By Paul Skousen

At the close of the 111th Congress, America is deeply in the bog of Thomas Jefferson’s prophetic warning: “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” Unfortunately, the broken chains of the Constitution have failed to contain the federal government.

By way of review, let’s take a stroll through the junkyard of constitutional violations that have been painted fresh by President Obama and the 111th Congress. Here’s my top-ten list, highly abbreviated for length.

#10. — 9/11 Responders Relief Fund: We love and honor those who put themselves in harm’s way for our security. However, giving the 9/11 first responders money after the fact violates the Constitution. Article 1.8 gives Congress the right to expend funds for all the purposes itemized, provided it is done for the general welfare, NOT for individuals or preferred groups. The states may reward heroes if they so choose.

#9. — Checks and Balances Failure: The Chairmanship of the UN Security Council: Where was Congress when President Obama became the chairman of the powerful UN Security Council in 2009? The normal monthly rotation for that chair goes to the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. because Article 1.9 of the Constitution forbids the president (and all other office-holders) from accepting any present, foreign office or title from a foreign country or a foreign potentate unless it is specifically authorized by Congress. The Founders wanted to prevent deal-making, corruption, and foreign influence from affecting America’s internal affairs.

#8. — Net Neutrality: The government is trying to stop Internet providers from blocking or slowing some web traffic and prevent providers from showing favoritism. The FCC thinks it should be able to regulate the Internet like it regulates utility companies. This violates the property rights of Internet providers and interferes in the market’s free choice of which services receive funding. Article 1.8 makes it clear that the FCC is not constitutionally authorized to pass laws, especially those disguised as regulations.

#7. – Czars: The moniker for appointees who report to no one but the president has taken on a new and eerie resemblance to the dusty Russian tsars of old. Article 2.2 grants the president leeway to appoint managers, but those managers may not have any regulatory, legislative or law-making powers — such powers are reserved to the legislative branch. Today’s “czars” have the power of cabinet members without having to go through a vetting process or the confirmation process prescribed for cabinet members. Czars are unelected and untouchable political decision-makers — in violation of Article 1.1.

#6. — Cap and Trade: The Clean Energy and Security Act mandates greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, 42 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, and 84 percent below 2005 levels by 2050. By 2020, this tax will extract an estimated $160 billion from the economy, or an average $1,870 per family. Once again, had the chains of Article 1.8 not been broken, America would be spared such tomfoolery. Cap and trade masked in any disguise whatsoever cannot be justified as a general welfare activity.

#5. — Cash for Clunkers: The government offered $4,500 rebates to people turning in their clunkers for more fuel-efficient vehicles. When the first program quickly ran out of the $4 billion allotted to it, another $2 billion was added. Follow-up analysis showed the program did nothing to stimulate the economy and put many people into additional debt by encouraging them to purchase cars that they otherwise would not have bought during these hard economic times. The government has zero authority to selectively give individuals tax money for purchases of vehicles, according to Articles 1.2 and 1.8 — and common sense.

— TARP Funding: The original 2008 act authorized $700 billion to bail out banks and other institutions. The government has no business rescuing private financial institutions from bad judgment and risky ventures. Article 1.8 excludes permission for Congress to grant financial aid or loans to private companies. Any use of Treasury funds must go toward the general welfare, not to specific groups.

#3. — Illegal Immigration: Arizona is being invaded. When that state passed SB 1070 to stem the flow of violent illegals into its sovereign territory, a derelict federal government turned around and sued. At issue was the Feds’ failure to control the border, so Arizona took it upon itself to do just that — to uphold existing federal immigration laws. It didn’t add new laws; it simply gave local authorities the power to enforce federal responsibilities. The federal government claims the right to manage immigration, but when it refuses to carry out that obligation, thereby jeopardizing the security of border states, it is derelict in its duties. Arizona should haul the federal government before the Supreme Court for malfeasance. Article 4.4 clearly states that the U.S. shall protect states from invasion — more than 400,000 illegal aliens (est.) in Arizona is, by definition, an invasion.

#2. — Economic Stimulus Bill: The $814 billion stimulus is the most backward-thinking proposition to come along since human sacrifice. Dumping borrowed money into an over-fed, bloated and out-of-control ogre doesn’t solve anything, it simply temporarily props up with blocks of melting ice cream a failed and failing government of extravagance. Not only does it illegally take money out of the economy that could be used to provide jobs, but it’s using borrowed money — with interest due.

And the worst violation of the Constitution over the past two years is …

#1. — Health Care Reform: Health care reform was the last lever needed to lift the lid off the pot of American gold and empty it out for socialism. It required all Americans to have health insurance whether they wanted it or not. Earlier this month, Federal Judge Henry E. Hudson said that the government has no power “to compel an individual to involuntarily enter the stream of commerce by purchasing a commodity in the private market.”

The string of constitutional violations supporting the judge’s rejection is long and shocking:

For purposes of regulation, Congress invoked Article 1.8 and claimed insurance may be controlled because it falls under Congress’ power to regulate interstate commerce. But insurance is not interstate commerce — you can’t buy insurance across state lines.

Language in the bill says the health care law may NOT be changed or amended by anyone once signed into law. This violates the role of Congress. Article 1.1 makes it clear that only Congress is authorized to make law, meaning it has every right to alter, amend and change the health care law. To restrict Congress is to change its constitutional duty. The 111th Congress must think it can change the Constitution without amending it — a violation of Article 5, which outlines the amendment process.

The health care bill also violates the 10th Amendment because it coerces states into complying with a new national program that reaches far into state jurisdiction.

So, what do you do when you’re navigating through a blizzard of political white-out where visibility is reduced to zero, the road is slick and slippery, and disaster is strewn about in all directions? You come to a complete stop — and put on the chains.

Paul B. Skousen is a former analyst for the CIA, an intelligence officer in the Reagan White House, and staffer for Senator Orrin Hatch. He has interviewed on Fox News and was featured by Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story about smuggling Oliver North’s shredded secrets from the White House. He is a journalist and published author, and the son of W. Cleon Skousen, author of The Five Thousand Year Leap. He is a national Constitution Coach and senior editor with PowerThink Publishing, LLC. Website: Email:

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  • I agree with all of the list. And I have researched #10 for the last 3 weeks. From What I can gather. All of those lobbying were Union bosses. And All of the cases stemming from 9-11-01 Were settled in 2004. And the Ginormous money given then,is un accounted for.They can't even begin to say where the first train load of money went to.And ignored inquiries that asked where the money went. They got 12 billion this time? One day I seen the main union idiot on fox saying he had respiratory problems and was wearing oxygen hoses,and the next day, I seen a union rally video on you tube,and the guy looked pretty healthy and nimble to me. The whole thing is a scheme. I guess that was union payback everyone is talking about.  Those guys have insurance and work-mans comp. No one seemed to catch on. One of the Police Union heads was claiming respiratory problems,and showed his pill collection,and I noticed they were all high blood pressure meds and diabetes meds. Id like to know how they got diabetes form ground zero. There was only a small service closet that contained old asbestos insulationing in the twin towers,so,they cant claim mysterious cancers. So the union bums collected how many billion last week? What a bunch of crap! That's aprox 30 years of salary/jobs for over 1000 ppl.
    • In July of 1973, in the course of my duties as a volunteer with an ambulance service in a rural CO county, I received a very serious dose of pesticide poisoning which did, in fact, impair my ability to perform my duties at my regular job, and was covered under the city's workman's comp for that injury/loss of work AS a VOLUNTEER; how much MORE so would the NYC's professional first responders be covered under the city workman's comp?  This is an absurd scam, almost certainly perpetrated by the union bosses; the same ones trying to FORCE unionization on ALL first responders nationwide, despite the fact that in most rural areas they ARE volunteers because the cities and towns can't afford paid services, and if that goes through, most of those areas where the unions wouldn't ALLOW volunteerism, they've already said, would then be left without first responders at all.  Tell me this isn't just simply pure greed at work...
    • One thing you need to take a look at is that some Unions claim a very large population and voter strength that they can use to pursuade Government to recognize them.


      When in fact, some that claim to have 120,000 voters only have about 25,000 voters.  The voters being the active ones that pay their dues to be a member of the union.


      So, when you look at a union, be sure you look at the voting strength and not the total membership which mostly are lame ducks.


      When the politicians recognize this, they may turn and run from their low voter level groups.


      Give it a try.

      • Billy

        This is part of the reason that I left the IBEW( International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) They have lied more often than not and they continue to lie to this day.

      • Remember, that many of the Union members will not get the job in the union shop, unless they join. And there will be quite large number of members which would not vote at the election as is "recommended" by the union.
        • Absolutely jerry,


          If you are supporting a candidate for electin and the Unions are supporting the opposition, challenge them to tell you how many paid up dues carrying card members there are.  Ride the donkey with them.

  • OK, what can be done about this?
  • And now S510 the Food bill
    • If you trace Napatanio at Homeland Security (84 Million mexicans can fly into our airports and KEOS through), putting TSA out to frisk and grope old ladies and children but not Muslims and Mexicans, failure to secure our borders but goes to AFGANASTAN (today) to congratulate them on securing theirs, and putting TSA in Shopping malls and ports for security,  you will find one set of intentional undermining events that destroy our government.


      Then check the Money flow of the Giants:  Manulife Insurance out of Canada who fathers John Hancock out of the US, deals with 19 to 22 foreign Asian Rim countries (including mid east), Agriculture which is greatly (very greatly) owned and operated by John Hanconck, Timber (John Hancock again); Babcock and Brown with infastructure (your gase lines and power lines), A new cover Company called SteelRiver; ICS Logistics who deal with aclimitized cargo, ships, warehoused, Coastal Marine who is not part of ICS who deals with loading and unloading inbound/outbound Military Weaponry (and manages aclimitized container ships) you find that the TSA in Port Security merges with the ICS group at a Customs level and you begin to wonder how easy it would be to get 15 to 25 thousand enemy troups into our port cities (almost without detection since the International Longshoremen are no longer managing the tie-up at doc, off load and on-load of cargo and so on - their elected officials did screw them i believe).


      Now trace the money bandits involved.  Up pops Author Daniels Midland who stole 70 Billion form tax payers two decades ago and who is also heavy into Agriculture, Brazilian Oil, who the money changers for all the above shell companies including John Hancock and Manulife, and you find the same group including reference to CATO Institute and SOROS.


      So we now have a wide open Border with mexico and we have a wide open security breach in our Ports.


      Obummer wanted to shut down Gulf Coast Oil drilling so he could turn it over to the Brazillian Oil who is owned by 7 major money changers.


      Now, I challenge you PATROTS to go out and do some indepth thinking and on-line research.  You will be shocked all to hell with what you find.


      Then re-ask the question what about S510.  If you give the food chain to your best buddy and supporter, you can very easily controll all the little peons of the world, especially when they get hungry and have to come to your PLANTATION Food Line for a coup of soup.

      The more I describe what I find, the more pissed I get.  By for now.


  • Sorry to disappoint you, But you did not state that the illegal person setting in the chair of the President was the number one violation of the 111th Congress.  It is the responsibility of the Congress to investigate and start the ball rolling for impeachment.  It is the Senate's responsibility to try.  I would say this is the biggest violation every by Congress.


    Congress even asked CSR to exhonorate them from their responsibility with a white paper, "Qualifications for the Office of the President of the United States and Legal Challenges to the Eligibility of a Candidate."  The paper is total bull shit and that was ask for by Congress 111.  Nothing but a political white wash.  What did that achieve?  It lets, so they think, the 111th off the hood.  And, that is bull crap also.  Same person MASKELL wrote them a paper on Expulsion and Censure Actions back in November 12, 2008.  Was this when the Congress realized Private Citizen Nancy Pelosi screw the United States with the conspiracy nomination papers.  I would consider this act a "grave disloyalty to the United States and our Constitution", and, it spills over to an abuse of one's official position, hers being the Speaker of the House with a bitch attitude.


    My only question is, "Where the hell are the Congressmen with any balls", are there any left.  Do we need to clean house completely?  Everything done after the Inaugration has been a crime.  Do hope you understand that.


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