Breaking: We were right, Obama GAVE Iran the Drone!

Obama gave Iran the droneA couple of  days ago was the first to point out that the circumstances surrounding the “crash” of the top secret RQ170 Sentinel drone simply didn’t add up. And we were tight! The story continues to develop and it doesn’t look good!

To recap, first we were told that Iran might’ve shot it down  and then the story changed to “the drone crashed on Iranian soil ”

After realizing that the Iranians were about to parade a perfectly functional drone with nary a scratch on it, the official story changed to “the drone landed because it wants to live” I kid you not that is the official story!

The flack we caught for running the story was typical of the the kind of BS spewed by Obama’s supporters but none the less I didn’t withdraw the story because the official version simply didn’t add up.

The immediate and obvious questions were these: 1) Why didn’t we try to recover the drone? 2) In lieu of a rescue effort why didn’t we bomb it into oblivion?

Apparently there was third option and Onama struk that down also.


Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that apparently the Pentagon  pleaded with Barrack Hussein Obama to give the order to do just that. The Pentagon initially wanted to send a special forces team to recover the drone.  Obama shot down that suggestion. Then the Pentagon offered up plan B , blow it to kingdom come. Obama refused that too and now Iran and China have a brand spanking new fully functional top secret US RQ 170 Sentinel Drone.

The Drone was not recovered or destroyed specifically per Obama’s orders

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  • There could be another position on the drone showing up in Iran. Since the Arab Spring, over and over there have been rumors that the USA is going to go after Iran about Nulcear issues but the UN, NATO and Russia have been hesitant. Part of this story includes a 'HINT' that we may send in troops or special forces to retrieve and/or destroy the drone.


    If anyone is familiar with these types of operations, there  is usually at least 1 week of heavy air strikes prior to sending in the 'seek & destroy' and/or recovery specialists. I would almost 99.999 percent predict and assume the drone is empty of any technology and was sent there for the sole purpose of initiating attacks on Iran. If obama can get his 'MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in lead positions in Iran, he has a muslim  monopoly on the Middle East and Korea will be next.


    What I am sure of,  the attacks on our convoys from Pakistan were a gift to Pakistan for  ''you know who's'' raid on the  never existing Bin Laden compound. They know  Bin Laden died in 2001.

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