
  • Here is what happens next! - I just received this from a covert group off this site that is working (legally and non-violently) to fight this government takeover. Because some of us go on liberal sites as liberals and sometimes our names become known, I have XXX or ZZZ out the names in this email but I can assure you that it is legitimate! I happen to know the person this happened to. He has decided to make it public as long as his identity remains unknown. So the email came through several people. People's names are the ONLY changed or deleted in it. BEWARE! This is what can and probably will happen!


    You might want to pass this on to others ZZZZZZZZZ wanted me to send this to you. (Sent by a 3rd party)

    Imagine this: It's the day before Thanksgiving, thoughts of spending time with family, cooking, dinner and having a great day are all you can think about. But, then you get an email from your company telling you that your health insurance is being cancelled and they will no longer provide any. That is what happened to me and it can happen to you too. I have always worked, paid my taxes, lived modestly and played by the rules. But, apparently the rules have changed.

    I work for a mid-sized company. They have a choice of 5 insurance companies they can solicit. When going out to renew our policy, 4 of the companies flat out refused to even quote them. The insurance company we currently have quoted so high that our company will not be renewing our policy and will offer Catastrophic in 2010 and will no longer offer any type of insurance after 2010.

    Here is part of the letter I received:

    “The present administration and the Congress are pushing this bill in the name of making things better. The bill being considered has a clause for a public option (financed by a tax increase) for those that aren’t offered insurance by their employers. The bill being considered will also penalize any employer who does not provide health insurance by taxing the employer an amount equal to 8% of its total payroll. Presently the cost we experience for providing health insurance is over 14% of total payroll. There is a lot of interest by drug companies, health insurance companies, health care providers; all are trying to influence Congress; all trying to protect their interest in the name of protecting the uninsured. Personally I don’t see anyone protecting the interest of the taxpayer and the people who use insurance and pay the premiums. In the meantime our health care costs continue to climb. Please take the time to express and direct your concerns on this issue to your Congressmen.”

    I rarely used my health insurance, but I can tell you getting cancelled with 30 days notice, is a horrifying feeling. The company's reasoning behind this is bills in the house/senate will charge them 8% of their payroll and they already pay 14% and they are just not willing to do that. I'm sending out this email, because we need to band together and have a back-up plan. Maybe there are others out there this either has happened to or it's going to happen to. Maybe we could get group insurance together? I'm at a loss and not sure what to do. If the house/senate passes reform, am I now going to have a penalty or go to jail if I don't pay for a government plan that doesn't go into effect for several years?

    There are several people that said I was crazy starting this summer to present, for spending my entire weekends emailing, sending letters and calling congress/senate. Some of those people are now without health insurance. Obviously, congress/senate are not listening. What now?

    We need to get XXXXX ‘s story out to the media because this s**t is coming everyone's way and it will wake up America and hopefully make "everyone outraged. This is the crap we have all been screaming about, Health Insurance Companies dropping Company plans. I suggested to XXXXX to call around and get a quote for a group plan with co-workers, family, friends, neighbor, etc. so the cost wouldn't be so high. XXXXX did my suggestion and can't find a Health Insurance Company in Texas that will even put forth a quote, (other than the HIC they all ready have). They are all waiting until Jan 2010 to do anything!


    The underlined italics are the email the gentleman in trouble received and what he emailed to ask ZZZ for help.
    • If this health Care overhaul passes you can look for health insurance premiums to go way up in 2010. This whole debate about health care and health insurance is not about your and my health at all. It's about the left-wing liberal socialist-communist wanting to control 1/6 of our GNP. Medicare and seniors will the hardest hit first. The public option may not pass this time but besure it will in the future. We all need to call, fax and e-mail our Senators.Tell them: Hell no to government take over of our health care! You can fax your two senators for free from You can fax free two times per 24 hours. Use google to look up your senators fax numbers.Google fax numbers for us senators.
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