Wednesday - September 2, 2009Hello once again from the West Texas Headquarters For Vast Right Wing Conspiratorial Jingoistic Attack Machine Mobsters.This past week, if you watched any television program other than re-runs of Petticoat Junction, you were no doubt treated to watching a motorcade pass lots of people lined up along a street in Massachusetts. Then it would switch to a photograph of Edward Kennedy's coffin which was either covered by an American flag or if it was during the funeral a white cover.PERSONAL ATTACKS:Of course we were all subjected to various people telling us allegedly humorous stories about Edward Kennedy and the relationship with him of the various speakers. Of course it was really tough for me to sit still and watch all this fawning over Edward Kennedy. I can understand the feelings of his family, the members of which were obviously treated differently than the rest of the masses by the good Senator from Massachusetts.I could not help but notice that practically everyone who spoke about their relationships with Edward Kennedy spoke about the fact that the Senior Senator from Massachusetts NEVER ENGAGED IN PERSONAL ATTACKS.At that point in time I had to recall how the good Massachusetts Senator treated Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Robert Bork. I also had to recall how the rotund Massachusetts Senator treated Supreme Court Nominee, Clarence Thomas. It suddenly dawned upon me that if those were not two excellent examples of personal attacks and these people could not see the attacks for what they were, then those who made the statements about Edward Kennedy NEVER ENGAGING IN PERSONAL ATTACKS were either lying or had the I.Q. of a dead gopher. In some instances, I believe both descriptions fit. It sort of reminded me of the statement made by NFL Hall of Fame Defensive End, Deacon Jones, who said: "ANYONE who says that they weren't happy to see Jim Brown retire is either lyin' or played for the Cleveland Browns." That is exactly my feelings regarding the people who made those ridiculous statements about Kennedy never engaging in personal attacks. They are either LYING or are just plain STUPID.As I said last week, removing Edward Kennedy from my weekly Varmint List was about as close as I could come to saying or doing something to honor this man. And actually that was done out of respect for his family. I do not have it in me to honor a man who I believe has done so much harm to our country.Then I heard one report over the radio that one of Edward Kennedy's close associates had made the statement that Teddy always appreciated a new Chappaquiddick joke. Isn't that special? One must also wonder if the family of Mary Jo Kopechne also appreciate new jokes about the death of their family member due to the actions and lack of action of Senator Edward Kennedy?Then I watched part of the funeral service for Edward Kennedy. To explain a bit about a Catholic Mass to some who may not know, there is a part of every Mass in which someone reads a list of things which the congregation is asked to pray for. Most of them are for various people or various requests, such as plentiful rain for dry areas. I have also heard the prayer request for our elected leaders to be able to make good decisions to help all of our country. The prayer requests are fairly generic in nature and on many occasions the names of people who are very ill or hospitalized are also given for prayer requests.BUT, at the Edward Kennedy funeral, one of the requests which was made by one of his grandchildren was for the passage of universal health care legislation. Even this man's funeral was politicized.Prior to the funeral there was also coverage of a ceremony where Edward Kennedy's family, friends, and co-workers spoke regarding their relationships with him. After watching this, all it did was confirm my feelings that Senator Edward Kennedy was a self centered arrogant person who didn't really care how people other than another Kennedy or a Kennedy flunkey felt, unless it was someone whose help he needed in passing some form of legislation. Some of the stories were meant to be funny but I am sure that at the time the other people involved did not see the humor in the good Senator's actions.Then to top it off, the liberals/socialist politicians have been talking about naming this idiotic universal health care legislation after Senator Edward Kennedy.CZARS:As I understand it, President Barack Hussein Obama has somewhere in the neighborhood of 44 so called Czars which he will name. As we know, these so called Czars do not have to go through an approval process by the Senate. And I read somewhere that their salaries were $100,000+ for each position. Now if that figure is accurate and he fills all those positions, their salaries alone would amount to Four Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, minimum. Now for those of you residing in the People's Republic of San Francisco that would look like this: $4,400,00.00. Now, keep in mind that these CZARS will have to have offices, equipment, personnel, and expenses.Of course when you start looking at an administration who is talking spending in the TRILLIONS, the $4.4 million doesn't seem to raise many eyebrows. Well it sure does with me. Waste is waste and I cannot remember an administration who spent money on useless projects which even comes close to matching the Obama Administration.Is everyone in Congress as soft in the head as they appear? Do they not realize that by appointing these Czars as advisors who answer ONLY to the President, that Congress is being bypassed?Just look at the "Green Czar". For those of you residing in the Freedom Loving Worker's Province of Austin, this does not refer to the skin color of the Czar, it is merely the political correct term now being used to force something incredibly stupid down the throats of the American public.This Green Czar is Van Jones, an avowed Communist. Just listen to him speak for a few moments and you will swear that you are listening to a young, well dressed Reverend Jeremiah Wright. You all do remember Jeremiah Wright, don't you? The pastor of Barack and Michelle Obama's black theology church in Chicago. You know, the one who made all those disparaging remarks about the United States of America, you know, the ones that Barack NEVER HEARD in attending this church for TWENTY YEARS.CIA:Now I am not a huge fan of Leon Panetta but I do believe that he is trying to back the people who work for him at the Central Intelligence Agency. What I do not understand is how he can remain in that position after Barack Hussein Obama has done pretty much everything necessary to make the CIA irrelevant. Their terrorist interrogation duties have been stripped. From what we hear, they are nothing more than analysts now. Their interrogation duties will now be taken over by some special group who answer directly to the White House and I suppose Rahm Emmanuel and Eric Holder.Once again I am reminded of the old George Orwell quote: "Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."Well many of these "Rough Men" are more than likely not quite up to do violence on our behalf as they could face prosecution from an Attorney General who does not like the military; law enforcement; undercover agents; or anyone else who has a thought which is not in lock step with his.I watched an interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney this past week end. It was rather refreshing to hear him answer either YES or NO to questions which did not really require an explanation. Vice President Cheney admitted that on many occasions, his ideas on a particular matter differed from that of President Bush. He said that he would give his input to the President but that the final call was the President's to make. He also admitted that on many occasions his thoughts leaned toward more aggressive action than was authorized by the President.I believe that the CIA and their agents were in a much better position to protect our country than they are at the present. I am sure that the F.B.I.; D.E.A.; I.N.S; B.A.T.F. and all other federal law enforcement officers are in the same boat.But this Obama Administration looks like they want to treat terrorists as criminals and run them through the U.S. Criminal Court System. This brings to mind something I read yesterday which was written by Thomas Sowell:"So many RIGHTS have been conjured up out of thin air that many people seem unaware that rights and obligations derive from explicit laws, not from politically correct pieties. If you don't meet the terms of the Geneva Convention, then the Geneva Convention doesn't protect you. If you are not an American citizen, the the rights guaranteed to American citizens do not apply to you.""That should be especially obvious if you are part of an international network bent on killing Americans."I do believe that Dr. Thomas Sowell has hit the nail on the head. These terrorists are NOT entitled to the protection of either the Geneva Conventions OR the United States Constitution.But these little facts apparently have escaped the keen observations of our Attorney General, the President and the rest of this conglomeration of mutts.PRAYER LIST:Tony Knott, Ann Fraley, Tony Aguilar, Pat Murphy, Julio Mirales - HOBBS,NM; Rosa Villareal - LOVINGTON, NM; Ella Dunlop, Frank Connolly - SAN ANTONIO,TX; Craig Dickson - HOUSTON,TX; Irma & L.T. Drennan - ADA,OK; Susan O'Brien - VACAVILLE,CA; Dan Higdon - FLORENCE,OR; Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak - ORLANDO,FL; Alan Miller - PENSACOLA,FL; Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban, Bill Meyers, Paul Bassford - MD; Kate Powell - LOS ANGELES,CA; Rudy Bates, MSgt. Randy Morrow, GySgt. James Walker, Lt. Michael Rice, LtCol. James Moore, Cpl. Brandon Robinson, SSgt. Eric Harmon, SSgt. Matthew Ross, Alex Boyd - USMC; Jason Plilar, Kenneth Thomas - US COAST GUARD; SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, Elizabeth Chaffon, SSgt. Aaron Brown - USAF; Lt. William Jourdan, LCDR Robert McLay, Ensign Tommy Brown, Lt. Michael Brown - US NAVY; Levi English, Ethan English, Russell Brown - US NAVAL ACADEMY; SSgt. Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, PFC Richard Lee Bishop, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Sgt. Mark Goodwin - US ARMY- SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES; John Mallory -DEA; Dustin McGuiness - GUNNISON,CO.QUOTES:"The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles."................................................ ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYNAnd in regards to this statement made by the late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Dr. Thomas Sowell had this to say:"He wrote this long before Barack Obama became President of the United States. But this administration epitomizes the concessions and smiles approach to countries that are our implacable enemies.".......... THOMAS SOWELL"Tragically, those with this strange inversion of values include the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Although President Obama has said that he does not want to revisit the past, this is only the latest example of how his administration's actions are the direct opposite of his lofty words."...........THOMAS SOWELL"An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last." ............................................ WINSTON CHURCHILLVARMINTS:President Barack Hussein Obama; Nancy Pelosi (D-CA); Harry Reid (D-NV); Diane Feinstein (D-CA); Barbara Boxer (D-CA); Maxine Waters (D-CA); Barney Frank (D-MA); Chris Dodd (D-CT); Arlen Specter (D-PA); Attorney General Eric Holder; Olympia Snowe (R-ME); Henry Waxman (D-CA); Vice President Joseph Biden; Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); "Fat Jack" Murtha (D-PA); Former President Jimmy Carter (D-GA); George Soros; Keith Olberman (MSNBC); Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano; White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius; Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Chuck Schumer (D-NY); Richard Durbin (D-IL); John Kerry (D-MA); Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Former President Bill Clinton (D-AR); White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs; Patrick Leahy (D-VT); Bobby Rush (D-IL); Colin Powell; Reverend Al Sharpton; Reverend Jesse Jackson; Richard Lugar (R-IN); Lindsey Graham (R-SC); Susan Estrich; Al Gore; Charles Rangel (D-NY); John Conyers (D-MI); Steny Hoyer (D-MD); Al Franken (D-MN); Judge Sonia Sotomayor; Linda Sanchez (D-CA); Geraldo Rivera (FOX News); Shepard Smith (FOX News) Chris Matthews (MSNBC); Van Jones (GREEN CZAR); Markos Zuniga (DAILY KOS); ACLU; THE UNITED NATIONS; ACORN; CODE PINK; LULAC; PETA; LA RAZA; AARP; NY TIMES; LOS ANGELES TIMES; SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTERSTUFF:I received a request to mention the passing of Major General Charles Bond of Dallas, Texas. This request came from a man who knew him through work with organizing the 60th Anniversary Reunion for the American Volunteer Group/Flying Tigers. MGen. Bonds was one of the pilots that flew as an American in the CHinese Air Force in the unit commanded by Charles Chennault.I also receive in my regular mail box a letter from Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek who is on our prayer list. Fr. Peek advised that he was preparing to leave the Middle East to head home. I had sent a couple of packages to Fr. Peek to distribute goods among the men and women with whom he was serving. Many of those good people were kind enough to write letters to my wife and I. I was happy to hear that Fr. Peek was coming home. And trust me when I tell you that receiving a hand written letter from one of those brave men or women is as good as it gets.Two days ago I receive an e-mail from SSgt. Matthew Ross, USMC. Matt let me know that some stuff had arrived to he and his fellow Marines in Iraq. He was getting ready to return to the U.S. for a three week period. He was really happy as he was going to get to see some live football games. He said they really missed the live games but that they did get some delayed re-plays on occasion. Of course a few weeks ago when all of the college and pro football magazines came out, and knowing that there were some football fans in that unit, I went to the store and purchased quite a few to send to them. Matt and others before him have told me that magazines are a big hit with everyone. He even included a thank you from the Commanding General.Every single day, I look at our prayer list and say a special prayer for all those on the list. I know they appreciate it.I also got an e-mail from Cpl. Brandon Robinson, USMC who is getting ready to leave Iraq and return to San Angelo, Texas. I hope to see him upon his return. He is a really nice young man. A few years back he visited my wife and I on his 21st birthday. I really felt honored that he thought enough to stop by ad visit with us.MORE STUFF:We keep hearing about something called a Co-Op and a Public Option connected with this Universal Health Care package. No one has yet been able to explain to me just exactly what either of these animals is.I strongly imagine it is another lame attempt to get our attention looking one way while they slip in some type of government control under another name.I have been carefully watching some of these town hall meetings and it seems as if the only Senators and Congressmen who are getting the business from the people are ALL ULTRA LIBERAL officials. And I believe that it might just now be dawning on them that you can lie for a limited period but eventually the lies will catch up to you and it might even dawn on these mutts that the people are sick of the lies and their hold on their elected positions are not as firm as they had believed.This would be especially true of Arlen Specter. I will be very surprised if the people in Pennsylvania return this turd to office. From what I hear, Harry Reid is in a world of hurt in Nevada.The Republican Party need collectively get off their dead asses, throw political correctness out the window and get some real leaders in the Senate and House.If the American people allow these socialists to remain in power then our great country is done. I just imagine that China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, along with many of the African nations are all getting a good laugh out of the pathetic attempts of the Obama Administration to placate everyone.Forget political correctness and do what is right.

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