14 September 209Politics : Foxx cosponsors legislation to rein in unelected “czars”WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Representative Virginia Foxx (NC-05) today announced that she is cosponsoring legislation (H.R. 3226) to re-establish Congress’s constitutional role in the presidential appointment of government ‘czars’. Since taking office, President Obama has appointed dozens of powerful administration officials, popularly known as ‘czars’, outside the Senate confirmation process established by the Constitution.“In the past eight months the Obama administration has appointed more than 30 czars with power over every conceivable area of government and very few have gone through the constitutionally mandated Senate confirmation process,” Foxx said. “Congress must reclaim its oversight role in the confirmation process of high-ranking administration officials.”“As the recent dust-up over President Obama’s green jobs czar shows, transparency and accountability matter,” Foxx said. “I believe that every President should be advised by the best and brightest our country has to offer. But I am concerned that the proliferation of unaccountable czars threatens to undermine our system of checks and balances.”H.R. 3226, the Czar Accountability and Reform Act cuts off funding for czar positions which have not been subject to Senate confirmation. To date the Obama administration has appointed ‘czars’ with authority in areas from bank and auto bailouts to technology and energy policy.www.virginiafoxx.com

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  • They are called Commissars not Czars They have almost unlimited widespread authority. This bill is a very good idea to have restrictions on these unconstitutional appointees.
  • According to Wikipedia GWB had 31 czars, BHO currently has 32 but I don't agree that these should be presidential appointees, it is my belief that every office in government should be filled by election. If a president has a majority, what is to stop him from having 100 or even 200 czars? To allow congress to regulate it self . . . In my thinking is wrong. Nor do I believe they should be allowed to vote themselves pay raises. Who would be dumb enough to turn down a pay raise?
  • We need to end the tyranny of Scumbama and it has to be today! Rep Foxx has it right, if the bastards aren't voted on by the Congress, they don't need to be paid, let alone be in any position of authority in the government.
  • Its about damn time someone did something. I was beginning to think ALL of Congress was in cahoots together Dems and Repb both. These unconstitutional 'Czars' usurp the power of Congress and takes away the seperation of powers that the Congress is suppose to have. I sure hope it passes, these czars that anwser to 'the one that walks on water' instead of Congress has to stop.
  • I agree Put my name in! This has gone on too long. We have created a monster in the form of Congress and the Senate. Shame on us for thinking the Bums in Washington DC are out for the people's best interest. It is a shame and this Country will pay a high Price to restore our Freedom back! However Back it will be! God Bless Our Efforts!
  • i have to agree with Mario on this one. ANY person with as much power as they have should HAVE to be elected by THE PEOPLE. I don't trust obama to stick with what congress says if they don't agree with him. He's already shown that he's not above strong-arm tactics. Personally, i'd LOVE to see Glenn Beck run for office!
  • I thought I heard that this was voted on today, and defeated along party lines. Maybe on Beck or Rush. Pretty sure it got shot down. The dems in Congress are under B.O's control.
  • Patriots, I strongly support this effort and urge everyone to contact their reps to do so also. Also, there is another mechanism that works even more quickly and that is to have one of our Representatives request a Comptroller General Ruling on the legality of expenditures of Government funds for the purpose of hiring these CZARS, I am going to notify my Representative to do just that. This a little used (perhaps not that well known any more) tool that has been used before to stop the President and others from spending taxpayer dollars without benefit of laws allowing them to do so. It appears to me that Congress has not passed any spending bills which includes dollars for Czars salaries, and expenses so it make sense that doing so is not legal. Comptroller General rulings carry the force of law and cannot be overruled by anyone but the courts. This seems so much more expedient and effective. Of course it may not appear to be politically expedient to some Democrats particularly when the headlines start appearing around the country "CZARS MUST GO SAYS COMPTROLLER GENERAL"
  • I don't think any of the Czars in other administrations were avowed communists and racists.
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