Speaking of phony combinations.......take a look at Obama combining Black History Month and Political campaigning. Is this the epitome of arrogance, in your face race baiting, despicable reflection of an elected official?  How much more can we stand from this illegal usurper in the White House.......

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  • This "Imposter" has NO conscience and NO integrity at all. He will try anything to "FOOL" or "HOODWINK" the people. He is using the "POOR BLACK" Syndrome to fool the BLACK Voters into a believing they are the only folks that had hardships in life. I hope the BLACK VOTERS will see through all of OBAMA's attempts to lure them into a FALSE sense of entitlements. I think most BLACKS are smarter than that, except those that depend on federal spending for their daily bread, free housing, free cell phones, free child care and on and on. That type, will vote, because the Obama gang will see to it that they get to the polls, or get their ballots in. In all probability they will cast more than one vote each, even the dead one that have been know to cast their ballots.

       So it is up to all concerned citizens to form as many groups as possible, under such names as "Blacks for Constitutional Government, Hispanics for Constitutional Government, Retirees for Constitutional Government, Whites for IT, Blue Collar Workers for Constitutional Government and any other name anyone can dream up to attract attention to the illegal tactics this "IMPOSTOR" is using to run down the "Honest Citizens of America."

       This "IMPOSTER" has an endless source of money that the honest people could never have, possibly from HIS 'Islamic' Friends that want to see the United States of America destroyed. So it is up to all citizens interested in a Constitutional Government, and a JUST GOVERNMENT for- We The People" - "Of The People" - and "By The People." We must NOT rest on our seats until we get the word out to every person we know and repeat it to ALL on a regular basis.

        We have all seen the illegal activities of the Obama gang, that has gotten Control of the Court System, by way of his slick talk, coupled with his "Union Bosses" acting in a gangster manner by intimidating the workers and etc.

       The rest will take everyone interested in preserving the Great Nation that many of us has fought to maintain and prevent this "ILLEGAL ARROGANT USURPER" from returning to the White House. We can start by encouraging all our friends to be sure to vote. Anyone not registered to vote get them registered. An easy way to vote is ask for an absentee ballot - It is mailed to your home and you fill it out in advance and return it to your county register of voters. Otherwise the US will suffer along with all its citizens if this guy is re-elected

  • We can say what we may, but all they can see is the same color skin. No matter what he says or does. It's truly sad and probably the end for America of which I proudly served. I pray for my grandkids

  • Someone , everyone needs to SHOUT MLK, Jr was a registered REPUBLICAN.

    There were billboards in TN in 2008. We need more. I have the bumper sticker on my truck. I gave my T shirt away! WE need it everywhere, all the time. This dem/lib/communist agenda has to stop! bHo is beyond hypocrite

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