Close Gitmo NOW, and here is how

Written by Troy at Bouhammer's Afghan BlogThe other day as Scott and I were driving somewhere we got to talking about how the American people are purely ignorant as to what is happening in Gitmo and how awesome it would be to do a story about what really happens down there. See the liberal left would have you believe that we torture and abuse prisoners there, when in fact it is the other way around. These guys are given more opportunities to practice their faith, they eat better, are kept cleaner and overall have a much better view than they do back in their home countries.Instead of white man-jammies they wear orange jumpsuits. Instead of beating and abusing their wives and kids, they abuse American men and women who serve our country. Men and women who are quickly punished and have their careers ruined if they retaliate. How would you like it if you are bringing very nutritional and faith-correct meals to someone every day and they spit at you, try to choke you, punch at you, save up and throw every bodily fluid and substance imaginable on you? You would be pretty pissed, wouldn’t ya? Well our American fighting men and women are no different, however all they can do is turn the other cheek, walk away and go try to clean themselves up. It is an impossible situation for our military members.The Red Cross just came back and said everything is fine there and there were absolutely no abuses or human rights issues. These people are being treated beyond what is required. However the current administration wants to close Gitmo, and you know what? I am perfectly fine with that and totally support it. However, the next step is where I differ with the administration. They are taking a year because they want to figure out what to do with these maggots...Read the rest of this article here.______________________I'm all for this. Sign me up I wanna donate.Twana

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