What are the odds that Hillary did it?

What are the odds that Hillary did it?

What are the odds that all this Trump Mar-A-Lago raid was another scheme dreamed up by Hillary Clinton?

Remember back to the 2015-2016 election campaign when Trump told Hillary “Because You’ll be in jail”.??? The crowd went into an uproar. Remember also when Hillary said something on the line of “I’m not going down alone, I’ve got enough on every one of you guys that if I go down we will ALL hang together”??
Shortly after that we ended up with the Russia – Russia – Russia scam that we now have discovered was all dreamed up by Hillary Clinton, and Adam Schift, Peter Strozk, and the FBI.

What are the odds that Hillary’s reaction to Trump telling her “You’ll be in jail” was something like “Oh YA – We’ll see who ends up in jail big boy”? And now we end up with this Mar-A-Lago FBI raid on Trump’s home.

The FBI and DOJ of course are more than willing and happy to oblige her by weaponizing the federal Government again their political enemy - Donald J. Trump.
The Lame-stream media and Fake news outlets are of course ready and willing to jump all over this as another anti-Trump campaign.

I think we need another investigation, this time into this FBI Mar-A-Lago scam.
And we also need to put a stop to this Biden/Harris/Obama weaponizing of the Federal Government against the American people.

It’s time for these people on the left to be held accountable. I believe it is time to “LOCK HER UP”.


Time to drain the Swamp.



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  • Remember also that it was Hillary Clinton that said "politics is the art of character assassination".
    And they took that to a whole new level with there Russia - Russia - Russia scam."
    The Russian dossier as it turns out was all another scam dreamed up by Hillary Clinton and Peter Strozk among others.
    The point of all of this is of course to stop Donald Trump from ever winning the presidency again.
    And to stop the Republican party from ever taking over their power again. That could put a lot of people in prison,,,,, for a very long time.


  • No, I don't believe Hillary has the standing now to make this happen, she's out of the loop now.

    I believe it was cooked up by Obama/ Rice with Biden doing the dirty work of ordering it.

    This may come back to haunt me but I don't care, overthrow this corrupt Federal government and re-instate the government in strict compliance with the founders intent of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

    Once we do that we procede with the hanging/ firing squad of the many traitors now in our government

  • Just found this, might be or might not, you judge for yourself.

    BOMBSHELL: Obama EXPOSED As the Architect Of FBI-Trump RAID|+20 FBI...

    BOMBSHELL: Obama EXPOSED As the Architect Of FBI-Trump RAID|+20 FBI Whistleblowers BRING DOWN Agency
    • OK, that sounds logical.
      That IS something this dirty little worm would do.
      They want blood in the street, - I hope much of it is his.
      Hey - FBI - You guys want to know who is trying to overthrow this country, It's Obama and the Communist Party.
      They live and operate just 2 1/2 miles north of the White House.
      I'm sure you could find his address if you wanted too.



  • Where do you people find this crap?


    • Crap? We care about our country and research to help restore our broken Republic.

      Maybe you're not like us, if that's so, AMF.

  • Crap ??, Really?  Jayman, This is a discussion forum. We ask questions and seek answers.
    I raised that question about Hillary and the Mar-A-Lago raid because that smells like something she would dream up.
    It stinks just like the Russia-Russia-Russia FBI mess that was initiated because of Hillary Clinton.
    I have been visited by the FBI because I raise these questions. (So has Lee).
    One of the questions they aksed me was "Do I know anyone who wants to overthrow this nation?", my reply was YES.
    Yes I DO know someone who wants to overthrow this Nation. And they live and work right there in Washington DC, just 2 1/2 miles north of the White House.
    And the FBI is guarding and protecting them.
    Those are FACTS, truth, not fake or supossions.
    Do those people want to overthrow America?
    What the hell do you think he meant when he said they were only 5 days away from "Fundamentally Transforming America" ???
    And now they continue to use that term to describe what is happening around the country right now. (Fuel shortages, and inflation, immigration).
    Yes They ARE Transforming America, and it's NOT for the better.
    They are transforming America into another Marxist/Communist shit hole just like they did in Venezuela and Cuba.
    If you think raising questions here is Crap the perhaps you're in the wrong place.


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