
  • LOCK AND LOAD FOLKS! It is coming whether people want to admit it or not.
  • FIRE IN THE HOLE! Things are about to blow!

    The one you want to listen to first is the 12-03-10 episode. Things are happening folks.

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    James Wicker
    Christian Soldier
    Armed Oathkeeper
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  • Are we not already, paying to be locked up?
  • Howdy.
    well, as i have said to others for a long time now.
    and it's my belief America and WE THE PEOPLE are not going to be the first to do so.
    the Military is prepared for not only an Economic collapse but for anything else that comes down the pike.
    is it just ME?? or has others felt that EVERY TIME we hold ANY kind of Elections WE THE PEOPLE LOSE MORE OF OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS/LIBERTIES/RIGHTS.
    the TSA i feel is another GOOD EXAMPLE of LOST 4TH AMENDMENT FREEDOMS.
    the ONLY way to take this nation BACK is through either another REVOLUTION? OR CIVIL WAR?
    Semper Fi.
    • I have seen this coming for at least the last 5 years. I do not own a gun but I am willing to learn enough to be dangerous. This Will be a Civil War. Right against Wrong! Constitution against Socialism! Could be brother against brother! Do we want to give America over to the insane people who call themselves Progressives. That's right- they are insane.
      It isn't going to be easy or safe to do this. I know I may loose my life if I engage this thinking, BUT there is NO other course we can take to save America as I have known it for many years.

      We need to understand the BIGGER picture. There's lots more than politics involved. Our entire social structure has been changed, piece by piece over the last 30+ years while our government has lied to us that everything will be alright. We can not trust either party to do what is right for the people who voted them in.

      We must organize stealhfully and have a master plan. It will take a LOT of people with courage and fortitude to make this happen. Without the help of GOD Almighty, this will never happen. Time for talking is over.
      • "I have seen this coming for at least the last 5 years. I do not own a gun but I am willing to learn enough to be dangerous."

        Sir, please understand and embrace the fact that it is your lack of knowing how to handle a gun that makes you dangerous. Your selection of weapon(s), your physical training and your mental preparedness should all be geared towards being competent and proficient in handling weapons, NOT dangerous.

        I understand what you meant, and I sincerely hope you follow through with arming yourself, both for your own good and the good of your country. But I encourage you also to seek as extensive training as you can afford and have time to complete before this all falls down around us. Your Patriot Brothers and Sisters need well-trained compatriots by their sides, not well-armed, inexperienced dangerous people.

        Otherwise, welcome to the Movement Brother. We're glad to have you aboard.
        • I have been through firearms training so I know how to use them and can shoot almost as well as the next person I just don't have any firearms at this time.
    • Semper Fi Jim. I completely agree. I retired in 1976 after 30 yrs active duty. i am armed and ready. I just hope our

      Military does not fire on us.These politicians are the first ones we have to replace. I believe we are ready for the

      Military to take over. I believe they are the only ones other than an armed Militia to take back our Country.

      Unless something is done soon we are not going to be able to afford to fight to save our Country.
      • "I just hope our Military does not fire on us."

        Some will, and some won't. Remember that our Colonist ancestors were British subjects....until they weren't, by the first free choice they made in the Revolution. In every town there were British soldiers who were of The People. They had friends and families within the borders of their assigned duty areas, and many of them too made that first free choice to renounce subjugation and embrace the beginnings of Americanism. Our current-day military members will have to make the same choices, and if history is any teacher, they will do so in similar percentages as back in the 18th Century colonies. 3% doing the right thing will virtually insure freedom's victory, though certainly 6% or 10% would be much better. But those of us who communicate with service-members must make them aware of the choices they will soon have to make. Current service-members on this and other Patriot boards must start now getting their Brothers in Arms in the frame of mind to make the right choices. And those of us "out here" must not be discouraged when we see the members of the military who make the wrong choices. It's a foregone conclusion that many will, and that has to be part of our mental preparedness for the coming.....________________ (you fill in the blank).

        "Unless something is done soon we are not going to be able to afford to fight to save our Country."

        Again, excruciatingly brutal poverty and hunger were choices that our once-British ancestor-Patriots made a free choice to exist in as they fought an 8-year war for liberty. The truth is, we can't afford NOT to answer the same call should it come in our lifetimes.

        Know always though, that others' choices should never influence or control your commitment to seeing this through to whatever conclusion God has in mind for us. If it be His will that we fight both the enemy and the hunger in our own bellies, the rewards will be mighty when He, and we through His Grace, are victorious.

        May God Bless America.....Again.
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