Congressman John Boehner, in typical republican fashion, hit’s the ground tripping. I don’t want to be a naysayer, but the presumptive house speaker started off with a fizzle. His first public statement shows two things that should worry everyone. One, he shows that he doesn’t know the constitution and two he is showing that he has no intention of taking control of the house of representatives (HOR).

You may think me petty for saying this but words mean what words mean. In his first speech acknowledging that the republicans will take over the HOR he stated that “it is the presidents job to set the agenda“. Does Mr. Boehner understand that the President has just been marginalized by the voters? Either the speaker misspoke in his exuberance or he really doesn’t understand the constitution. My gut feeling is the latter.

I always thought that Mr. Boehner was a pussy, which is short for pusillanimous, not a reference to the female genitalia, his statement seems to underscore this point. It also indicates that he will be a weak speaker. I am going to start the drumbeat now to find another speaker. I am also going to ask that Mr. Boehner step aside and let a more qualified speaker take the gavel. We cannot afford to have a timorous person in the speakers seat.

At least the democrats put a real man in charge. Say what you will about Nancy Pelosi, but she knew how to man up. She was more of a man than Harry Reed or John Boehner will ever be. Face the facts, Pelosi had Balls and Boehner can’t even get up enough nerve to say to the POTUS that We The People HAVE set the agenda. Not to be mean, but does a real man cry during a victory speech? If John Boehner is put into the speakers chair he will be the most impotent speaker that the HOR has ever seen.

I hate to say it but if this is a picture of the things to come we are in trouble. We have only two years to get the country on the right path. Does Boehner understand that the republicans are on probation. If he doesn’t get this simple concept then we really do need a third party. The democrats are laughing up their sleeve that after such a resounding defeat they are told by the presumptive speaker that they are still setting the agenda. Does anyone else see this? Is the presumptive speaker setting us up to be outmaneuvered by the democrats who were just defeated? HELLO, Are we going to sleep so soon?

Mr. Boehner, GET SOME EFFING BALZ or STEP ASIDE AND LET A MAN DO WHAT A BOY LIKE YOU CAN’T. We need a strong speaker not a weak-kneed, spineless coward, who can‘t even tell the POTUS that he is out of power. If Mr. Boehner thinks that we the people elected the republicans to send the message that the president sets the agenda then he needs to step aside. Read the constitution. Art 2, Sec 3 states that the president shall recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. This does not say that the president sets the agenda, it says that the president humbly recommends to the congress measures that he thinks are important. If the congress agrees that the presidents SUGGESTION is worthy of CONSIDERATION then the congress can draft legislation to enact a law.

There are too many qualified people, Many of whom were just elected, who have what it takes to lead this country back to where it should be. We cannot afford to let it slip away by putting John Boehner in as speaker of the house. We the people have to be proactive in our government. Consider this a preemptive strike against another unaffordable republican failure. We need to start now by writing to our elected representatives and telling them in no uncertain terms that we do not want a fainthearted man like John Boehner as OUR speaker. With an opening statement like “it’s the president who sets the agenda” Mr. Boner will drive this revolution into the ground.


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  • Kevin......I tend to agree with you that Boehner is a lay back, another term for "weak" leader in the past. He has not stood up to Pelosi and heralded "we the people's" demands....

    While Boehner seems to be voicing "we the people's" message, I would be pleased to see a challenge to Boehner...for nothing else it would seem to add strength to serious demands voiced by the people in reversing the majority in the US House....

    With regard to his emotional reaction.....It seemed a bit strange to bring the personal background into the speech but who am I to judge that........

    In fairness to Boehner, I believe his use of "agenda", was meant to conform to Art 2, Sec 3......that Obama must now understand "we the people's" demands and offer "measures" consistent with the voters wishes.......I may be wrong......

    But in any case, I believe a challenge to Boehner would be good for the Republic......

    While on the subject of congressional leadership......we need to replace Senator McConnell, R-KY as the Senate Minority leader......he's weak at best.......we need someone like Senator Jim DeMint, R-SC to challenge McConnell and I'm going to fax DeMint and urge him to take action challenging McConnell.......
    • Harry
      With all due respect, words do actually mean something. As one person put it "a gaff as defined in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth". I don't think we owe the presumptive speaker any fairness. I don't believe that Obama understands that he is obliged to ask congress for anything. Obama believes that the office he holds gives him the right to demand that the congress bend to his will. Obama and his cronies, as is proven by their behavior, do not care what We The People want from our elected representatives. The liberals believe that they know best and the people will eventually catch up to them. The words that Boehner used to express this opinion opened to door to the democrats setting the agenda. You may believe that what he meant by agenda was meant to conform to the constitution, but that doesn't mean that the democrats will interpret the statement this way. I got the idea that Boehner was setting himself up to blame the president if the agenda goes astray. The republicans need to get some GUTZ. They need to send the legislation to the senate and let the chips fall. If the senate doesn't do their job then let the senate suffer the consequences. If it gets put on Obama's desk then let him veto the bill. Don't try to compromise with the minority.
  • A major point with regard to Boehner taking the reins is his "establishment" history.......I'm uneasy about this and also his doing absolutely nothing over the last years while Pelosi has reined.........I have faxed my Rep to challenge Boehner and if other feel the same, they should take action........

    I feel stronger that McConnell R-KY as the Senate Minority Leader should go.........he's weak and nearly lost his last choice in the Senate is Jim DeMint, R-SC......if others feel McConnell should go then we need to make it known to our Senators........I have also called and faxed DeMint for him to make a move.....
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