Bio warfare?

(NEWSER) – More than 30 years after the World Health Organization declared smallpox eradicated, the federal government has spent $463 million on enough medicine to treat two million cases. The only stocks of the smallpox virus known to still exist are in heavily guarded labs in Atlanta and Moscow, but experts won't rule out the existence of renegade stocks or the possibility of the once-feared killer being genetically engineered back into existence, the New York Times reports.

The huge federal order will be a bonanza for Siga Technologies, a small biotech firm that created the new smallpox medicine, but some experts say the government is buying way too much—especially since it already has a stockpile of 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine. "Is it appropriate to stockpile it? Absolutely,” a bioweapons expert at Rutgers University says. “Is it appropriate to stockpile two million doses? Absolutely not. Twenty thousand seems like the right number.”

any way to verify?

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  • Now this is a threat.

  • Sounds like obama is planning on creating a situation whereby he will need the two million doses....

  • Two million doses sounds about right.  That's close to the number of mid to highlevel politicians and bureaucratic ruling class existing in Amerika today.  You'd think they would want as many as we had of flu vaccines this year!  Why is my state still part of this tyrannical union?

  • I am no medical expert, however small pox is a signal disease which changed the way diseases were seen, as it provided the intuitive leap for Edward Jenner to recognize the fact those exposed to "cow pox" were immune to small pox, and from this the development of the vaccine, specifically, and also the development of the "vaccine concept".

        The fact the two poxes were genetically related made it possible, but the ability to manipulate genes means it is now possible to engineer the effects of the disease, for specific outcomes, and also to genetically engineer it so it is no longer related to the cowpox possibly, and remove the population naturally immune, and ensure the spread is wider and far faster.

        This alone is why a moral society must consider genetic engineering and all its ramifications while entering into it, even if the determination must be, "only for the purpose of defense".  Stockpiling twenty thousand is about right for a natural emergency outbreak, two million sounds like a fishy number to me.  It is too small a number if bio-warfare is on the horizon, yet it is sufficient if controlled "leaks" are to be used to target specific groups, and secure those who will be handling it to get it to those who are aimed at.

       This is another sign of government looking inside for targets, and not externally, in my own opinion.  Two million is plenty if the CDC is going to supervise deliberate infestations at specific target groups.  Genetic engineering has reached the level where eager young college students can now pursue it on their own, in home grown labs, and accomplish such things, if they simply know the right people in the right labs.

       I am still not privy to the data about the drugs which were tested on my generation service personnel, going into the Gulf war, and while all the normal and common vaccinations and drugs were put in my records, those experimental vaccines for anthrax, and the pills to "protect against nerve agent" were administered by "intelligence personnel", not medical, and those drugs are not in my records that I have access to at all.

    Semper Fidelis, John McClain, GySgt, USMC, ret,

  • Hopefully our Russian buddies didn't pass on their stash to the Chinese or N. Koreans. Well actually Obama would be the one to sneak some to his biggest donors and vote hackers the Chinese.

    @John McClain I don't think ethics and Socialism/Communism especially in places like China will ever stop them from trying to use the stuff they steal from us to cause a world wide disaster that they have protected themselves from.

    • The news is reporting the possibility of the administration sharing classified data from NASA with the Chinese, and the consideration of a full scale investigation.  Every aspect of every action taken specifically to date by this administration has been to the exact detriment to our Nation, starting from the moment of his electing and his announcing his intentions of policy before even being inaugurated, running "fast and furious", discharging the convicted Black Panthers without sentencing them according to the convictions, the immediate installation of true "enemies of our state" in office, from the first, and continuing to this day.

         There should be no doubt as to obama's communism, and given his support of "The Arab Spring" with all the death and destruction which has followed, his faith as muslim and radical islam, completely supported by every appointment to date, and by every act before any muslim leader in every venue.

          Add in the fact he established the "CIA annex" in Benghazi specifically to collect the major weapons we had transferred to Libya, purportedly to recover them, but as has proven out to be true, transferring them to internationally designated terrorist groups, clearly for the purpose of accomplishing this transfer of such weapons as would only be available from our own inventories, weapons for specific purposes allowing terrorists to bring down full scale military aircraft as well as civilian.

         That he was called to the "situation room" on the advent of the emergency call for help, ordered the two rescue missions stood down, removed to general grade officers for refusing to accept the order.  He then addressed the fact two CIA operatives, former Seals, chose to go to the rescue alone, and refused to stand down as he demanded, with the commander in chief leaving the situation room with the attack in full swing, no rescue but that of the two individuals, and retiring to quarters with direct orders not to disturb him over this incident again, we can be certain his agenda was being fulfilled, at least as well as possible, given his inability to stop the Seals, we must assume any and all his actions will follow the unswerving line they have been on from the start.

         Every action he has taken as both president and as commander in chief has been detrimental to our Nation, not anything he's "tried" has ever had any chance of being of positive value, we must assume consistency has sound, firm meaning.

         We have the greatest Traitor in our Nation's history as commander in chief and president, no other Traitor to our Nation has even come close to his level since Benedict Arnold.

          We need to keep in mind, the Russians have the agenda of ruling over Europe if possible, and dream of the world.  The Chinese may well see the west as an obstacle which can be destroyed and contaminated for some time, with the chance of ruling over it at a later date.  There are subtle differences in their end game strategies and goals.

         It is the Arabs and islam we must focus on, because it has a goal established millennia ago, and they would slaughter all who oppose, given the chance, it is in their religious convictions.  They are happy to see anyone fighting, and anyone taking control of world finances and government, as it provides a single target and goal, rather than the complexity they face now.

      Semper Fidelis, John McClain

    • I don't believe you can even speak of ethics and socialism in the same sentence, "situational ethics" is part and parcel to the fundamental practices of socialism and communism.  They don't qualify as politics for this reason, they are tactics of warfare.  we've made a grave error in allowing either to be openly practiced as they stand diametrically opposed to the most fundamental principle of our Nation; the rule of law as opposed to the rule of man.

      Semper Fidelis,

      John McClain

  • Welcome to obamaville.

  • check out Denver Airport conspiracy theory parts 1 & 2, not thats kinda creepy

  • Smallpox is a real game changer and engineered strains by the Russians in the 1970'-80's has a very high LD as well as almost anyone exposed to any of the virus will become immune impaired or physically damaged or both. Tried to brief local first responders and state health folks about 10 years ago, only scared them witless due to the nature of the beast and ease of transmission, contact or pneumococial coupled with almost no Dr.s who have ever seen, diagnoised or treated a patient. Same goes for undertakers as well. Several very good books done on the subject, one by the former head of the Russian bio warfare labs.

    Why stockpile, offer up to those who will accept the innoculation and allow others to refrain even once educated with the facts. I have had several innoculations and current blood work shows I am still resistant; however, I would not decline another time as I know the potential results for not being current.

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