American Majority

DOJ whistle blower J. Christian Adams writes:

“True the Vote has hundreds of volunteers committed to promoting electoral integrity. They are ready to assist the Department of Justice and Texas election officials by uncovering instances of fraud in registration and voting. True the Vote has undertaken a
comprehensive electoral integrity campaign in Harris County, Texas.

Their mission is to promote electoral integrity in both the registration process as well as during elections.

They recognize that government agencies like yours have limited resources and cannot always dedicate the requisite attention to investigations. Their hope is that if and when they discover problems with the integrity of the electoral process, government agencies with oversight will undertake an appropriate inquiry.

Because True the Vote has discovered a variety of violations of federal law in Harris County, Texas, within the Department’s jurisdiction, they are referring a number of the matters to the Department of Justice Because the Department has civil oversight of the Help America Vote Act, and criminal oversight of non-citizen participation in federalelections, I presume that the results of this secondary inquiry will be of great interest. In the meantime, I believe there is sufficient evidence to open an investigation into whether or not non-citizens are being improperly registered to vote in Harris County. As you know, the Department has conducted extensive litigation throughout Texas to enforce Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act. My client would urge you to consider tackling problems of registration fraud there with similar zeal.”

True the vote website

Adams includes a number of exhibits with the letter to illustrate possible voter fraud. Among the findings of True the Vote are:

Persons claiming to be noncitizens have been registered to vote in Harris County.

Voters Registered Multiple Times

Application 1

Application 2

A recurring theme of the Obama administration has been corruption. Instead of praise for being responsible citizens, True The Vote has been sued, harassed, and accused of voter intimidation.

“Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher reports voter intimidation in Harris County, Texas (Houston) by volunteer poll watchers trained by King Street Patriots, a local non-partisan group who started theTrue The Vote campaignTommy leads with this inflammatory paragraph saying:

‘In a story that’s sure to draw comparisons to the New Black Panther Party member who brandished a nightstick at a Philadelphia polling place in 2008, a Tea Party group called the King Street Patriots has been accused of ’1960s style’ voter intimidation in primarily minority precincts on the first day of early voting in Texas. The group is being
sued by the Texas Democratic Party, following the filing of 14 voter intimidation complaints with the county clerk, and another two dozen with the Texas Democratic Party chairman.’

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of King’s Street Patriots strongly denies the allegations and noted that it was absurd that ‘little old ladies’ would be intimidating anyone. She says that one 65 year old woman poll watcher came back from poll watching, after being kicked out for simply being present–itself a violation of the law–in tears…

In one instance, three poll watchers were yelled at by a Democrat Harris County Commissioner El Franco Lee who said,’Why are you here? We have never had poll watchers here. Ya’ll need to get on out of here.’

Lee then demanded that the polling place judge give him information about the three poll watchers and the presiding judge complied–giving him their private information. The three poll watchers now fear for their safety and wonder what will be done with their personal information which included their phone numbers and home addresses.”

The actions described by the poll watchers indicate that the Democrats are getting desperate. Articles by media outlets on the left claim voter intimidation, simply because ordinary citizens have decided to become active participants in our electoral process. In the tradition of ACORN-style
intimidation tactics by the left, can those poor citizens expect to be targeted at their homes? Democrats only want poll workers who are trained by ACORN using tax dollars.

In 2006, the Election Assistance Commission gave a grant to ACORN’s Project Vote to recruit college students for poll worker training. Click Pictures to enlarge.

Not only does Project Vote have a history of engaging in election season shenanigans with ACORN, involving thousands of duplicate registrations, but the group’s reporting on the grant is pure fiction. In a 2007 email, Nathan Henderson-James of ACORN Political Operations advises staff on how to “make it look good” regarding the money given to tax exempt Project Vote and used by ACORN. Click Pictures to enlarge.

It is equally disturbing that the grant in question is part of the Help America Vote College Program, administered by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), a federal agency established by Congress in 2002 to provide assistance to states in the administration of federal elections. According to its website, since 2004, the EAC has awarded 72 grants worth a total of $2.4 million to recruit and train college poll workers. How much of that 2.4 million went to ACORN?

To be clear, according to Democrats and folks at the DOJ, ordinary citizens who want to ensure fair elections are not welcome at polling places without being accused of voter intimidation but ACORN receives tax dollars to train college students. With ACORN’s history of partisan and aggressive activity, I wonder if they would have qualified without Project Vote’s tax status and reputation.

Will the DOJ silence the efforts of True the Vote or help them expose fraudulent voter registration drives? Will Democrats succeed in painting ordinary citizens as racists? As the election draws nearer, every American should be asking themselves these questions. If citizens are not allowed to expose corruption and fully participate in the electoral process our votes will be diluted by those with partisan political intentions. It’s up to all of us to stand with True the Vote and demand an investigation into the voter fraud in Texas.

Related posts:

  1. Without ACORN’s ground troops, local Democrats Resort to Questionable Voter Outreach Schemes


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  • We have to put a stop to acorn and all groups like them. We have to stop the federal government from turning this country into Nazi Germany. obuma and friends must be made to pay for what they have done to We The people.
  • One of the local t.v. stations here in Houston did an interview with a lady who said that she had filed a complaint with the election board. After watching the interview, the station may have wished that they had passed on the interview with this particular woman.
    She was complaining because she had brought her mother, who's in a wheelchair, to vote when she went. She complained that the people wouldn't let her and her mother in to vote, which on the face of it, would definitely seem wrong. Then the rest of the story came out. The lady was wearing a tee-shirt with a big picture of Obama on it, which is againt the law, as far as I know, at ANY voting location. The mother wasn't let in because the lady demanded that SHE be allowed to go in with her mother.
    Then, after all of the bitching and griping, and after the t.v. reporters had shown up with their cameras,THE LADY AND HER MOTHER WERE ALLOWED TO GO AHEAD AND VOTE.
    Are election laws actually written down somewhere so that they have to be followed? If they are, this lady should never have been allowed to enter the voting location, no matter how big a fit she threw.
  • Just stay committed to the task of watching for voter fraud regardless of what the justice department is doing.
    This is why the DOJ is doing what they are doing because they know they have the eye on them. If voter fraud is reported wide spread the game will be called.
  • Maybe the tea party should have dressed up as black panthers and carried batons! Holder would then excuse them from any prosecution!
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