If you thought the NDAA S.1867 was a nightmare, now they want our ammunition, and by proxy - our guns. This is the line in the sand. The Second Amendment is all we have standing between the people and a devastating tyranny.

New Jersey: Assembly Committee to Consider Ammo Ban & More http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=7301

Music: "Dragon and Toast" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

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  • The white house want the guns gone so the MB and commies can walk in and take control of the USA...

  • i have been telling my wife this was comming.

  • Hillary and Obama signed the Small Arms Treaty with the UN three years ago; this isn't new -- it's moving on schedule, I'm sure, and he feels sure he will buy the White House for another term. That's all  he needs. And look to Congress as well; it needs to be changed completely. Get those old "professional" law makers out of there!



    • That's when we, as Americans stand together with one voice and say, 'HELL NO!" 

  • Obama has to get our guns to make his dictatorship complete! One way or another, he is going after them- looks like he is going to get his wish, unless we can get enough people alerted- however, so many think that guns are dangerous and we need gun control- they don't know the real reason for 2nd amendment- to protect against a tyrannical government.


    • This isn't the time to be scared. It's time to learn how to fire a weapon and prepare to defend yourself if you hadn't already. This has been on Obame schedule for sometime. He was raised that way to over throw our Government from within. All your Senators and Congressman have done nothing but help him. They want to retain their power and wealth. They dam sure don't care about the people who elected them. 

      • Spent Friday at the range, came home, cleaned my little babies, and changed out the practice rounds in the mags with something stouter.

  • That is what Occupy is all about... have a demo going with them and then add terrrorist in the mix and then you get a call for martial law which is what the white house want so they can take over.. But it will not be Americans working for order but the brown shirt that Obama has let train in the USA to become the millitary to take over and it will be a mess....

    • Pat you're so right. We have been lied to and sold out by our elected officals and supported by the Supreme Court. I keep asking myself how far would our forfathers let this go before they would have taken up arms.

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