Is Our Movement Falling Apart?

There seems to be an increasing level of frustration, arguing, and backbiting appearing on the Constitutional Emergency Discussions. I am very concerned that we are allowing our enthusiasm to wane; that we are taking our frustrations out on each other.

There is no question but what the initial turnout was disappointing. We must make an even greater effort! Try, if you will, to put yourself in Col. Riley’s shoes. This man spent years in honorable service to his country; now, at 76 years of age, when he should be able to enjoy his "golden years," he has once more had to offer up his life for this nation. Think about how disappointed he must have been on May 16, when the 1.8 million who had committed to attending had shrunk to 1000. Yet he never wavered. He marched on with the small army he had.

To those who have suggested we need new leadership, I say: Col. Riley has never deviated from Operation American Spring’s purpose:

1) Oust the "Dirty Seven" - Obama, Biden, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, and McConnell;

2) Restore our Constitutional Republic to what the Founders intended it to be.

That, Patriots, is what we need to be focusing on. Not on issues such as the environment, birther argument, or the legitimacy of the Iraq war. These other issues, while they may very well be important, WILL NOT FURTHER OUR CAUSE. We must stay focused. We must put forth even greater effort. We must not allow ourselves to bicker and fight amongst ourselves, for a house divided cannot stand. WE MUST UNITE, AND STAY UNITED BEHIND OUR CAUSE.

Ask yourself: What can I do? Can I find a way to go to Washington, D.C., even for just a few days? Can I do more in my local area? Most of us are already calling and/or emailing our representatives and senators, talking to family and friends, and printing up flyers to pass out. Think: What else can I do? If you can get together with other Patriots, do it. We all can do better with the sharing of ideas. For example, another Patriot came up with a simple way to spread the word that I had totally overlooked: Leaving a flyer with your tip in restaurants (thank you, Maria!).

We are in a battle against evil forces that would destroy our beautiful country. The damage is already very grave; we have no time to waste.

I will leave you to ponder some quotes that illustrate the great change that has come upon our nation over the last fifty years:

Then:                                                               Now:

"Ask not what your country can do for you;         "The Constitution is a charter of negative

ask what you can do for your country."        doesn't say what the federal

                                                                         government must do on your behalf."


"A rising tide lifts all boats."                                "The rich must pay their fair share!"

-John F. Kennedy                                               -Barack H. Obama

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  • What was the basis for that "1.8 million committed to attending" figure?

  • For over 7 months, we had absolutely no advertizement on a national level! I screamed daily about the need for a "National Media Blitz" but no one would listen! "To Show, People Must Know"! I thought the number one priority was to get millions of patriots to Washington D.C.! All the talk was about contacting local newspapers and radio stations that very few people read or listen to! If Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh made just one OAS announcement, there would have been millions of people in D.C.! I passed out over a thousand flyers and could NOT find one person that knew or heard about OAS! You can keep on doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result! That's the definition of INSANITY! I've spent days writing letters to the 100 largest newspapers and also to national radio and TV shows and never got one reply! I believe only a military coup can now save our country! I tried but will now worry about myself and my family!

    • I think a lot more people would be there if we weren't so broke. The costs of food, gas, utilities, ect. Have skyrocketed. I would be there in a heartbeat if I could afford it. I know there are a lot of people in the same predicament. Please keep on for those of us who can't be there in person, but are there in spirit! God Bless.
      • Yeah, people are kept poor on purpose, in order to control them, and they have no control!

    • Based on hearing 4 months in advance of the sold out buses, hotels, campgrounds, support by Rolling Thunder and Oath Keepers (at the time), and other clues, I would have put it at at least 1.5 million.

      Why the peel back? In my opinion, the regime knew they had to squash the grassroots effort, but not openly. They were very clever to stage the Bundy Ranch standoff before May 16. Anyone wonder why they so blatantly used guns and force at this moment? And we rightfully went to the Bundys' defense. But the regime used it to send the message that they are willing to use force on Americans. And then they threatened a few key spokesmen like Glenn Beck, who then knowingly LIED to millions over and over for weeks that OAS would be made up of violent militia nuts, and that we would instigate violence in D.C. This lie, told over and over to millions, plus the planted fear that there would be a false flag shooting framed onto the true patriots.....those three propaganda pushes very successfully suppressed turnout.
    • Yes, I found that hardly anyone knew about it before, during or afterwards as well. 

      Thank you for the work. You planted seeds so not in vain.

  • We've all heard the phrase, "Talk the talk" and know what it implies. Talk is cheap. The follow-up would be that action speaks louder than words. The next part of that phrase of course is to "walk the walk". That phrase goes hand in hand with "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." OAS has taken the first step and thus the journey has begun. The success of the OAS movement depended on the masses of concerned Americans to show up in Washington DC to protest peacefully for the removal of those considered to be criminals as demonstrated by their lawless acts in defiance of the United States Constitution. Over 1000 brave patriots showed up and marched as was planned. To them we salute you. The success of the mission was not possible due to the lack of attendance. If only a hundred thousand citizens would  have shown up it would have been broadcast globally. The phrase strength in numbers has always been the common denominator in such events. What would have been the result of the Arab Spring if only 1000 concerned citizens in Egypt had shown up instead of the estimated three million that did. Nothing would have changed as is the case of the OAS.

    Could it be that the citizens of Egypt better understood what the consequences of doing nothing would have netted? It appears the majority of American citizens are living within their comfort zones and have not yet been reduced in their freedoms as the citizens of Egypt were. They were already at a point of having lost most of what they had left. Without a doubt if or when Americans reach that same level then and only then will they assemble and demand change.

    The new paradigm is to find a different approach to alerting the populace to 1) the threat that is before them, 2) the seriousness of that threat, and 3) what action must take place immediately to prevent the loss of the freedoms they now possess. As OAS has found that is not an easy task. The threat that currently exists is not yet at a level to infringe on the comforts of the average American citizen that is  necessary to compel an arousal of fear that would then cause concern. Until that changes all the flyers, talk, hype or wishful thinking will not find the needed traction to cause the masses to rise up and put their "boots on the ground" and march against the lawless criminals who are our elected representatives. Clearly there is a time to act followed by the need to react. Wisdom dictates the difference.      

    • I wish people would stop using Egypt and Arab Spring as an example of what OAS can accomplish.  Whatever the Egyptian people wanted or intended when they took to the streets against the Morsi government, what they've got today is neither freedom nor a democracy -- instead they're being ruled by a military dictatorship.

      • miss the principle behind the Eyptian Spring.  The principle we selected from the Egyptian event was "mass".  The principle of massing millions of people cannot be ignored.  It worked in Egypt twice.........It's not about Egypt govenment nor their military, it's the principle we witnessed of "mass" participation by people who have had enough.

        If I said it once, I've said it a hundred times on blog talk radio and in print....Mass works in military start the attack "mass fire" is leveled on the target.  That was what we needed and need for Operation American Spring.  Mass of people that cannot be ignored, holding to a concept of constitutional restoration, lawless politicians out.

        Egypt had only their hearts and souls and so do we in America, but we have even more than the Egyptian people had.  We have a Declaration of Independence and Constitution behind us that demands when govenment abuses "we the people" it's our right, no it's our duty to adjust or remove leaders that violate the constitution.  Read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and it's quite clear what America must do, and what the Constitution requires that elected officials to do.  They are not doing it, they are abusing "we the people", the power structure is turned upside down.........if we are not willing to stand up for our own nation, what signal are we sending?

        We need a wave of "cantoring" many lawless politicians.

        Go to and take the action.........remind everyone of them, the concept of "cantoring" is deeply resolved in the American people.  We've had it, we're not stupid, we're not pawns to be played with for "self-serving" political gain, and we're trying to get America back on track in a peaceful manner.  Politicians either get the message and repent, if you will, and take the courageous step to reject the lawless behavior that has been going on for decades and do the right thing. God help us if we don't turn this thing around peacefully.

        We're still on a mission that must not, cannot fail...

        Harry Riley

        P.S.  Regarding the 1.8 million figure.  If said they were committed I erred......I believe I said they were mobilizing.  One of the national militia leaders advised the 1.2 - 1.8 million militia were mobilizing in support of OAS.  I think my remark was, it's unknown how many of the this number will actually show up in D.C.

        • Right   on  target, Amen,   Salute..!!

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