After reviewing responses to my action question email (13% response rate), I am proposing taking an action suggested by one member (you know who you are *smile*), to wit:

Let’s set up a round table discussion with a group of Senators and Representatives willing to listen to us, and work out a plan to end this corrupt regime. Please note that we will likely need to travel to D.C. to do the meeting as a group.

Who has contacts with conservatives in the Congress? Who gets "real" responses from their Reps and Sens? Not the canned garbage my libtard Senators spew out! I sometimes get a real response from my Rep, but she is kind of squishy. However, I will contact her.


Below is the final list of names many of you have submitted. Please contact any/all; let me know what response you get.


Politician Name List

(R=Representative; S=Senator; G=Governor; (...)=previous position)

Abbot, Greg G

Amash, Justin R

Ayotte, Kelly S

Bachmann, Michelle (R)

Barrasso, John S

Black, Diane R

Blackburn, Marsha R

Brewer, Jan (G)

Chaffetz, Jason R

Cornyn, John S

Cotton, Tom S

Cruz, Ted S

Ernst, Joni S

Fallin, Mary G

Franks, Trent R

Gohmert, Louie R

Gowdy, Trey R

Hailey, Nikki G

Hatch, Orrin S

Herrera-Beutler, Jaime R

Hogan, Larry G

Issa, Darrell R

Jindal, Bobby G

Jordan, Jim R

Lee, Mike S

Love, Mia R

Martinez, Susana G

McMorris-Rodgers, Cathy R

McSally, Martha R

Palin, Sarah (G)

Paul, Rand S

Perry, Rick (G)

Rubio, Marco S

Ryan, Paul R

Scott, Tim S

Sessions, Jeff S

Toomey, Pat S

Walker, Scott G

West, Allen (R)

Wilson, Joe R


And any others whom you know to hold conservative values. Also, what do you think about getting your governors involved? Mine is useless, but there are many good solid leaders around the country.

Please, everyone, run your contacts! WE NEED TO GET THIS DONE!

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


  • Remove Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio - ALL are in favor of the amnesty!  Add Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Marsha Blackburn, Jordan, Chaffetz, Amash to name a few.  Use the rankings on Conservative Review to identify true conservatives (altho they rank Paul with an A and Scalise with a B). Unfortunately, my reps aren't great - Adrian Smith and Deb Fischer.  Still to be seen where Ben Sasse will stand - claims to be conservative and says all the right things (at least he is for repealing Obamacare) but would not answer on some issues.  All I ever get in reply to my calls, e-mails with Smith and Fischer are form letters that patronize and preach.

  • Sounds like a reasonable idea, Why not give it a try. Add Senator Mike Lee to the list, and Governor (elect) Gregg Abbott from Texas. Also lets take a look at some of the new people who were elected in November. If they ran as a conservative, hold their feet to the fire and provide them with a direction.

  • I don't know who it was that set up this proposal in the first place, but I think this might have the beginnings of a really good idea, perhaps an "Action Plan" that could work.
    Step #1; Formulate a plan of what and where we want to go, ie - Remove the corruption from DC !! ??

    Step #2; Locate and contact reps that will work with us and meet where ever necessary.

    Who came up with this original proposal ? Do we still have that information here on PFA?

    It almost sounds like something I said over a year ago; (Prior to the May 16th mission), Get an "inside" invitation to Congress from one of our supporting Reps. If we can get them to open the doors for us maybe we can get some attention.
    That's what I said a year ago, now lets see if we can put this one together and make something happen.

    Thanks Jean, and who ever posted the original idea for this "Action Plan".

  • Jean, I was NOT trying to take credit for it. Hope it didn't sound that way.

    A good idea is a good idea, and I personally don't care who gets credit for it.

    Now the question is - How can we develop this into something real? And tangible.

    There are enough of us here to make something that will get some real action going.
    We can compile a list of potential candidates that might listen, (good list started already). Now what types of proposals would they actually listen Too?

    #1) Do what they were elected to do!

    a) Repeal Obamacare

    b) Cut that damned sequestration that is stripping our military to the bone.

    c) Stop this Obama amnesty, and actually do something to enforce our immigration laws currently on the books.

    d) ?????

    e) ??????

    f) ?????????

    g) ??????

    2) Obey their oath of office.

    3) restore the country to the Constitution. (That seems to be one of the toughest things to get them to understand.)

    Remember, these people were elected in November 2014 because they ran on conservative rhetoric and speeches. Let's hold them to those pledges and promises.

  • Not a problem Jean, I think you are on the right direction here, who ever made this suggestion can have all the credit if they want it, to me it doesn't matter. When can we start? - I think we already have. Next step is to begin a preliminary draft of our "demands". Keep it short, simple and to the point. Use 'bullet-points' as the outline like I've started above. Recruit retiring and out going Reps and officials! Another good idea. But Believe me I've been trying to contact many of them since we started all this last year. It's amazing how well they have all isolated themselves from the public. We saw that up in DC on our May 2014 mission. Trying to get in to visit and talk to a Rep up there is nearly impossible, and they will not return a phone call or any messages. Political Standing' !! $$$$ talks, & BS walks. But failure is not an option. We will just have to keep trying. Strategy - give it a name - "Hold them too it" ???, How about "Demand results" ??

    The name "Operation American Spring" seemed to have scared the crap out of a lot of people. They all had visions of a wild bunch of Red necks going up there with guns blazing and some kind of open violent revolution. But it did get their attention, they know we are here at least. "Patriots For America - Demand Results".


  • Jean, and everyone else who will help, we need to do something with this action plan. Senator Ted Cruz will stand up with us. Lets try to get something going. Please.

  • As soon as the new Maryland Governor takes office in a few weeks, I will petition his office for support. 

  • I'm still trying to figure out how and when to connect with the new Maryland Governor-Elect, Larry Hogan. There's not much on his transition-website yet:


    Hogan-Rutherford Transition Portal:  

    More information about Larry Hogan:  

    My guess is that there are a lot of people pawning for his attention now a days.  I believe what we need to do is to come up with a business plan or a Plan of Action for the new Round Table.   

    Another idea ~ is a BlogTalk Radio Show with interactive chat.  Since this is the time of year (January through middle of March), that the weather is so unpredictable for the D.C. region - this may be a good alternative rather than to travel.  I got the idea from: 

    Now The End Begins Blogtalk Radio Show - (9pm to 11pm Sundays, with interactive chat):  

    Now The End Begins Blog:  

    The BlogTalk Radio has a Politics category with a Conservative Section.   This would be a good way to get additional support from other conservative groups throughout the 'blog networks'.  It may also attract like-minded politicians and they could participate live with the Host(s) or interactive chat.  [If they don't feel the need to talk with 'we the people', then 'we the people' do not feel the need to vote for them --- again.] 

    BlogTalk Radio - Conservative Radio Groups:   

  • Please include me as a panelist.
  • Try Sen Pat Toomey.
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