Greetings, All. 

If you have children in school now, or will have in the future, please take the time to learn all you can about the Common Core Curriculum.  I just became a board member on our county's Board of Education in Jan.  Today we were given a presentation on the Common Core program CA signed onto in 2010.  Thank goodness they currently have a moratorium on curriculum or format changes until the 2014-15 school year.  (This could be changed to suit them, however)  The schools are still being set up for it, though.

Already, most of the states have given in to this, but some are re-thinking as things come to light.  Besides dumbing down to a universal standard, the tracking is the most disturbing.  You will have to go through a lot of sites to find ones that have really paid attention to the details and not the glossy plans to make life in schools better.  I have given you a few links here to save some time.  There are more links within some of these.  Please be active in your kids schools, because if this succeeds, parents lose control and even teachers will have little say. 

Don't be fooled into thinking this was your state's idea, like they are trying to portray.  Private parties started it (with the blessings of our current government) and realized they needed to look like it was the states' that came up with it.

This link is a great start point for your own research.  Lots of links and info:

Truth in American Education

Common Core Standards’ Devastating Impact on Literary Study and Analytical Thinking

Common Core Curriculum — Who’s on Board? Who’s Not?

Common Core Standards

Full Glenn Beck Show on Common Core

If you only have time for one, this is the one you should check out!!

Data Tracking and the Common Core 

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  • So from what I'm reading, this so called CORE basically dumbs down the students even more than they already are.  But this is what Hussein wants, everyone shares the same amount of knowledge, therefore, no one can exceed the  the knowledge of the many.  Sounds like Hussein wants to share the knowledge, redistribute it so everyone is the same with the same potential.  Therefore you get all equel, all paid the same, no one any smarter then the other.  Fits right in with the slave system he is putting in place.  We already have the stupids who voted this commie back into power to finish the destruction of the USA, but when people actually use their brains, they become dangerous to  the  collective and let's remember, intelligence doesn't help make good slaves!  Neither does faith or belief in a higher power like God!  This is why Hussein and the loon democrats are destroying religion and making it a dirty word.  Thats how I see it.  They are rewriting history, making kids sing Hussein's praises and worship him like he is a God!  So who is going to stop it? The states should put a stop to it, but they won't. 

    • That is why it is so important to voice your feelings to your schools and boards.  If there is no outcry, it will continue.  Don't be shy, but do be respectful.  The states are being duped because WE are allowing it.

  • This is excellent information, Brenda. Thanks for putting it up here.  I served on various school boards for 13 years while my kids were in school and was frequently appalled at what was going on in the classrooms.  Here in the land of massholes, we pioneered in this common core curriculum concept.  From early on, my friends and I fought it all the way to the state levels.  Sometimes we prevailed, more often we did not.

    Now, several years later, we see the full results of the programming.  Nobody is allowed to say the word "God" but they learn solstice songs. 

    Some catch words and phrases that all should watch out for are: child-centered curriculum, whole language and outcome based education.  Each of these terms encompasses a whole body of bs that programs the communist agenda into our children's young brains. 

    Be especially on alert for a group called the Northeast Foundation for Children. They publish a curriculum called "The Responsive Classroom" approach.  Back in the mid 80's I worked at their lab school for a short period of time as their business manager.  Alarmed by the fact that the smartest and brightest kids were always in trouble, I asked the director why he thought this would be so.  He replied, "We don't want standouts here.  We want kids who know how to fit into the group."  A few months later, I discovered that the four founders of the school were the children of founding members of the communist party back in the 20's and 30's.  I didn't last another week at that place.  Even then, it was clearly evident what they were doing.  They have now expanded their reach, holding workshops in school districts all over the US..  As soon as Responsive Classroom comes into a district, troubles start.

    Bravo to you for your efforts in education.  I think you will find it is a losing battle, just as I did.  BUT....I was able to hold them at bay for the years I served.  Course, the second I left, it was like I was never there.

  • In MS too!

  • Educating ourselves and trying to fight it in MA.

    We MUST STOP this.

    [ ]   "TheSchoolFeed"

    Trying to post factual articles on the subject.

    Anyone in the Upper Cape area that wants to help us- please contact us.

    We need to work together and approach our legislators, etc.

    Liberty Chalkboard Liberty Chalkboard is an education group dedicated to sharing truth.
    We are an education task force of friends and neighbors from Cape Cod, MA, dedicated to spreading truth and opposed to Common Core or any federal (un…
    • This is a very interesting website, Mary Anne.  How does one contribute to it.  The contact information is not there.

This reply was deleted.


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