Western Center for Journalism

Penned By Doug Book

color8472 236x300 Senate bill authorizes feds to revoke citizenship of Americans

A bill has been introduced in the United States Senate which will authorize the federal government to revoke the citizenship, creating practical expatriates, of American citizens.

Introduced by Connecticut Independent Joe Lieberman and Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown, S 1698, the “Enemy Expatriation Act,” is a simple, 2 page document which offers apparently innocent amendments and additions to existing federal legislation. (1)

That legislation, known as Title 8, “…outlines the role of aliens and nationality in the U.S. Code.” And it is just one small piece of this massive and complex law which the Enemy Expatriation Act seeks to modify, that being Section 349, the means by which “a person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality…,” that is, his citizenship. (2)

Though there is currently little contained in Section 349 which would alarm any American citizen, one phrase added to the legislation by the “Enemy Expatriation Act” would change everything. For it states that anyone voluntarily engaging in, or purposefully and materially supporting, hostilities against the United States” will lose his “nationality.” And nationality means citizenship! (1)

To be sure, most of us would be in favor of revoking American citizenship if it has been improperly, perhaps surreptitiously attained by Muslim terrorists who have entered the United States only to commit acts of violence and murder.

But it’s necessary to remember who we are dealing with in Washington, DC. To Janet Napolitano and her Department of Homeland Security, it is Libertarians, soldiers returning from combat, gun owners, militia members, devout believers in the Constitution and those who loudly mistrust and criticize the federal government who are the true threats of “engaging in hostilities against the United States.” Perhaps not coincidentally it is also members of these groups who are the most vocal critics of the Obama Administration!

And as the Obama Regime considers each of these individuals a potential domestic terrorist, how long will it be until a member of one of these “highly suspect” groups is conveniently accused of “materially supporting hostilities against the United States?”

Much of this language should sound quite familiar, for it is taken directly from the recently enacted National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.  There was great concern surrounding the authority given the President by this law to imprison American citizens without trial or charge if he should consider them enemies who present a danger to the United States and its people. And, just as the President is granted that authority by the NDAA, should the Enemy Expatriation Act pass both the House and Senate, he will ALSO have the authority to revoke their citizenship.  (3)

Isn’t it odd that, no so long ago, the left was adamant about GRANTING to Muslim terrorists in Guantanamo the rights of American citizens—rights to a lawyer, Miranda rights of silence, and the right to a speedy trial before a jury! Yet with the signing into law of senate bill 1698, those same rights, indeed American citizenship itself, could be revoked from any one of “We the people!”

The election is only months away. Regardless who wins it, the “legal” destruction of our natural rights as citizens of the United States by Barack Hussein Obama or any other president must NOT be permitted.


Further reading: http://www.asil.org/insights091020.cfm






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  • Lieberman is just another Chickenhawk who didn't have the guts to serve his country in uniform-DC is loaded with these phonies including George Jr and Dickie we need a take-over of DC and cast all these  New world order traitors into prison. We have no rights if those in DC see otherwise  for they part seas and walk on water and it's our duty to fall upon our knees and bestoy them with our devotion and values as a servant. I had better shutup before Big Brother puts me in a Fema camp.


    • Yep,,,,,,,gotta be careful about truth Chuck...come to think it, I thought they were the servants and "we the people" were the ones they promised to serve?  Guess I'm confused.

  • Having just read this on an e-mail, I am very glad that you have brought this article over here.  The noose is tightening every day, it seems, and if this passes it will be a very bad move.  None of us would be immune from its tentacles, should this bill pass.

  • This bill has just gone to committee for the first time. I think it important that we track this and take action when and if it comes out of committee.

    • Don't even wait that long. Who are the committee members? What are their email addresses?

      • I'd say please give them, but I'm beginning to wonder if each time I send a Congressional email or sign a petition it doesn't bump me up higher on their watch list!

        • Beverly, don't worry, there are probably so many of us on that list above you that you will have a hard time getting to the top. I either write them, facebook about them, or blog about them every day, as do many others. I guess it depends on how many of their parmeters you meet as to how high you are on the list of "potential terrorist". The only one I don't qualify on is I have all of my fingers. But, good luck.

  • all I can  say is all Christians get on  our knees and  don't stop praying daily and night to get these jerks  out  of office and get some Christians  in  who will care about the  people  not just his own butt.  They live high on the  hog when they retire while we get a  measly $1000 a month.  GOD PLEASE TAKE  BACK  OUR COUNTRY......

    • The thousand dollars a month is not correct.  Senators get 16 thousand dollars a month when they retire!!!!!!  I'm not sure about the congress people!  Is it any wonder why these people want to be a senator and lie to get your vote!!!!  The worst part is they set their own salaries, give themselves raises and dictate what their pensions will be.  All it takes for that 16 thousand dollars a month pension, is to serve 1 term!!! If I could retire in 6 years with a 16 thousand dollar a month pension, I would!!!!

      • Christine, I think Beverly's reference to the $1,000 a month is what the avg. Social Security is  per month -- not I said avg. Lots get much less and some get a little more.  

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