Don't know who many were following the trial in Oregon with the Patriots who peacefully protested at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, but 7 of them were in trials for the past month.  The jury had been in deliberation for about one week when they found out that one of the jurors was an ex-employee of the Bureau of Land Management, so two days ago, he was kicked out of deliberation and replaced.  It only took them about one full day and they came out with NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES.

Everyone was cheering on and so happy and still happy because even though the judge clearly was being paid to handle her court in an unlawful way, by swaying all the evidence towards the Federal Governments side, this defacto court did not win, the Federal Government lost big time.  However due to the fact that the government lost, when the time came for those who were stand trial in Nevada, Ammon Bundy's lawyer got up approached the bench and asked if the US Marshalls had any paperwork to take Ammon Bundy to Nevada.   The US Marshall all surrounded him and he asked them again, and they did not produce any paperwork and then they got so mad, they wrestled him to the ground and tasered him. At the same time many of the men who were given the verdict of NOT GUILTY were also escorted out of the courtroom by the US Marshall.   Ammon Bundy then witnessed the US Marshall taking David Fry behind closed doors (a man just proven NOT GUILTY) and severely beat him and cuffed him and took him away.   Ammon Bundy talked with Lisa his wife and she posted this incident on Facebook.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick of this corrupt government and all their minions who abuse and ignore our Constitution and any rights we have under it.   I am still praying for these men, for I fear that they will be treated much worse now that the ones were proven INNOCENT and still have to go to Nevada!  It is unreal what these Patriots have been through.   The government has nothing on them and the others still awaiting trials should be released!  They are all in for the same crimes (nothing).

They were even holding Ryan Bundy for some reason all day without water in a cell.   The government officials are pissed off because they did not win and they are taking it out on these men, who are now proven innocent!

Here are some links that will prove you with some of the information that I received last night.  A few of them on Facebook, which you might not be able to view unless you are on Facebook.

Shawana Cox Describes Courtroom Altercation After Not Guilty Verdict:

Marcus Mumford, Ammon Bundy's Attorney Describes Being Tased in Courtroom:

Not Guilty in Oregon Standoff Trial Mumford and Fry Assaulted by US Marshalls:

Sarah Redd Buck's Post on Facebook RE: David Fry:

THERE IS NO FREEDOM UNTIL JUSTICE IS SERVED...God had his hands in this NOT GUILTY verdict because of the corruption in the courthouse.  Only God turned this into a NOT GUILTY.


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