,this in legal terms gives one "Legal "Standing",plus,it is REQUIRED of every legal,True,knowelegable of such an offense,American Citizen,& also helps form the legal basis along with a direct Pettion For Redress of Grevance to Congress as outlined within the Consitution-REGAURDLESS if Congress does anything about it,& if not,IS,the legal standing needed to go forward,not only then needed,but by Constitution,then REQUIRED,as outlined within it.

          After this,one need not re write or change a thing,as the founding Fathers di a great  directly put job already of this,as outlined,& just then re offer to Congress after this a new copy of the exact same Declaration of Independance-a "Right"-NOT a Priveleage!

  • This is great, thanks for posting....I must share this with all my other groups and contacts....the more people that we can get involved the better....send this out to all your Friends and family. If we do nothing , nothing will be done !!!!
  • Though not complete, here's a list compiled by Sam Sewell of our US Sheriffs. Use it to contact as many as possible.



    Short of that, get a Citizens Grand Jury going in your locale. That's the only peaceful thing left for us to do. 

  • Sheriff Mack now is up in Fredricksburg Texas 70 miles north of here.  I wonder if he is apprised of this.  His secretary's name is Tonya>  The # is 830-307-3077.  The question now is can Texans be deputized under Sheriff Joe or can we find the Texas sheriffs that will cooperate. You know I'd just have to put SOROS on the wanted list as a co occupant to the Public Enemy # 1 slot.
  • Wonderful detailed information and I hope many will use it.   The sad part is that no matter what action is taken, neither Congress nor the SC will do anything because they all fear extreme black riots in every major city will result if obama is removed from office. I think the best we can hope for is that it will prevent him from running for the second term.  I am sure the Clinton supporters would be happy to send such letters to keep him from running so Hillary could step in.


  • He needs Francis Rice, the President of the National Black Republican Association-              ,   Reverend Manning -, Members of PROJECT 21 - , and Harry Alford, President of the Black Chamber of Commerce- , AND - . Dinesh D'Souza - .  But they all need to read what Dr. Walter Williams has to say, which emphasizes the need for a unified campaign by Black Leaders to hamstring Obama -  .  Also if you all would submit your complaints to the FBI as several of us have done it sure might help.  Grand Juries also and Joe Arpaio's example also.

    FBI complaint - filed - Buck-example.doc



  • Stingray,    Do really think the MSM, or any media, will cover anything that would hurt Obama or the DNC?

    No chance.  They will support him to the end even if he put huge taxes and restrictions on them.  But of course that would be too late and freedom would be gone.   Surely you have noticed that all the evidence presented about obama not being a legal President can only be seen on Web.  That is one of the reasons he wants to have his cabal of communists and criminals getting control of i.


  •   Ty site for this,as i too am re posting other wher's on this one!


      Time for a warniing sice this route is now being done& it has how to's within to help aviod some of the pit falls,obtain before they destroy it& read to point of aboity to exicute by memory,book:"The Most Dangerous Man In The World,by Andrew Fowler,concerning Julian Assange,& the tittle is according to Daneil Ellsberg.

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