What name was Obama using in 1983?

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What name was Obama using in 1983?

Who were his friends?

Who did he date?

His name is not in the yearbooks.

Who is Barack Obama?


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  • What was he studying?  Bartending?  All the words on the blackboard are names of alcoholic drinks.
  • Eagle Rock High School (see top right on the blackboard) is adjacent to and and graduates their seniors in the Hillside Theatre on the Occidental Campus. It's possible this picture is somehow connected to an Eagle Rock HS event. Perhaps a search of their yearbook might reveal some identities in the picture. Anybody local that could check with the Alumni committee?
  • obumma is a completely corrupted individual.  He is mentaly ill and should be locked up in a mental istitute for the rest of his life. 
    • anyone who has to read a promter to address the american people is no more than a puppet, your telling me theres no history on barrack obama ?or where this guy went to school


    • True, he does have serious psychosis problems -- narcississism, for  one.  But, he is not mentallly ill -- just because he was, since childhood, indoctrinated to be a classic Alinsky-Marxist, a black supremacist and a Hate American Capitalism, fanatic, does not make him mentally ill.  Pre-programmed like Pavlov's dogs, maybe.  He's just  playing out the role that has been programmed into his mentality since birth.  Not much different from the mentality of the child suicide bombers who have been programmed that they will be martyred in heaven -- and other such B... S.....
  • Again where are the words (impeachment & recall ) shout it out people we are running out of time.
  • Eagle Rock HS Alumni Assoc:Email




  • Just a question or two...

    Was the people that found the pictures asked if they remember him?

    Why haven't they spoke up before now and been shown on all the Main Stream Media news outlets?

    Were the people that found this picture asked if they know what PhotoShop is?

    the people that found this picture..........Where do they work and WHO do they work for?


    After second look.........Notice how the hand and arm holding the can cast a shadow on the blackboard (Note it is same color shade as the shirt) but no shadow for the head or the rest of the body............. Probably done by the same cat that did the Birth Certificate


    I'm just saying that he doesn't fit the people or the picture and looks as if he has been added..... Bet that if everybody in that class was asked that they would not remember him being there......... Would also lay you odds that the two well dressed young men in the center and on the left are NOT named Brittany or Noah......... This is just more crap added to a pile of a lot more crap........

    • I agree completely about the authenticity of this picture.  There are multitudes of pics with Obama allegedly in them, and a good number have been shown to be photoshopped to create an identity for him.  His figure in this picture is out of proportion with the person right back of him.  Also, the lighting on his face does not agree with that on those in the foreground.  This picture is, I bet, a fraud manufactured to further the charade.
      • see page 2, the Trevor Louden link, this photo has been out since 2008...
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