Are you sure there are two competing sides in the American battle for freedom and liberty? Or are those two sides in the battle pushing towards the same end?

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  • Conservatives are not any more smarter or any less smarter.  They just have a better relationship with GOD...

  • Its because their are more socialist out there with their hands out for the goodies and really dont want to earn or work for the hand out to make it into the middle class. Plus  our gov is not wanting people to work until the MB take control of the country other wise they loose it all... And if you are not a MB you will be taken out like they have done in Egypt today...

  •  The sad part is Republicans are taking us down this path to socialism, only they are doing it a little bit slower.

  • Well It looks like between Obama an his muslim friends we are going to be in combat trying to save our county before long. When israel get hit they are going to strike the US and we have to stand or become another arab country....

  • I dont believe the polls at all, they can be and are manipulated by the pollsters. Remember what happened in 2010, it can again happen in 2012. The conservatives are mad as hell but they dont stand on the corner and scream and yell like the lefties do. We must pray that the conservatives get out and vote as they did in 2010. We can take our country back but we must put all of our support behind whoever wins the primaries. We must vote in a conservative house and Senate, especially the Senate. We need to do our best to get rid of the incumbents and the rinos. The media all said Reagan didnt stand a chance but it was a landslide victory. We can do it again.  we must get obumer out and as many damocrats and rinos as we can. Pray that our country returns to its true roots our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and he will protect us!!!!!

    • The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY  is not going to protect us until we get off our butts and work for our country. Then HE will help us - just as he did Jericho!

  • We need the Third American Revolution.

  • I hope people take the time to actually read this article and then pass it around. JB is correct and this is what i have always corrected people on. The difference in any form of Democracy and a Republic have been twisted so that people no longer understand or know the differences. The key to all that we face is understanding the difference in a Republic which with our form of a Representative Republic just to the left of Anarchy and all other forms of Governance. Anarchy is akin to nothing more than just chaos run a muck with in the borders of any country/society. You can look at several instances of this in Africa now. There is lawlessness all around and it is a fend for yourself society. When you go to the other side of the Republic, no matter what form you look at, they all lead back to a Oligarchy of some sort eventually. When you take what some call our Democratic Republic, of which it is not, it will lead to a Democratic platform that rules by popular vote and not the Rule of Law. That Democratic Society will then lead to a few taking control which is where the Oligarchy takes hold. When you look at any of the forms of Government in the world today they all fall under that form of governance. Socialism, Communism, Fascism, a Monarchy or any other all fall under the umbrella of an Oligarchy at some point where a very few rule over all and take all.

    When our Founding Fathers gave us the Constitutional Republic, they knew that it would take the work of all the citizens to keep it and be involved in it for us to keep it. What has been at work here in America is the slow subversion of many people to look away from that so that small changes could be made until one day, the Republic is no more and America has its own Oligarchy under one name or another.

  • Twana, I've been in the marketing business some 50+ years.  If there's been one constant throughout my experience, it's been that people do not read.

    They either listen to their friends at church, at the bar, or at work... Seldom do any of them have an original thought in their head.

    The only reason places like this message board exist, is that folks like us are bored or can't sleep, or both.

    Steven Elliott is correct...  We need another Revolution...

    Molon Labe!

  • I have seen a picture passed around on Facebook. It had the donkey, elephant and snake on it. The donkey was progressive, the elephant progressive lite, and the snake free.

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