As Recently As 1946, American Citizens Were
Forced To Take Up Arms As A Last Resort
Against Corrupt Government Officials.

Americans in Athens, Tennessee were facing the same problems we are embattled with today. These were hardened war vets, just returned from WWII fighting some of the most well equipped armies and navies. They soon found themselves facing corrupt government, corrupt law enforcement, fraud in elections and ballot counting, and absolute lack of any kind of help or support even though they reached out for it numerous times, so the Veterans took it upon themselves to correct the problem.

Sound familiar? They solved their problem!

Read more about it here!

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  •   We have WORK TO DO, especially After His last Executive order yesterday

  • This video was posted yesterday at a Gun Club I belong to and watched it then. My reaction then and now is... we too may have to forcibly take control of the ballot boxes in whatever form they are in, to insure a fair election. I have written many times about the possibility of the Obama Team using all their collective Thugs from any number of anti-American organizations, to steal the election for Obama. The Marxists have been at this for many years. Although their intentions were not put into the public record until 1963, they had been planning the take-down of the USA many years prior to 1963. Knowing how hard they have worked for this and knowing how close they are to sealing the deal, I can easily imagine these groups will stop at nothing now to finish the job. Obama is their greatest hope of handing over the USA to Marxist/United Nations rule, so be prepared for anything!

  • Welcome to the party.

    I have been sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone else to come to the same conclusion as the  Athens, Tn. solution.

    What I would like to know is this,...Under what portion of the US Constitution did the men in Athens, Tn. act?

    This need not be done on a national scale and need not be a show of violence just a non-violent positive show of force.

    Perhaps the limited round up of a few people in the know to be questioned privately.

    Let me be clear, I am not advocating revolution or the over throw of our government, just  the correction of a few flaws in government while trying to understand the thinking of a few of our politicians and restoring/enforcing our US Constitution.


  • The Cantrell family .Those who read  american history are aware of  the name of this family. Striking to the telling of this American tale  common to what Col .Ronald D.Ray  USMC Retired first Principles Press taught in the 90's it seems our former military have been trained and are likely candidates to lead any resistance to tyranny.IMO our  ambitious governors know this and attempt walk the wire  between controlling the people and not being so reckless in their despotism as to give rise to the popular uprising. For int he Veteran they have a ready opponent.

    • As of  15 MARCH We were still in Relatively IDYLLIC Times...But NOW we are over the precipice,,,,,

  • Seems to me, that the only right way would be criminal investigation of Obama and subsequent annulment of all orders and agreements of his Administration, together with everybody who help him to defraud American people and got him in the presidency. Even conservatives somehow forget that Obama still has to show where he got three quarter of billion dollars for his campaign, beside to prove even his citizenship. They are voices calling people "birthters" but completely ignoring Obama's fraudulent Social Security Number, fraudulent Selective Service Card etc.  I do not hear anything from the mouth of any presidential candidate and I do believe, that who will be the next president (Obama) is already decided. I will be reluctant to give my vote to any of the so called conservative candidate now. The election is just for the show, the same fraudulent show as it is election in any dictatorship. (Putin is a good example). Obama's Administration id deliberately preventing positive identification of the electors and giving the ballots to illegal immigrants with no right to vote, virtually securing his election. If that is not enough, there will be another tricks to pull out of the sleeve. So are you the puppet of that circus show?

    • Like Jerry said, elections are dog and pony shows, they have been rigged to the “left” for a long long time now… why? Because they are UnConstitutional –therefore illegal, elections have been monkeyed around with without the will of We The People since the twelfth amendment, therefore corrupted since then… so now anybody can vote, especially the arabs and the dead... therefore hussein has been chosen since many days before yesterday.

  • Some times I just can't believe what I read. Do you really think or believe that either Romney or Santorum will be any different than "O"? Sure things may so down...or not...but the road to socialism will continue with either one of these two bozos. Their agenda is no different. It's all for show. And sadly, many people are bitten by the brainwashing.

    I hear many say, "I just want "O" outta there." It will make no difference. I'm sure others can see that Romney or Santorum (mainly Romney) has already been chosen for you. You have not made your own choice. You have not made up your mind. The GOP did it for you.

    I refuse to vote for the candidate that is being pushed on me. I will vote for the candidate of my choice, not the GOP. I want to make up my own mind and vote FOR - I said FOR a candidate and not vote AGAINST "O" just to get him out of office. I've spent too many elections in my past voting against someone and not for someone. No more.

    I'm voting for my number issue and that is to re-instate our constitution. To save it from the scrap heap. All other issues do not trump our constitution. Our constitution trumps everything else. Because without our constitution all other issues don't mean squat.

    I yield back.

    • If you really want to save the Constitution I ask that you help all of us do the same by voting AGAINST Obama. None of the GOP's candidates are anywhere near as dangerous. And before you ask, I am NOT a Republican. We must get rid of Obama first, then the day after Obama is fired we can go back to voting our convictions. Before we can win this war (saving the Constitution) we must take the Hill (Obama). And taking the Hill (Obama) is going to be one nasty ugly piece of work, but we cannot win the war (saving the Constitution) with him as our Marxist-in-Chief. This is the TRUTH and everyone knows it in their hearts and minds.

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